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Skills Worksheet

Chapter 14 Concept Review


In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches thedescription.

1. damaged rangeland

2. protected land

3. purified water

4. bridges

5. low population density

6. development

7. clear-cutting

8. rangeland and urban land


In the space provided, write the letter of the word or statement that best answers the question or completes the sentence.

9. Land that contains relatively few people and large areas of open space is considered

a. rural.

b. urban.

c. suburban.

d. rangelands.

10. All of the following is allowed in wilderness except

a. research.

b. camping.

c. development.

d. fishing.

11. The timber industry classifies forestlands into three categories called

a. oftwoods, hardwoods, and mixed woods.

b. pine, redwood, and mixed.

c. vergreen, deciduous, and mixed.

d. virgin forest, native forest, and tree farms.

Concept Review continued

12. A heat island can

a. affect weather patterns over a city.

b. reduce the average temperatures in a city.

c. absorb less heat than vegetation.

d. have a lower temperature than the surrounding countryside.

13.Tree harvesting methods include

a. selective cutting.

b. reforestation.

c. clear-cutting.

d. Both (a) and (c)

14. A fire station is an example of

a. infrastructure.

b. suburbanization.

c. land-use planning.

d. renovation.

15. Which of the following is not a method of preventing overgrazing?

a. limiting herd size

b. rotating the breed of cattle

c. removing herds to allow vegetation to recover

d. replanting native vegetation

16. Which of the following is not an environmental benefit of open spaces?

a. moderation of temperatures

b. absorption of rainwater runoff

c. provision of aesthetic value

d. source of lumber for homes

17. Which of the following is a benefit of preserving farmland?

a. prime locations for home sites

b. soil erosion protection

c. productive land for growing crops

d. a greenbelt for crowded urban areas

18.Which of the following uses the largest amount of land in the United States?

a. forestland

b. rangeland and pasture

c. cropland

d. parks and preserves

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Holt Environmental Science 1 Land


Answer Key

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Holt Environmental Science 86 Land


Concept Review


1. g 9. a

2. e 10. c

3. f 11. d

4. a 12. a

5. d 13. d

6. b 14. a

7. c 15. b

8. h 16. d

17. c

18. a

Critical Thinking


1. d 5. b

2. a 6. b

3. c 7. c

4. d 8. c


9. Sample answer: The lower temperature may indicate a rural area or open space. The higher temperature may have been recorded in an area with asphalt or similar surfaces that absorb and reradiate heat.

10. Plant more vegetation. Plants lower the temperature of the surrounding area.

11. Yes; plants absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and filter pollutants from the surrounding air and water. Plants also add scenic beauty.


12. Accept any thoughtful answer. Sample answer: Agree; although preserving tracts of land decreases the amount of land that can be developed, people like to live and work in areas that include open space. Therefore, developers can attract more people to buy homes by developing land in environmentally sustainable ways. Open space also reduces drainage problems by absorbing and slowly releasing large quantities of precipitation.

13. Accept any reasonable answer. Sample answer: Disagree; although reforestation has been known to occur on its own in some cases, such as when unproductive farmland has been abandoned, the speed at which land is being developed and logged suggests that deliberate human intervention is needed to slow or reverse the environmental damage caused by the loss of so many trees.

14. Accept any thoughtful answer. Sample answer: Agree; many urban areas were developed around the use of automobiles. Many urban areas were built without regard to future traffic congestion. Better urban land-use plans include more public transportation.


15. Sample answer: Selective cutting of trees, while more expensive to do, is far less destructive to forest ecosystems.

16. Sample answer: Rural areas support urban areas. Resources such as clean water, clean air, food, wood products, and scenic beauty are provided by rural areas.

17. Accept any reasonable answer.Possible answers include infrastructure problems such as constructing new highways; widening existing roads; developing new shopping centers, houses, schools; or building a new airport. Overcrowding could also have an impact on power supply, waste treatment, fire and police protection, schools, libraries, hospitals, and the water supply.

Active Reading


1. what you find on a patch of land

2. a forest, a field of grain, and a parking lot

3. 2,500 or more

4. a governing body

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Holt Environmental Science 86 Land