Father’s Day Stall

BurwoodPublic School

Monday 30 August & Wednesday 1 September 2010

Dear Parents,

The Parents & Citizens’ (P&C) Association is holding the Father’s Day Stall this year over two mornings – Monday 30th August (from 9-11am, for students in years K-2) and Wednesday 1st September (from 9-11am, for students in years 3-6). We also plan to have an afternoon session to sell to parents around school closing time (2.30-3.10pm) on Wednesday 1st September. (Note: Father’s Day this year is on Sunday 5th September).

As you may be aware, this is one of the major fundraising events of the school and the funds will be used to purchase resources for the school.All students and their parents and teachers are warmly invited to take part in this event by donating items in good condition (preferably new) that can be sold, and by buying gift items from the stall.

As always we heavily rely on parent support to assist with gift-wrapping prior to and/or on the stall days and also to assist with selling the items.

Also please note that:

  • If you are donating saleable items please bring them to your

child’s classroom where they will be collected.

  • If you are donating food items then please ensure that all food items abide by the “Nut Free” school policy that is, no peanuts/nuts or related ingredients such as peanut oil, Tahini, etc. are to be used. All food provided must have clearly written list of ingredients used in that food item.

I look forward to your continuing support in this event, without which this event will not be possible.. Please feel free to contact me as below if you would like to assist or wish to discuss any related issues.

Mark Burfield


BurwoodPublic School P&C Association

Ph. 0425 236 617Email: