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Change of Standard Setting Body (SSB) responsibility and republication of unit standards, qualifications and CMR’s developed by Apparel and Textile Industry Training Organisation, Carpets Advisory Group, Leather Garments Advisory Group, Wool Scouring Advisory Group and Woollen Spinning Advisory Group to Plastics and Materials Processing Industry Training Organisation Incorporated

Title / Ref
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Mechanic) (Level 4) / 0075
National Certificate in Wool Scouring (Advanced Operations) (Level 4) / 0076
National Certificate in Leather Garment Manufacture (Level 3) with specialist strands in Material Selection and Cutting, Sewing and Garment Assembly, and Garment Finishing and Inspection / 0147
National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Fibre Blending) (Level 4) with strands in Woollen Processing, and Semi-Worsted and Worsted Processing / 0151
National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Weaving) (Level 5) / 0152
National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Woollen Yarn Processing) (Level 5) / 0153
National Certificate in Leather Garment Manufacture / 0154
National Certificate in Industrial Machine Knitting (Warp Preparation - Warp Knitting) (Level 2) / 0156
National Certificate in Textile Dyeing and Finishing (Dyeing Technology)
(Level 4) with strands in Shade Assessment and Measurement, and Chemical Preparation / 0181
National Diploma in Textile Dyeing and Finishing (Advanced Dyeing Technology) (Level 5) / 0182
National Certificate in Textile Dyeing and Finishing (Operations) (Level 2) with strands in Dyeing, Finishing, and Printing / 0186
National Certificate in Footwear (Level 2) / 0224
National Certificate in Footwear (Level 3) with strands in Clicking, Closing, Bottom Stock, and Making and Lasting / 0225
National Certificate in Footwear (Level 4) with strands in Pattern Cutting, Clicking, Closing, Bottom Stock, and Making and Lasting / 0226
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Advanced Carpet Tufting) (Level 4) / 0278
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet Tufter Tuning) (Level 5) with an optional strand in Tuning of Multi-height and Enhanced Graphics Tufters / 0280
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Carpet Weaving) (Level 3) with strands in Wilton Weaving, Spool Axminster Weaving, and Gripper Axminster Weaving / 0282
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Finishing) (Level 4) / 0283
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Inspection and Grading) (Level 4) / 0284
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet Finishing and Inspection) (Level 3) / 0285
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet Loom Tuning) (Level 4) / 0286
National Certificate in Textile Dyeing and Finishing (Advanced Operations) (Level 3) / 0288
National Certificate in Drycleaning (Garment Finishing) / 0576
National Certificate in Drycleaning (Processing and Stain Removal) / 0577
National Certificate in Drycleaning (Production Assistant) / 0578
National Certificate in Laundry (Finishing and Packing) / 0579
National Certificate in Laundry (Washroom Procedures) / 0580
National Certificate in Wool Scouring (Operations) (Level 2) / 0637
National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Technology) (Level 4) / 0638
National Certificate in Wool Scouring (Early Stage Wool Processing) (Level 4) / 0639
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Cutting) (Level 2) / 0821
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Cutting) (Level 3) / 0822
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Sewing) (Level 3) / 0823
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Basic Garment Assembly) (Level 3) / 0824
National Certificate in Industrial Machine Knitting (Operation) (Level 2) / 0838
National Certificate in Industrial Machine Knitting (Knitted Goods Production) (Level 3) / 0839
National Certificate in Industrial Machine Knitting (Service and Repair) (Level 3) / 0840
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Embroidery) (Level 2) / 0841
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Mechanic) (Level 3) / 0925
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Design and Patternmaking)
(Level 3) / 0926
National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Operations) (Level 2) / 1121
National Certificate in Textiles Manufacture (Advanced Operations) (Level 3) with strands in Textile Processing, and Textile Testing / 1122
National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Level 5) / 1142
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Elementary Sewing Skills) (Level 2) / 1161
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Commercial Sewing Skills)
(Level 3) / 1162
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Operations) (Level 2) / 1277
National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Advanced Operations) (Level 3) / 1278
National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Level 4) / 1506
National Diploma in Industrial Machine Knitting (Level 5) / 1552
National Diploma in Textiles Manufacture (Carding Technician) (Level 5) / 1739

Manufacturing > Clothing Manufacture

Domain / Standard IDs
Apparel Cutting and Sewing / 1540, 2623, 2625, 2626, 2628, 2739, 27412744, 27462748, 27502753, 2834, 28462848, 4838, 4839, 5295, 5298, 53015309, 1781717822, 2034220347, 23398, 23399, 23843, 25236, 25237, 25240
Apparel Design and Patternmaking / 28262833, 2835, 28372841, 2843, 2844, 13387, 13388, 22302, 25238, 25239
Apparel Production Planning / 4837, 5310, 5312, 5313, 25241
Apparel Work Study / 52895293
Embroidery / 1812318126
Leather Garment Manufacture / 26092622, 2624, 2627
Maintain Sewing Machinery / 28492863

Manufacturing > Footwear and Leather Trades

Domain / Standard IDs
Ancillary Footwear Trades and Machine Maintenance / 1016810171
Footwear / 33363352
Leather - Bottom Stock, Making and Lasting / 50245058, 81168120
Leather - Cutting and Closing / 33593379, 81088113, 81218124
Leather - Design and Pattern Cutting / 33533358, 8114, 8115

Manufacturing > Industrial Machine Knitting

Domain / Standard IDs
Knitting Industry Quality Assurance / 48564858, 4860
Knitting Industry Technology / 4843, 5011
Knitting Machine Operation / 4719, 16122, 16123
Knitting Machine Servicing and Maintenance / 4494, 4495, 4720, 4721, 2616426168
Knitting Machine Technical Servicing / 4793, 4794
Warp Preparation - Warp Knitting / 4715, 4717, 4718

Manufacturing > Manufacturing Skills

Domain / Standard IDs
Apparel and Textile Manufacturing - Workplace Skills / 17914, 17915

Manufacturing > Textiles Manufacture

Domain / Standard IDs
Carpet Manufacture / 71857193, 71957225, 7239, 8957, 8958, 16618, 19778, 22437, 22438, 2602626030, 26306
Core Yarn Processing / 41764199, 5470, 58765878, 16619, 19841, 19855, 19856, 2243222436, 22439, 22440, 2355923561, 25347, 2600026002, 26005, 26006
Fabric Finishing / 29092911, 29132915, 29172924
Non-Woven Textile Processing / 2163421636, 2216722173
Textile Dyeing and Finishing / 2912, 53755427
Top Making, Semi-Worsted and Worsted Processing / 31293136, 31383145, 19853, 22166, 26008, 26356
Weaving / 28972908, 89538956
Woollen Yarn Processing / 41624164, 41664175, 19842, 26003, 26004, 26007
Wool Scouring / 24442455

Service Sector > Cleaning and Caretaking

Domain / Standard IDs
Drycleaning / 34393441, 34433445, 1519715205, 2070920711
Laundry / 34473457, 3459, 3460
Laundry and Drycleaning / 3442, 3446, 3458

Date versions republishedSeptember 2012


Pursuant to section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992, responsibility for above qualifications and standards was transferred from Apparel and Textiles Industry Training Organisation (ATITO) to Plastics and Materials Processing Industry Training Organisation (PaMPITO) following the merger on 4 May 2012. Therefore documents have been republished to show the Plastics and Materials Processing Industry Training Organisation (PaMPITO) as the SSB.

Please note: no other changes have been made.

Impact on Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs)

References to Apparel and Textiles Industry Training Organisation (ATITO) in CMR/AMAP Ref: 0030 has been updated to Plastics and Materials Processing Industry Training Organisation (PaMPITO)

Printed 09/11/2018