Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

School name: WATTLEVIEW PRIMARY / Year: 2017
School number: 5012 / Based on strategic plan: 2015 - 2018
Principal ELAINE WILSON / Senior Education Improvement Leader JUSTIN BUTLER FEBRUARY 2017
School council CATHY STRICHOW

Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives

Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.

School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü
·  To improve the student achievement outcomes of all students F-6 across the curriculum with a particular focus on English and Mathematics.
·  To develop students as stimulated curious and confident 21st century learners
·  To strengthen student wellbeing built on agreed values and high expectations.
·  To further strengthen resource allocation processes that ensures ongoing viability and alignment with school goals and priorities.
. / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / √√ü√
Curriculum planning and assessment / ü
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride / ü
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities / ü
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
Our School Strategic Plan has a focus on Building Practice Excellence, Curriculum Planning and Assessment, Empowering Students and Building School Pride. This provides the basis for our 2017 Annual Implementation Plan which is the third year of our current S.S.P. Our focus on teacher practice continues to be a high priority as we want to ensure that all students, across the school have the opportunity to show high growth. In our first year of the current SSP our focus was on implementing a whole school approach to writing. Last year we embarked on a whole school approach to reading using the 6 Strategies outlined by Dianne Snowball. In 2017 we are introducing Jolly Phonics at Foundation and Sound Waves from Year 1 – Year 6. We are confident that a whole school approach in using a synthetic phonics program will have long term positive effects on the student’s capacity for learning.
We are going to have more individual accountability (through PRP’s) in terms of teacher pedagogy to ensure that all staff are accountable to the whole school practices and programs we are employing.
Our NAPLAN data for 2016 was down on what we were trying to achieve in all areas. Low relative growth in Reading was 29.6%, Writing 42.3%, Spelling 23.1%, Grammar and Punctuation 30.8%, Number 29.6%, all down on 2015. High relative growth in Reading, Writing, Grammar and Punctuation and Number were all up on 2015 results. The cohort of year 5 students numbered 32, Of the 32, 12 students have been identified as being below expected level, with 8 of the 12 students receiving regular language intervention. Of the 12 students, 5 of the students came from other schools and did not have the experience of any of our early year teaching programs. They therefore were not identified in the early years when language intervention could have made a considerable impact. (Programs Language Intervention/ERIK/Speech).
Issues requiring attention: -
·  Explicit teaching varies between classrooms. Peer observations need to be incorporated into all PRP’s and the AIP for 2017. There needs to be a focus on collective responsibility whereby staff view the success of all students as their shared responsibility.
·  Reflections on teacher practice and its impact on student learning should drive planning and implementation of the curriculum.
·  Whole school programs must be taken on board by all staff and evidenced in classrooms/work programs/planners and student work.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
Building Practice Excellence
Curriculum Planning and Assessment / ·  Build staff capacity and collective commitment to ongoing professional reflection and growth, to provide cohesive and consistent whole school explicit, teaching and learning practices.
·  Effectively incorporate and embed purposeful curriculum planning and practices that will assess the impact of learning programs, differentiating for individual student needs.
Empowering Students and Building School Pride / ·  Establish and implement a whole school approach to quality learning engagement.

Published: February 2016

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.

Please not that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To improve the student achievement outcomes of all students F-6 across the curriculum with a particular focus on English and Mathematics
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / ·  Building Practice Excellence.
Increase the % of students achieving an A/B throughout the school.
2016 Results / FOUND / YR 1 / YR 2 / YR 3 / YR 4 / YR 5 / YR 6
Reading / 17% / 30% / 37% / 53% / 38% / 42% / 36%
Writing / 25% / 22% / 33% / 24% / 26% / 19% / 10%
Speaking and Listening / 11% / 8% / 23% / 23% / 21% / 12% / 24%
Number / 30% / 29% / 37% / 24% / 31% / 35% / 30%
Measurement / 0% / 8% / 33% / 20% / 31% / 37% / 21%
Reduce the % of students achieving low relative growth. (Year 3 to Year 5 Data)
2016 Results
Grammar and Punctuation / 30.8%
Reading / 29.6%
Writing / 42.3%
Spelling / 23.1%
Numeracy / 21.4%
Increase the % of students achieving high relative growth. (Year 3 to Year 5 Data)
2016 Results
Grammar and Punctuation / 34.6%
Reading / 33.3%
Writing / 19.2%
Spelling / 26.9%
Numeracy / 21.4%
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Reduce the % of students achieving low relative growth
2016 Results / Target 2017
Grammar and Punctuation / 30.8% / 20.0%
Reading / 29.6% / 20.7%
Writing / 42.3% / 25.9%
Spelling / 23.1% / 11.0%
Numeracy / 21.4% / 22.2%
Increase the % of students achieving high relative growth
2016 Results / Target 2017
Grammar and Punctuation / 34.6% / 40.0%
Reading / 33.5% / 35.0%
Writing / 19.2% / 23.5%
Spelling / 26.9% / 35.0%
Numeracy / 21.4% / 24.0%
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
[Drafting note report here KIS from the previous summary page] / [Drafting Note report here what the school will do and how - including financial and human resources] / [Drafting Note report here the person responsible] / [Drafting Note report here the timeframe for completion] / 6 months: [Drafting Note report here the tangible markers or indicators of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress] / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: / l l l
Building deep understanding and whole school alignment of explicit teaching practices.
Build staff capacity and collective commitment to ongoing professional reflection and growth, to provide cohesive and consistent whole school teaching and learning practices. / §  Continue to embed e5 instructional practice.
§  Make Thinking curriculum visible within learning environment i.e. tools and strategies.
§  Review and modify whole school approach to spelling program.
§  Demonstrate Reflective practices for self/peer/teachers through Peer Observations documentation.
§  Embed Seven Steps to Writing Success. / Marg Roberts
Alison Smith
Talia Chris / Term 1-4
Term 1
Term 2
Term 4
Term 1- 4 / 6 months:
-  All planning documentation to reflect differentiation.
-  Completed e5 audits in PDR documentation.
-  Evidence of a variety of graphic organisers being used across the school.
-  Implementation of whole school spelling program.
-  Mid- year cycle to report on Peer Observation practices.
-  / l l l
12 months:
-  Writing samples will show Seven Steps process and progress.
-  Soundwaves spelling program will be used and documented from Years 1- 6.
-  Foundation documentation will show Jolly Phonics
-  End of year cycle to report on Peer Observation practices . / l l l

Published: February 2016

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To develop students as stimulated curious and confident 21st Century learners.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / ·  Curriculum Planning and Assessment
By 2018 Stimulating Learning component to be in the 2nd quartile or beyond at or above 4.2
By 2018 Teacher Effectiveness component to be in the 3rd quartile.
By 2018 General Satisfaction component to be in the 2nd quartile or beyond.
By 2018 Reporting component to be in the 3rd quartile.
Stimulating Learning – Target 2017 – 4.15 ( 2016 Actual 4.03)
Teacher Effectiveness – Target 2017 – 4.45 (2016 Actual 4.34)
General Satisfaction – Target 2017 - to be in the 2nd quartile. (2016 Actual 24.5%)
Reporting – Target 2017 – to be in the 3rd quartile. (2016 Actual 25.3)
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
[Drafting Note report here the KIS from the previous summary page] / [Drafting Note report here what the school will do and how - including financial and human resources] / [Drafting Note report here the person responsible] / [Drafting Note report here the timeframe for completion] / 6 months: [Drafting Note report here the tangible markers or indicators of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress] / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: / l l l
Effectively incorporate and embed purposeful curriculum planning and practices that will assess the impact of learning program, differentiating for individual student needs. / §  Staff to have specific Numeracy and Literacy targets in their 2017 Performance Plan.
§  Staff analysis of PAT/NAPLAN data.
§  Focus on Thinking Curriculum tools and strategies within the documentation.
§  Implement a whole school approach to –Spelling and Integrated Curriculum. / Teaching staff
All teaching staff / Term 1
Term 2- 4
Term 1 – Term 4 / 6 months:
-  Spelling goals will be documented in Staff PRP’s
-  PRP’s will show Numeracy and Literacy goals and mid cycle reflections with report on the progress students are making in this area.
-  Introduction of MAPPEN to improve delivery of Integrated Curriculum Units / l l l
12 months:
-  Analysis of PAT Spelling data, compare results for relative growth
-  Reflection on the progress of the implementation of Soundwaves from 1-6
-  Test results to show an improvement in spelling as a result of the Soundwaves implementation.
-  Assessment tools in MAPPEN to show student growth / l l l

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To strengthen student wellbeing built on agreed values and high expectations.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / ·  Empowering Students and Building School Pride
By 2018 Student Safety component of the Attitudes to School Survey to be at or above the 3rd quartile.
By 2018 Classroom Behaviour component of the Attitudes to School Survey to be at or above 3.4
Student Safety Target 2017 – 4.4 (2016 Actual. 4.0)
Classroom Behaviour Target 2017 – 3.3 (2016 Actual 2.63)
Student Connectedness Target 2017 - (2016 Actual)
Teacher Empathy – Target 2017 - 4.45 (2016 Actual 4.27)
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
[Drafting Note report here the KIS from the previous summary page] / [Drafting Note report here what the school will do and how - including financial and human resources] / [Drafting Note report here the person responsible] / [Drafting Note report here the timeframe for completion] / 6 months: [Drafting Note report here the tangible markers or indicators of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress] / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: / l l l
Establish and implement a whole school approach to quality learning engagement / §  All staff to provide evidence of the use of Learning Intentions and success criteria across the curriculum.
§  Students use success criteria to set their own goals.
§  Students to begin creating their own rubrics and success criteria. Analyse student survey data
§  Establish and maintain a whole school community environmental program
§  Sustainability committee to have student representation.
§  Continue to promote enquiry based learning
§  / All staff
Stuart Hanmer /Parents/Students
Teaching Staff / Term 1 – 4
Term 1 - 4 / 6 months:
§  Implementation of MAPPEN from Foundation to Year 6.
§  Evidence of goal setting by students
§  Evidence of reflective practices by students
§  Students nominated as Seedlings from each year level
§  Increased student voice (SRC as well as JSC)
§  Evidence of student driven learning i.e. posing questions, using rubrics and peer feedback. / l l l
12 months:
-  Evidence of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to be in planning documentation
-  Staff to provide evidence of student reflections
-  Seedlings to provide a report on their 2017 journey. / l l l
Further embed a whole school approach to student wellbeing. / §  Celebrate Wattleview program to be run in the first two weeks of term 1.
§  Embed sustainability into the curriculum including global and personal perspectives to develop students as resilient change agents.
§  Implement Compass Education for sustainability transformation.
§  Build a relationship with the new Chaplain
§  Review current wellbeing programs P-6.
§  Timetable fortnightly meetings with ancillary and school staff to discuss students social/emotional/academic needs. / Al staff
All staff
All staff
Prin/AP / Term 1
Term 1- 4
Term 1 – 4
Term 1
Term 1 – 4 / 6 months:
-  Celebrate Wattleview will be incorporated into the first unit of work in the MAPPEN program.
-  Evidence in work programs and planning documentation
-  Student led activities that demonstrate sustainability practices e.g. selling garden produce
-  Student Wellbeing documentation maintained by Marg Roberts as evidence of fortnightly meetings
-  Compass elements introduced will be reflected on – what have we achieved – what elements do we introduce next?
-  / l l l
12 months:
-  Compass used for communication and reporting across the school.
-  Parents will be using the Compass system. / l l l

Published: February 2016