Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016

S.R. No. 133/2016

table of provisions



Part 1—Preliminary


2Authorising provision




Part 2—Authorised persons

6Authorised persons

7Identification of authorised persons

8Offence to interfere with authorised person

Part 3—Access to certain areas

9Entry to and exit from declared area and designated access area

10Re-entry after direction to leave or expulsion

11Grand prix circuit

12Vehicles in declared area or designated access area

13Opening and closing times

14Reserved areas and reserved seats

15Removal of glass object from reserved area

16Prohibition of certain activities in fenced and cordoned off areas

Part 4—Conduct in declared area ordesignated access area


18Possession of prohibited item

19Damaging or defacing infrastructure, buildings, vehicles, equipment etc.

20Blocking stairs, exits or entrances

21Throwing or kicking projectiles

22Obstructing view of seated person

23Disrupting or interrupting event

24Hindering, obstructing or interfering with drivers

25Adversely affecting public safety

26Recording or transmitting event

27Interference with electronic or radio communications prohibited

28Conducting surveys or soliciting money

29Displaying signs or banners


31Erecting structures

32Albert Park Lake

33Damaging trees

34Disturbing or interfering with fauna

35Climbing on trees or structures

36No smoking areas


38Causing unreasonable disruption

Part 5—Advertising and sale of goods

39Prohibition of advertisements

40Sale of goods or services

Part 6—Enforcement

41Surrender of items


43Direction to leave if failure to produce ticket or surrender item

44Direction to leave if offence believed to have been committed

45Police may use reasonable force

46Additional powers of authorised persons and police

Part 7—Regulation of activities duringspecified period

47Safe and orderly conduct of works

48Regulation of entry during specified period

49Re-entry after direction to leave or expulsion during specified period

Part 8—General

50Prescribed fee

51Items not to be brought in




Part 8—General

Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016

S.R. No. 133/2016

statutory rules 2016

S.R. No. 133/2016


Part 8—General

Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016

S.R. No. 133/2016

Australian Grands Prix Act 1994


Part 8—General

Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016

S.R. No. 133/2016

Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016


Part 8—General

Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations2016

S.R. No. 133/2016

The Governor in Council makes the following Regulations:

Dated: 18 October 2016

Responsible Minister:


Acting Minister for Tourism and Major Events


Clerk of the Executive Council

Part 1—Preliminary


The objectives of these Regulations are—

(a)to regulate the conduct of persons in the declared area and designated access areas during the race period for the Australian Formula One Grand Prix; and

(b)to facilitate and ensure an appropriate degree of safety of persons in the declared area and designated access areas during works for the Australian Formula One Grand Prix; and

(c)to facilitate operational arrangements for the Australian Formula One Grand Prix; and

(d)to provide for other matters required to be prescribed under the Australian Grands Prix Act 1994.

2Authorising provision

These Regulations are made under section 51 of the Australian Grands Prix Act 1994.


These Regulations come into operation on 23October 2016.


The Australian Grands Prix (Formula One) Regulations 2006[1] are revoked.


In these Regulations—

acceptable no smoking signhas the same meaning as in section 3 of the Tobacco Act1987;

authorised person means a person appointed under regulation 6 to be an authorised person for the purposes of these Regulations;

dangerous goodshas the same meaning as in section 3(1) of the Dangerous Goods Act1985;

designated entrancemeans—

(a)a gate or turnstile; or

(b)any other entrance structure established by the Corporation;

designated exitmeans—

(a)a gate or turnstile; or

(b)any other exit structure established by the Corporation;

distress signalmeans a pyrotechnic device intended for signalling, warning, rescue or similar purposes, and includes marine flares and signals, landing flares, highway fusees, line-carrying rockets, anti-hail rockets, cloud rockets, avalanche rockets and smoke generators;

glass object means a glass bottle or container;

grand prix circuit means the temporary race track established by the Corporation at Albert Park;

laser pointermeans a hand-held battery-operated article designed or adapted to emit laser beams;

liquorhas the same meaning as in the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998;

permitted entrant means—

(a)the holder of a valid ticket issued byoron behalf of the Corporation thatentitles the holder to be within specific areas of the declared area oradesignated access area; or

(b)a person who is admitted to the declared area or a designated access area by the Corporation or by an agent of the Corporation on payment of an admission fee; or

(c)any other person who is, under a general or specific authorisation granted by the Corporation, entitled to be in the declared area or a designated access area;

prohibited item means—

(a)aglass object; or

(b)abeverage container with the manufacturer's seal broken; or

(c)adrinks cooler or ice box, other than one predominantly constructed of polystyrene; or

(d)achair, lounge, bench or stool, other than a folding chair or folding stool; or

(e)ananimal, other than—

(i)ifa person has a disability, an assistance dog used by that person or to assist that person; or

(ii)a police dog or a police horse; or

(f)aflag or banner larger than one metre by one metre or with a handle longer than onemetre; or

(g)a laser pointer; or

(h)a distress signal; or

(i)a whistle or loud hailer; or

(j)a dangerous article within the meaning of the Control of Weapons Act 1990, the possession of which would constitute an offence under that Act; or

(k)a prohibited weapon within the meaning of the Control of Weapons Act 1990,the possession of which would constitute an offence under that Act; or

(l)acontrolled weapon within the meaning of the Control of Weapons Act 1990,the possession of which would constitute an offence under that Act; or

(m)anydangerous goods; or

(n)a firearm within the meaning of the Firearms Act 1996, the possession of which would constitute an offence under that Act; or

(o)a bicycle, skateboard, roller skates, roller blades, scooter or segway; or

(p)a firework; or

(q)a horn or bugle; or

(r)a drone or aerial surveillance device; or

(s)a public address system, electronic equipment, broadcast equipment or similar device which may interfere withbroadcast equipment or similar devices being used by the Corporation or a person to whom the Corporation has given its consent under section 35 of the Act; or

(t) any item in such a quantity that a reasonable person could infer that the item is to be used for commercial purposes; or

(u) any item the possession of which does not have an ordinary and reasonable use by a person within the declared area or a designated access area during the race period and which may be used in the commission of an offence against regulation 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30 or 31;


A spray can or a hammer.

reserved area means an area within the declared area or a designated access area set aside by the Corporation under regulation 14 to which access is limited to persons holding certain types of tickets or to which access is otherwise restricted;

reserved seatmeans a seat within the declared area or a designated access area set aside by the Corporation under regulation 14 to which access is limited to persons holding certain types of tickets or to which access is otherwise restricted;

specified period means—

(a)in relation to the declared area, the period beginning 12 weeks before the race period and ending 4 weeks after the race period; and

(b)in relation to a designated access area, the period specified in any declaration under section 32A(1)(a) or (b) of theAct during which the area to which the declaration applies is a designated access area;

the Act means the Australian Grands Prix Act1994;

ticket includes a pass, credential or other similar document;

vehicle has the same meaning as in section3(1) of the Road Safety Act 1986;

vesselhas the same meaning as in section 3(1) of the Marine Safety Act 2010;

works area means an area in the declared area or in a designated access area—

(a)which is marked off by the Corporation by the use of fencing, barriers or other permanent or temporary means of physical demarcation; and

(b)in which works, services or any other activities undertaken by or on behalf of the Corporation have commenced but have not been finally completed.

Part 2—Authorised persons

6Authorised persons

The Corporation may appoint a person to be an authorised person for the purposes of these Regulations if the person—

(a)holds under the Private Security Act2004—

(i)a private security business licence authorising that person to carry on the business of providing the services of other persons to act as a security guard or a crowd controller; or

(ii)a private security individual operator licence authorising that person to act as a security guard or a crowd controller; or

(b)is a person who the Corporation believes hasthe appropriate skills, knowledge or experience to be appointed as an authorised person.

7Identification of authorised persons

(1)The Corporation must ensure that an authorised person is clearly identified as an authorised person.

(2)An authorised person must produce the person's identification for inspection at any time during the exercise of a power under these Regulations, if asked to do so by any person.

(3)If an authorised person proposes to perform thefunctions or exercise the powers of an authorised person and fails to produce on demand the person's identification, that person is not authorised to perform those functions or exercise those powers in relation to the person making the demand.

8Offence to interfere with authorised person

A person must notinterfere with, obstruct or hinder or attempt to interfere with, obstruct or hinder an authorised person in the performance or exercise of the authorised person's functions, duties or powers under these Regulations.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

Part 3—Access to certain areas

9Entry to and exit from declared area and designated access area

(1)A person who is not a permitted entrant must not enter or attempt to enter the declared area or a designated access area during the race period.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

(2)A person must not enter or attempt to enter the declared area or a designated access area during the race period except through a designated entrance.

Penalty:10 penalty units.

(3)A person must not leave or attempt to leave the declared area or a designated access area during the race period except through a designated exit.

Penalty:10 penalty units.

10Re-entry after direction to leave or expulsion

On any day during the race period, a person who has been directed to leave, or has been expelled from, the declared area or a designated access area by an authorised person or a police officer must not re-enter or attempt to re-enter the declared area or a designated access area for a period of 24hours without the written authorisation of the Corporation.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

11Grand prix circuit

At any time during the race period, a person must not be,or attempt to be, on the grand prix circuitunless authorised by the Corporation to be on the grand prix circuit.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

12Vehicles in declared area or designated access area

A person must notbring or attempt to bring a vehicleinto the declared area or a designated access area during the race period unless authorised by the Corporation to bring that vehicleinto the area.

Penalty:10 penalty units.

13Opening and closing times

(1)The Corporation must fix an opening time and a closing time for each day of the race period.

(2)The Corporation must give notice of opening and closing times fixed under subregulation (1) by—

(a)publishing a notice on the Corporation's website; and

(b)publishing a notice in a newspaper circulating generally in the State; and

(c)erecting signs or notices at each designated entrance stating the opening and closing times.

(3)A person must notenter or attempt to enter or remain in the declared area or a designated access area before the opening time or after the closing time fixed under subregulation (1) unless authorised by the Corporation to enter or remain in the area.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

14Reserved areas and reserved seats

(1)The Corporation for the duration of the race period may set aside certain areas within the declared area or a designated access area as reserved areas.

(2)The Corporation may issue tickets that entitle a person to enter and remain in a reserved area.

(3)The Corporation may set aside certain seats withinthe declared area or a designated access area as reserved seats.

(4)The Corporation may issue tickets that entitle a person to occupy a reserved seat.

(5) A person who does not hold a ticket conferring an entitlement to enter a reserved area must not enter or attempt to enter or remain in that reserved area unless authorised by the Corporation to enter or remain in the area.

Penalty:5 penalty units.

(6) A person who does not hold a ticket conferring anentitlement to occupy a particular reserved seatmust notoccupy that reserved seat unless otherwise authorised to do so by the Corporation.

Penalty:5 penalty units.

(7) An authorised person or a police officer may request that a person entering or remaining in a reserved area produce a ticket entitling the person to enter and remain in the reserved area.

(8)An authorised person or a police officer may request that a person occupying a reserved seat produce a ticket entitling the person to occupy the reserved seat.

15Removal of glass object from reserved area

(1)A person must notremove from a reserved area any glass object that the person has obtained in that area unless authorised to do so by the Corporation.

Penalty:5 penalty units.

(2)An authorised person or a police officer may direct a person who has removed a glass object from a reserved area in contravention of subregulation (1) to return the glass object to thatarea if the person holds a ticket conferring anentitlement to enter that area.

(3)An authorised person or a police officer may direct a person who has removed a glass object from a reserved area in contravention of subregulation (1) to surrender the glass object ifthe person does not hold a ticket conferring an entitlement to enter that area.

(4) If directed to return a glass object under subregulation (2), a person must, as soon as practicable, return the glass object to the reservedarea where it was obtained.

Penalty:5 penalty units.

(5) If directed to surrender a glass object under subregulation (3), a person must immediately surrender the glass object to the authorised personor police officer.

Penalty:5 penalty units.

16Prohibition of certain activities in fenced and cordoned off areas

(1)A person must notenter,attempt to enter, or remain inan area that is fenced or cordoned off inaccordance with section 32 of the Act, without the authorisation of the Corporation.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

(2)A person must not intentionally interfere with orhinder any activity directly or indirectly undertaken by or on behalf of the Corporation within an area fenced or cordoned off in accordance with section 32 of the Act.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

(3)A person must not attempt to interfere with or attempt to hinder any activity directly or indirectly undertaken by or on behalf of the Corporation within an area fenced or cordoned off in accordance with section 32 of the Act.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

(4)A person must not cause any other person to interfere with or hinder any activity directly or indirectly undertaken by or on behalf of the Corporation within an area fenced or cordoned offin accordance with section 32 of the Act.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

Part 4—Conduct in declared area ordesignated access area


(1)Subject to subregulation (3), during the race period, a person in the declared area or a designated access area must not have in the person's possession any liquor that has not been purchased in the declared area or the designated access area in accordance with the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

(2)Subject to subregulation (3), during the race period, an authorised person or a police officer who believes on reasonable grounds that a person is taking out, or attempting to take out, of the declared area or a designated access area liquor inan unsealed container, may direct the person to dispose of the contents of the unsealed container of liquor.

(3)Subregulations (1) and (2) do not apply to—

(a)a person who is acting under an authorisation granted by the Corporation; or

(b)a servant or agent of a person referred to in paragraph (a) acting in the course of the duties of the servant or agent.

18Possession of prohibited item

During the race period a person must not have in the person's possession a prohibited item in the declared area or a designated access areawithout the authorisation of the Corporation.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

19Damaging or defacing infrastructure, buildings, vehicles, equipment etc.

During the race period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must not, without the authorisation of the Corporation—

(a)misuse, deface, damage or tamper with any infrastructure, building, seat, chair, table, structure, vehicle, vessel, truck, pipe, tap, tap-fitting, conduit, electrical equipment, wiring or sign; or

(b)attempt to misuse, deface, damage or tamper with any infrastructure, building, seat, chair, table, structure, vehicle, vessel, truck, pipe, tap, tap-fitting, conduit, electrical equipment, wiring or sign.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

20Blocking stairs, exits or entrances

During therace period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must not, without reasonable excuse, block any stairs, steps, aisle, gangway, overpass, underpass, pontoon, bridge, passage, entrance, exit or other thoroughfare unless authorised to do so by the Corporation.

Penalty:10 penalty units.

21Throwing or kicking projectiles

During the race period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must notthrow or kick or attempt to throw or kick any stone, bottle or other projectile.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

22Obstructing view of seated person

During the race period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must not, without reasonable excuse, stand in a place or in a particular mannerthat deliberately obstructs the view of any other person seated in a seat in the immediate vicinity.

Penalty:10 penalty units.

23Disrupting or interrupting event

During the race period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must not—

(a)disrupt or interrupt or behavein any manner that may disrupt or interrupt any race, event or activity comprising a Formula One event; or

(b)attempt to disrupt or interrupt any race, event or activity comprising a Formula One event.

Penalty:20 penalty units.

24Hindering, obstructing or interfering with drivers

During the race period and within the declared area or a designated access area, a person must not—

(a)act in such a way as to hinder, obstruct or interfere with the driver of any vehicle or vessel taking part in a Formula One event; or

(b)attempt to hinder, obstruct or interfere with the driver of any vehicle or vessel taking part in a Formula One event.