621 Linwood Avenue, SW
Tumwater, WA 98512
- Integrated yearbook publishing software for Adobe InDesign CC to be provided by company. Publishing software provided by the company must include the following features:
- A community photo upload site where parents, students, and staff can upload photos for use in the yearbook without having access to the school’s actual yearbook site
- Yearbook toolbar must dock into the InDesign toolbar
- Publishing software must have the ability to edit formatted portrait CDs and flow portrait pages on school computers; yearbook company must off alternative of portrait flowing at the production facility with color proofs of pages
- Yearbook company must provide a font card or poster showing all available fonts
- Yearbook company must provide a design contest for students to compete with InDesign layouts created with the publishing software
- Creates a thumbnail directory of digital photos from any folder, has a single click blank template pre-formatted with the school name, and job number and trim size in the proper location
- Fixes red-eye on the file at no charge and not at the plant
- Allows mixing single page design on the L & R w/in one dialogue box (not cutting and pasting)
- A plug-in that creates multi-colored pie charts
- A plug-in that allows the yearbook staff to put non-printing post-it notes on pages
- Pre-designed layouts automatically installed with software installation with a button available for selecting layouts
- A plug-in for selecting pre-designed modules that install with the software
- A plug-in that offers built-in idiom and thesaurus dictionaries
- Provides flipping of any layout and text electronically in one click
- Contains digital picture placing feature that checks the resolution of images for quality, places and replaces photos, crops and resizes photos, and displays selection of layout design elements within on window
- Picture placing feature must browse through the whole folder of images
- The photo placing feature must place photos larger than they need to bein order to allow some re-cropping on the actual page after pictures have been placed
- Create portrait pages for you
- Offers background art previews on screen
- Offers text wrapping in one click from the toolbar
- Offers spell check in one click from the toolbar
- An indexing feature for InDesign that offers name recognition on pages and has the ability to automatically build the index for the school w/o putting page into an InDesign book.
- A coverage report listing all students who have been placed in the yearbook, and the flexibility to list those not yet pictured
- Gather file and links with one click of a button
- Creates PDFs with the click of a button
- Creates ZIP files with the click of a button
- Virtual book with easily created guest passwords so guest editors or Administration can view pages and proofs within 7 days of receipt at the plant
______Some of these feature are not available
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- Online creation (web based) tool production option must work without the installation of company software. Web base creation is done on the internet via a secure website.
______This feature is not available
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- Students must be able to access all yearbook information at home from the same web tool used at school; adviser’s access must track student usage from unique logins to assist with grading
- Adviser and student logins on web tool must show multiple year data, including page ladders from previous years
- Web tool must have the ability to create drop shadows on photographs
- Web tool must have the ability to create a DVD supplemental yearbook with one click
- Yearbook company must provide a design contest for students to compete with layouts created with the online create method
- A community photo site where parents and students can upload photos for use in the yearbook without having access to the school’s actual yearbook site
- Templates must be viewed from same page where the pages are being designed
- Must save all previously saved versions of the pages including saving from one year to the next; all double page spreads must have the ability to be saved as a template for use on any page
- Must have the ability to place column guides, ruler guides and complete page grid for easy element placement
- Must have the ability to copy, paste, cut, undo multiple moves, redo multiple moves, spell check, find/change text, lock elements, send to back and bring to front
- Must allow for typing directly on the page without a time delay
- Image library must have the ability to create a PDF of a category of photos
- Must have the ability to easily crop, resize, flip, and rotate images directly on the yearbook page while checking for and protecting sufficient print resolution
- Must have indexing capabilities
- Must be able to highlight all incomplete elements on a spread
- Must be able to share design ideas and template with other schools from around the country
- Must have the ability to click on a photo on a page and go to the image directly in the image library to retrieve additional information about that photo
- Must denote if pictures have been used already in the book, how many times, and on what page
- Must have a live portrait flowing feature that can flow into template or student created layouts. The editability of the pages must be maintained
- Must have virtual book with easily created guest passwords so guest editors or Administration can view. Staffers much be able to click on a virtual book page and be launched into the Edit mode for that page
- Must have coverage reporting, noting how many times each students has appeared in the book
- Must have show data about each photo such as resolution and maximum print size
- Must have the ability to switch page from color to black and white without having to rework pages or photos
- Must have the ability to spell check names
- Must have a Note-It feature which allows student and advisers to post non-printing virtual notes on yearbook pages
- Must have the ability to automatically place backgrounds and photos as backgrounds
- Must offer scanning service by publisher at no additional cost
- Image library must track which photos have been used already in the book
- Must have the ability to design custom endsheets online using the web tool at the same source as where the yearbook is created
- For both InDesign and Online Create methods: Indexing software included that automatically indexes pages and places the completed index on a page with the click of a button. Software also capable of listing students not included in the yearbook.
______This feature is not available
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- On-line production tracking information for all aspects of the yearbook including staff planning, electronic planning ladder, and interactive calendar
______This feature is not available
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- Book sales technology; school may choose comprehensive ordering system, allowing students to order via physical mail, telephone and Internet. Online yearbook sales must be available at no charge. This system to include a thorough income tracking mechanism with printout capability. The company must provide links to the ordering sites that may be used on the school’s website.
______This feature is not available
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- Service for creating a DVD supplement. Yearbook company must have the ability to create a DVD yearbook from photos turned in by the school. School must have multiple legal song choices to include as background music for the DVD.
______This feature is not available
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- Laser engraved books are to have a minimum of 29 characters per line, and have a choice of up to 50 personalization icons.
______This feature is not available
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- Yearbook company may have productions plants in multiple states nationwide to aid in production, should a natural disaster occur where our assigned production facility is located. Please list the location(s) of your production facilities:
Training and Motivation:
School Desires opportunity for the full-year yearbook students to be able to create their own mini yearbook about their year with their own photos and copy. This book must be created at the same source as our yearbook.
______This feature is not available
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School desires off and on-site training opportunities. Please note what workshop opportunities are available for school. At which of these do you instruct?
______This feature is not available
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School clock hour opportunities at training. Please note what workshop opportunities offer continuing education credit for adviser. At which of these do you instruct?
______This feature is not available
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Describe national contest opportunities created by your company which our students would have to showcase their work.
______This feature is not available
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Describe what yearbook delivery event packaged support your company creates.
______This feature is not available
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Describe your history of service and experience with instruction of students in the school environment, along with the software and web interfaces you use and are able to teach:
Please provide documentation for the monthly newsletter you provide:
______This feature is not available
______Documentation enclosed with response
Tumwater School District
Yearbook Technology Specifications 2017-18