Placement Test A

Underline the correct answer, a), b), c) or d).

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Placement Test A

1 Ia student of English.

a) areb)is

c)amd) aren’t

2 This is Carlos. He's.

a) Japanb)Spain

c) Italiand)France

3 She's from Tokyo. SheJapanese.

a) is fromb) is

c) isn’td)are from

4 TheySpanish.They’re from Italy.

a) areb) is

c) isn’td)aren’t

’s your first name?

a) Whob) What

c) Howd)Where

6 These are your books andare mine.

a) thoseb)this


7 I love music but Ilike TV.

a) dob) does

c) doesn'td)don't

8she like sport?

a) Dob) Does

c) Isd)---

9 Whenhave lunch?

a) is heb)he’s

c) do hed)does he

10 Do you likeDVDs?

a) watchb) watching

c) watches d)to watching

11 They startschool at 8.00 in the morning.

a) tob) at

c) ---d)the

12 Peter’sname is Michael.

a) brother’sb) sister’s

c) sister is d)mother’s

13 She’s very friendly but she very quiet.

a) never isb) ‘s often

c)often isd)never

14 He hasn't gotbrothers and sisters.

a) someb) a

c) thed)any

15 How many childrengot?

a) they’veb) have they

c)theyd)do they

16There are a lot of CDs on the.

a) cupboardb) sink

c) shelvesd)kitchen

17a sofa and two armchairs in the living room.

a) It’sb) There’s

c) There have d)There are

18 Are therewardrobes in the bedroom?

a) anyb) some

c) thed)a

19 The cinema isthe bank.

a) nextb) in front


20 Can I have aof milk, please?

a) barb)jar

c) boxd)bottle

21 Youbuy shoes in a post office.

a) can tob)can’t


22 Howvegetables do you eat every day?

a) manyb) long

c) mored)much

23 Is therebutter in the fridge?

a) oneb) some

c) anyd)an

24 Heafraid of the dark when he was young.

a) wasn’tb) weren’t

c) wered)didn’t

25 Weborn in 1985.

a) isb) were

c)wasd) did

26 My birthday is on September.

a) 22thb) 22st

c) 22ndd)22rd

27 Theyto France when they were six.

a) movesb) moved

c) moved) moving

28did you last see them?

a) Whatb) When

c) Whod)Which

29 They went for a picnic with some friendsSunday.

a) atb) the

c) ond) in

30 We went at the weekend.

a) the shopsb) to shops

c) shoppingd) shops

31 they do a lot of sport when they were at school?

a) Wereb) Is

c) Wasd) Did

32 Is Chinese food than English food?

a) bestb) more good

c) betterd)well

33 He stayed at the hotel in town.

a) more expensive b) expensivest

c) expensived)most expensive

34 Today is than yesterday.

a) coldb) coldest

c) more coldd)colder

35 They ______their homework now.

a) are dob) did

c) are doingd)does

36 What ______doing at the moment?

a) is heb) does he

c) isd)he’s

37 Whatyour sister look like?

a) isb) do

c) ared)does

38 Shejeans to work.

a) wears usuallyb) is usually wearing

c) usually wearsd)is wearing usually

39 They a taxi to the airport an hour ago.

a) takeb) took

c) are takingd)takes

40 He goes to work train.

a) inb) on

c) by thed)by

41 Can you tell me theto the library?

a) roadb) way


42 You drive a car in the centre of town. It isn’t allowed.

a) don’t have tob) can

c) have tod)can’t

43 You to walk, you can take a bus.

a) mustn’tb) have

c) mustd)don’t have

44 He to move to another country.

a) wantb) ‘d like

c) likesd) goes

45 I’m learn to cook.

a) go tob) going

c) going to d)go

46 We walked ten kilometres so we hungry now.

a) are gettingb) get

c) gotd)has got

47 Don't stay up late or you be tired tomorrow.

a) mustb) won’t

c) shouldd)’ll

48 Let’s tennis this afternoon.

a) playb) go

c) to god)playing

49 I’ve got a bad headache. I take an aspirin.

a) shouldn’tb) might not

c) willd)should

50 I woke up late I missed my train.

a) becauseb)but

c) sod)for

51 Please turn the radio down. It's .

a) too loudb) enough loud

c) too loudlyd)very quiet

52 Sorry, I don't understand. Please speak .

a) clearlyb) more clear

c) slowd)fast

53 you ever flown in a helicopter?

a) Didb) Do

c) Haved)Has

54 make you a coffee?

a) Will youb) Let

c) Shall Id)Do I

55 He climbed a mountain in his life.

a) has neverb) never has

c) will neverd)won’t never

56 Our last family celebration my sister’s wedding.

a)isb) was

c) wered)did

57 I London because I got a job there.

a) go tob) went the

c) went to d)went

58 When did she decide married?

a) to getb) got

c) tod) get

59 What's the first thing you do when you work?

a) got to b)get to

c)are gettingd)get

60 She's a very busy personal trainer so she takes a holiday.

a)hardly everb) often

c) always d)once in a while

61 What on at the moment?

a) they workb) do they work

c) are they workingd)are they work

62 I don’t mind up sometimes.

a) wash b) to wash

c) washingd) the wash

63 Are you the new exhibition at the National Gallery?

a) going to seeb) seeing

c) going seed) go to see

64 I them for dinner at eight tonight.

a) meetingb) meets

c) ‘m meetingd) met

65 Have you ever a dangerous sport?

a) dob) made

c) maked)done

66 wrote the play Hamlet?

a) Who didb) Who

c) Who wasd)When

67 I dinner when I heard a strange noise.

a) was cookb) did cook

c) was cookingd)am doing

68 You be late for school again.

a) mustn’tb)have to

c) mustd)can

69 We should avoid in August.

a) travelledb) to travel

c) travelling d)totravelling

70 You wear a suit. It’s a very formal party.

a)shouldn’tb) must

c)mustn’t d)might

71 He’s studied Spanish last year.

a) sinceb) the

c) atd)---

72 How long have you him?

a)knowb) knew

c) knowsd)known

73 What's the matter? Have you a cold?

a) getb) caught

c) feltd)catch

74 It rain tomorrow. It’s going to be a very wet day.

a) ‘llb)might

c) won’td)might not

75 I wear a uniform to school.

a) use tob) didn’t use to

c) used d)didn’t used to

76 They used to live Australia.

a) theb) at

c) in the d) in

77 There aren’t any cinemas in the town I live.

a) whenb) which

c) whered) what

78 I travelled around the world for a yearlearn about other cultures.

a) forb) for to

c) tod)in order

79 He married the girl used to sit next to him at school.

a) whob)which

c) whatd)whose

80 Children spendhours watching TV.

a) too many b) not enough

c) veryd)too much

81 Can I try this coat , please?

a) inb) on

c) tod)up

82 I don't have to do the things I enjoy.

a) time enough b)enough time

c) too many timed)some time

83 It’s beautiful house I've ever seen.

a) mostb) more

c) the mostd)a most

84 There’s more traffic and space to walk in the streets nowadays.

a) moreb) less

c) leastd)bigger

85 I think travelling by plane is easier than travelling by car.

a) moreb) most

c) ---d)the most

86 She worked as a teacher in Africa.

a) ---b) a

c) and) the

87 The phone’s ringing. It be Maria.
She always calls me at this time.

a) canb) might not

c) cand)must

88 He to work in his company’s office in Shanghai.

a) sentb) was

c) was sendd)was sent

89 I that I'm like my father.

a) ‘m toldb) told

c) was saidd)am said

90 The postmen hasn't delivered the parcel .

a) justb) already

c) yetd)never

91 My brother passed his exams.

a) just hasb)already has

c) yetd) ‘s just

92 A lot of people think that if they lots of money, they’ll be very happy.

a) will haveb) have

c) hadd)won’t have

93 What happen if he doesn't get here in time?

a) willb) it would

c) will itd)it will

94 If you save some money, you to worry any more.

a) ‘ll haveb) don’t

c) willd)won’t have

95 He me my book would be a great success.



96 She told me she buy me a new one.

a) don’tb)won’t to

c) ‘lld)‘d

97 What would they do if they have any money?

a) wereb) didn’t

c) won’td) ‘d

98 I’d do more exercise if I time.

a) haveb) ‘d have

c) ‘ll haved)had

99 be possible to reserve a table for tonight?

a) Can I b) Could you

c) Would it d)Will

100 Could you a good film?

a)say meb)recommend

c)tell med)advice

101 He’s French but he in London at the moment.

a) livingb) does live

c)‘s livingd)lived

102 When arrive?

a) they didb) did they

c) have theyd) does they

103 Who all this mess?

a) madeb) did make

c) are maked) did

104 What of doing now?

a) are you thinkb) do you think

c) think youd) are you thinking

105 I all weekend.

a)studiedb) don’t study

c)was studyingd) aren’t studying

106 We to work when we heard a loud crash behind us.

a) was walkingb) ‘ve walked

c) were walkingd) walked

107 Have you told them the good news ?

a) justb) yet

c) last nightd) recently

108 Thai food?

a) Did she ever ateb) Has she ever eaten

c) Have she ever eatend) Does she ate

109 They to take her address so they had to go back and get it.

a) ‘ve forgotb) remembered

c) ‘d forgottend) were forgot

110 He there before so he found it very exciting.

a) hadn’t beenb) didn’t go

c) ‘d beend) hasn’t been

111 We on holiday tomorrow so I hope the weather stays warm.

a) won’t gob) aren’t going

c) ‘re goingd) will to go

112 They to call it at this time of night. It's very late.

a) going b) might

c) may well d) ‘re unlikely

113 Do you think they the championship?

a) may well winb) ‘ll win

c) ‘re winningd) ‘ll can win

114 The room look more cheerful if you paint it yellow.

a) isb) is probably

c) will probablyd) probably might

115 He to win the championship. He’s not playing well enough.

a) couldb) ‘s not going

c) definitely won’td) can’t

116 People smoke in public buildings.

a) don’t have tob) can

c)has to d) shouldn’t

117 You enter the marathon if you don’t want to.

a) needn’tb) should

c) don’t have tod) have to

118 I to find another job. I can’t work with that awful boss any more.

a) ‘s got tob) ‘ve got to

c) mustd) should

119 I be very good at sports when I was a teenager.

a) wouldb) wasn't

c) use tod) used to

120 She in a bank for over twenty years.

a) usedto workb) worked

c) didn’t use to work d) would work

121 She is one of students in her class.

a) clevererb) more clever

c)the most clevererd) the cleverest

122 These shoes were expensive than I wanted to pay.

a) far moreb) bit more

c) furtherd) not as

123 That shop’s not it used to be.

a) more cheap thanb) as cheap as

c) the cheapest asd) as cheaper as

124 We have to leave yet, do we?

a) willb) won’t

c) aren’td) don’t

125 His father was a famous writer,?

a) isn’t heb) hasn’the

c)wasn’t he? d) was he

126 I can't work if I very hungry.

a) feelb)‘m feel

c) ‘ll feeld) don’t feel

127 He won't pass the exam he studies a lot more.

a) ifb) when

c) unlessd) while

128 Would you lend me your car if I to drive it carefully?

a) won’t promiseb) ‘ll promise

c) would promised) promised

129 He see the film if he went with an adult.

a) shouldb) ‘ll

c) couldd) can

130 If I you, I’d take it back to the shop.

a) wasb) were

c) have beend) had been

131 How long have you the violin?

a) been playingb) play

c) playing d) being played

132 I listening to jazz music.

a) always have enjoy b) ‘ve always enjoyed

c) was always enjoyedd) enjoyed always

133 He swim when he was five but he can't dive yet.

a) can tob) couldn’t

c) couldd) can’t to

134 We to go to the match but we managed to watch it on TV.

a) weren’t ableb) can’t

c) were abled) could

135 I’ve just seen perfect car for you!

a) anb) the

c)---d) a

136 I didn't know they had a summer cottage south coast of Spain.

a) on theb) ona

c)---d)in a

137 They seem to have money but they don't have many friends.

a) a lotb) few of

c) plenty ofd) many

138 We don't have time or money to go on holiday.

a) enoughb) enoughof

c) manyd) several

139 She's the woman son is a famous pop star.

a) whob) which

c)who’sd) whose

140 Is that the coat you said you wanted to buy?

a) ----b) what

c) whod) how

141 I have moved to Devon, my parents were born.

a) thatb) where

c) itd) which

142 We arrived on time if the traffic hadn't been so bad.

a) hadb) wouldn’t

c) would’ved) ‘d

143 What if you hadn't been there?

a) he’d dob) will he do

c) would he have done d) would he do

144 They told what to do yet.

a) wasn't beenb) haven't been

c) hasn'tbeen d) haven’t being

145 The furniture by her husband, who used to be a carpenter.

a) doneb) being made

c) was maded) has done

146 They didn't want to do it but the boss said they to.

a) mustn’tb) had

c)’d hadd) must

147 She said she to do it last weekend.

a) was goingb) ‘s going

c) had doned) will

148 I asked her if she my new mobile.

a) ‘s seenb) ‘d seen

c) ‘d seed) saw

149 He promised me decorate my house.

a) helpb) helping

c) to helpingd) to help

150 Why don’t we to take them to the airport?

a) suggestb) warn

c) offerd) agree

151 What after that?

a) did happen b) happened

c) ‘s happenedd) was happened

152 Do you mind me asking how old ?

a) are youb) is she

c)you ared) have you

153 to know what's going on.

a) I’m interestedb) I wonder

c) Would you mindd) I'd like

154 They in a large house for 20 years before moving to a bungalow.

a) ‘ve livedb) lived

c) already lived) recently lived

155 Have you heard from your brother ?

a) lately b) for a month

c) last week d) in the summer

156 I for my car keys for half an hour. I think I've lost them!

a) ‘ve be lookingb) ‘ve been looking

c) lookedd) ‘m looking

157 Where are my books? I them on the table last night.

a) leftb) ‘ve left

c) ‘d leftd) ‘m left

158 Her parents are very proud. She a fantasticjob in a law firm.

a) been offeredb) offered

c) is offeredd) ‘s been offered

159 How much do you think he as director of the company?

a) ‘s been payedb) has being paid

c) ’s being paidd) being paid

160 You what to do when you get there.

a) ‘ll be told b) ‘ll be said

c) toldd) ‘ll given

161 I sharing a flat but now I prefer to live on my own.

a) used to likeb) would like

c) never use to liked) never used to

162 They’ll never get used in the countryside.

a) to liveb) living

c) beingd) to living

163 Shops from 8.30 a.m . until 6 p.m. tomorrow.

a) openb) are opening

c) closed) going to close

164 He hungry when he gets home from football practice.

a) likely that he’s b) ‘s likely to be

c) likes to bed) ‘ll like to be

165 She come if you tell her two weeks before.

a) ‘ll probablyb) won't probably

c) ‘s definitelyd) won’tdefinitely

166 When we walked into the hotel, a log fire in the fireplace.

a) burntb) ‘d burnt

c) was burningd) ‘s burning

167 He for his plane for an hour when it was suddenly cancelled.

a) was waitingb) ‘d been waiting

c) waitedd) ‘s been waiting

168 My car’s just broken down forthe third time. I wish I it.

a) didn't buyb) ‘d bought

c) wasn't buyingd) hadn't bought

169 I didn't feel like going to the party. I an excuse.

a) wish I madeb)should do

c) should’ve maded) should ‘ve make

170 If only a foreign language. I didn't have the choice at school.

a) I’d spokenb)I speak

c) Icould speakd) I could to speak

171 How many people have climbed Mount Everest?

a) ab) the

c) ind) ---

172 The children played in the garden with dogs.

a) ab) the

c) an d)---

173 If you lend me €200, I you back at the end of the month.

a) might paidb) can pay

c) ‘ll to payd) can't paying

174 If I to your proposal, when could we sign the contract?

a) was agreedb) were agreeing

c) were to agreed) weren’t agree

175 Children under 15 could attend they were with an adult.

a) providing tob) as long as

c) on condition tod) as long than

176 We show our passports when we left the country.

a) mustn'tb) weren't allowed

c) were obligedd) didn't have to

177 His boss refused him the day off.

a) to giveb) allowc)to letd) to make

178 We had very little petrol left in the car but we get home in the end.

a) managedb) managed to

c) were abled) could

179 By this time tomorrow, they in San Francisco.

a) ‘ll landb) might landing

c) ‘ll be landingd) be landed

180 When do you think you painting the house?

a) finishb) ‘ll have finished

c) be finishingd) would ‘ve finished

181 There are still people who feel unhappy about the changes.

a) a little ofb) quite many

c) quite a fewd) a great deal

182 of us feel like going out on a cold, wet, winter's night.

a) Notb) Eitherc)Anyd) Neither

183 Mum says she to cook pasta for dinner tonight.

a) ‘s goingb) wasc)wouldd) might

184 The teacher wanted to know why his homework last night.

a) hadn't he doneb) he hasn't made

c) he hadn't doned) he isn't doing

185 They told start work the following Monday.

a) I willb) me I couldc) I cand) I could

186 If she to wear glasses, she could have been a pilot.

a) didn’t needb) needed

c) ‘d needed d) ‘d need

187 They here by now if the train had been on time.

a) weren’tb) would’ve be

c) ‘d bed) ‘ll have been

188 If I hadn't ignored my parents advice, I a great musician.

a) would’ve been b) might’ve

c) had beend) hadn’t been

189 You’d late for work again or you’ll get fired.

a) be betterb) better not be

c)better bed) better not being

190 She went to the doctor because she keeps headaches.

a) to feelb) to getting

c) feelingd) getting

191 It’s not worth about. He won't notice it’s missing.

a) to worryb) worry

c) worrying d) of worrying

192 She finally stopped when the price of cigarettes went up again.

a) to smokeb) the smoke

c) smokingd) for to smoke

193 I’ll never snow for the first time.

a) forget seeingb) remember to see

c) forget to seeing d) remember to see

194 We a serious accident when you drove through that red light!

a) ‘d have hadb) can’t have had

c) must’ve had d) could’ve had

195 The neighbours the noise of the party. It was terribly loud.

a) must’ve heardb) ‘ll hear

c) couldn’t heard) can’t have heard

196 The gym I go to work out is open 24 hours a day.

a) whob) whichc) thatd) where

197 I wasn't keen on the restaurant we went to last weekend.

a) what b) ---c) whosed) when

198 They’re having lunch with his girlfriend’s parents, live in Brighton.

a) that theyb) who

c) thatd) whom

199 I almost fell over a pile of books on the carpet.

a) that are laidb) laying

c) lyingd) who was lying

200 A book by a 12-year-old girl has won a €2,500 award.

a) wroteb) writing

c) been writtend) written

Total marks = 200

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