IFB Number: 201400157


Division of Purchasing and Contracts

Department of Public Safety Non-Perishable Bulk Food

Attachment A.5: Lot 5 – Vegetable Oil

Specification and Price Sheet

IFB# 201400157

Please Enter Vendor Name:



1.  A Vendor is responsible for submitting all required information as noted below.

2.  Vendors shall refer to the IFB document to review what the State shall deem to be a qualifying bid. Failure to complete all requested information may result in Bid disqualification.

3.  Vendors shall familiarize themselves with all terms and conditions of the IFB prior to filling out this attachment.

4.  Vendors shall review the required specifications for each item in the table below.

5.  Vendors shall enter a Per Unit Price for ALL items in a given Lot in the pricing table.

6.  Vendors shall enter a Total Item Price for ALL items in a given Lot in the pricing table.

7.  Vendors shall enter a Manufacturer for ALL items in a given Lot in the pricing table.

8.  Vendors shall enter a Brand/Model Number for ALL items in a given Lot in the pricing table.

9.  Vendors shall supply a Country of Origin for ALL items in a given Lot in the pricing table.

10.  Vendors shall enter a Total Lot Bid Price which is the sum of the Total Item Price across all the items in a Lot.

Note: Estimated quantities provided are estimates of an annual volume only and are not guaranteed purchases by the State.


Vendors must meet the below specifications, any deviations must be documented in ATTACHMENT B: DEVIATIONS FROM REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. No implication is made or intended by the State that any deviation will be acceptable.

Item Number / Item Name / Specification
1 / Vegetable Oil, Canola / -  Canola Oil, 0% Trans Fatty Acid
-  Kosher Certification Required
-  Suitable for Commercial Frying, Sauteing, Baking and Salad Oil
-  Certificate of Analysis Required with Bid
-  Shelf Life is One (1) Year from Date of Receipt of Product
-  Label of Ingredients Must Be Furnished with Bid
-  35 LBs / Case
-  All cases and boxes must be clearly marked to indicate quantity of product
-  It is expected that orders will be placed in truckload quantities for this item


Vendors shall complete the Unit Price, Total Item Price, Manufacturer, Brand/Model Number and Country of Origin fields below.

Item No. / Item Name / Estimated Annual Quantity / Unit Price / Total Item Price (Est. Quantity x Unit Price) / Manufacturer / Brand/Model Number / Country of Origin
1 / Vegetable Oil, Canola / 13,169 Cases

TOTAL LOT BID PRICE (Estimated Annual Quantity x Unit Price across all items):