List of References discussed in Course on:

Aircraft Fire and Explosion: Protection Against Accidents and Combat/Terrorist Attacks

Presented by

BlazeTech Corporation
24 Thorndike St.
Cambridge, MA 02141


3rd International Aircraft Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conf., Atlantic City , NJ, October 22-25, 2001.

AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel Working Group 11 on Aircraft Fire Safety, AGARD Advisory Report No. 132, vol. 2, Main Report.

"Aircraft Mishap Fire Pattern Investigations," AFWAL-TR-85-2057

Air Force Safety Analysis, 1993 - 2002, AF Safety Center, Kirtland AFB.

ARAC Fuel Tank Inerting Harmonization Group Final report, June, 2001.

ARAC, "Aircraft Fuel, Fire, and Explosion Information Exchange Meeting," National Defense Industrial Association Combat Survivability Division, October 21 (1998).

"A Review of the Flammability Hazard of Jet A Fuel Vapor in Civil Transport Aircraft Fuel Tanks," DOT/FAA/AR-98-26, June 1998.

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Babrauskas, "Estimating large pool fire burning rates", Fire Technology, 19 (1983).

Backer, Tesoro and Toong, and Moussa, Textile Fabric Flammability, M.I.T. Press, 1976.

Beers, K. S., "ARAC Fuel Tank Inerting Harmonization Working Group Overall Findings and Recommendations", Third Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Conference 24th October, 2001.

Beery, G.T., et al, "Assessment of JP-8 as a Replacement Fuel for the Airforce Standard Jet Fuel JP-4" Part 1. "Assessment of JP-8/JP-4 Fuel in a Noncombat Environment", AFAPL-TR-74-71, June 1975.

M. M. Birky, "TWA 800 Investigation", Fuel Tank Explosion and Cabin Conference, NJ, October, 2001.

Boeing Commercial Airplane, "Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents - Worldwide Operations 1959-2002" May 2003.

Burgess, D. and Hertzberg, M., "Radiation from Pool Flames," Heat Transfer in Flames, edited by N. H. Afghan and Beer, J. N., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1974 Chapter 27, P. 413.

Burgess, D. S., A. Strasser, and J. Grumer, "Diffusive burning of liquid fuel in open trays", The Fire Research Abs.And Review, 3, p. 177 (1961).

Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report, Volume 1, August 2003.

Cote, A. E. and Linville, J. L., Fire Protection Handbook, Sixteenth Edition, NFPA, Quincy, MA (1986).

Devarakonda V., Andrews, E. A., and N. A. Moussa, "Engineering Calculations for Chemical Combustion/Deflagration and Container Response", Final Report Submitted for the Deactivation of Potentially Shock Sensitive Chemicals Project by a national laboratory. (2002)

Devarakonda, V., Fuselier, T., and Moussa, N.A., "Foam Generation in Jet Fuels - Technology Status Report" Submitted to SelectTech Services and Wright Patterson AFB (2000).

Devarakonda, V., "Physical and Chemical Processes in Microdroplets", Ph.D. Dissertation, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (1998).

Eklund, Thor I., "Feasibility of Froude Modeling A Pool Fire External to an Aircraft Fuselage," NA-79-21-LR, Federal Aviation Administration, July 1979.

Fighter Aircraft OBIGGS Study, AFWAL-TR-87-2024, Volume LL, June 1987.

"Fire Protection Handbook 16th Edition", March 1986.

Fristrom, R.M., "Flame Structure and Processes", 1995.

Fu, T. T., "Aviation fuel fire behavior study", Fire Technology, 10 pp 54-67 (1974).

Fu, T. T., "Aviation fuel fire behavior study", US Naval civil engineering lab report No. AGFRS 72-2 (1972b).

Fu, T.T., "Heat radiation from fires of aviation fuels", The Combustion Institute Meeting, Fall, Princeton University. (1972a).

Fuel-Engine-Airframe Optimization Study, AFWAL-TR-86-2025.

FY02 Flight Safety Summary, Headquarters USAF, Update Provided by AFSC Flight Safety Branch, 2002.

W.H. Geyer and N. A. Moussa, "Hot Surface Ignition and Fire Suppression Tests in an Aircraft Engine Bay", AIAA 91-2382, October 1990.

R.E. Glaser, S. K. Newlin and R. G. Sparks, "A review of aircraft fire detection technology", Presented at the Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, NJ, October (2001).

Hill, R. "Hidden Fires," 3rd International Aircraft Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conf., Atlantic City , NJ, October, 2001.

Hill, R.G., Eklund, T.I., Sarkos, C.P., "Aircraft Interior Panel Test Criteria Derived from Full-Scale Fire Tests," DOT/FAA/CT-85/23, September 1985.

Hill, Richard G., Johnson, George K., Sarkos, Constantine P., "Postcrash Fuel Fire Hazard Measurements in a Wide-Body Aircraft Cabin", FAA-NA-79-42, December 1979.

Hill, R., and G.R. Johnson, "Investigation of Aircraft Fuel Tank Explosions and Nitrogen Inerting Requirements During Ground Fires," FAA-RD-75-119, Oct. 1975.

"Inflight breakup over the Atlantic ocean, Trans World Airlines Flight 800 Boeing 741-131, N93119, Near East Moriches, New York, July 17, 1996" Aircraft Accident Report, PB2000-910403, NTSB/AAR-00-03, DCA96MA070.

International Aircraft Fire & Cabin Safety Conf., Atlantic City , NJ, Nov. 16-20, 1998.

Jones, Phil, "OBGI Systems for Transport Category Aircraft", Third Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Conference 24th October, 2000.

Mike Kaszycki and Dave Gibbons, "Fuel Tank Safety," 20th Annual FAA/JAA International Conference.

Kaufmann, R. E. and McKubre, M., "Do conductive residues in aircraft fuel tanks pose a combustion hazard", Fuel Tank Explosion and Cabin Conference, NJ, October, 2001.

Lawson, Cliff, "Test Assess C-130 Vulnerability to MANPADS", Aircraft Survivability, published by the Joint Aircraft Survivability Program Office, Spring 2003.

Lyon, R. 3rd International Aircraft Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conf., Atlantic City , NJ, October 22-25, 2001.

Lyon, R.E., "Fire-Resistant Materials: Research Overview", DOT/FAA/AR-97/99, December 1997.

Manchester Accident report by Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB), Aircraft Incident Report No. 8/88.

Marker, Timothy, "Development of Improved Flammability Criteria for Aircraft Thermal Acoustic Insulation," Federal Aviation Administration, Airport and Aircraft Safety, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405, Sept. 2000 Final Report.

Marker, Timothy R. "Full-Scale Test Evaluation of Aircraft Fuel Fire Burnthrough Resistance Improvements," January 1999 Final Report, U.S. Department of Transpoirtation, Federal Aviation Administration.

Marker, Timothy R. and Sarkos, Constatine P., "Full-Scale Test Evaluation of Aircraft Fuel Fire Burnthrough Resistance Improvements," Fire Safety Section FAA, Atlantic City, NJ 08405, 42nd Inter. SAMPE Symp. & Exh., 1997, Anaheim, CA.

Moorhouse, J., and Pritchard, M. J., "Thermal radiation from large pool fires and thermals-Literature Review."IchemESymp. Series No. 71 p. 123. (1982).

Moussa, N.A., "BlazeTank Model for the Flammability, Ignition and Overpressure in an Aircraft Fuel Tank," with other, presented at the FAA's International Conference on Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research held in Atlantic City, NJ., Nov. 1998.

Moussa, N.A. et al. "The Potential of Fuel Tank Fire and Hydrodynamic Ram from Uncontained Aircraft Engine Debris," with others, DOT/FAA/AR-96-95, January 1997.

Moussa, N. A. "Flammability of Aircraft Fluids", presented at the Society of Automotive Engineering AEROTECH'90 Conference in Long Beach, CA., October 1-4, 1990 SAE Technical Paper 901949.

Moussa, N.A., "Critical Review of Aircraft Fuel Tank Ullage Code", JTCG/AS-89-T-004, Sept. 89.

Moussa, N.A., Appendix D: "Assessment of Fuel Fire Safety," in Lyon, T.F. and Anderson, B.A., "Fuel-Engine-Airframe Optimization Study," AFWAL-TR-86-2-25. May 1986.

Moussa, N.A., T.Y. Toong and C.A. Garris, "Mechanism of Smoldering Combustion of Cellulosic Materials", 16th Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, 1976, pp. 1447-1457.

Moussa, N.A, Toong, T.Y. and S. Backer "An Experimental Investigation of Flame-Spreading Mechanisms over Textile Materials", with, Combustion Sc. & Tech., 8, 1973, 165-75.

NTSB Report on Swiss Air 111, 2003.

NTSB Aircraft Accident Report on Federal Express Flight 1406, DC-10-10, Inflight Fire/Emergency Landing, Sept. 5, 1996, Washington, DC.

Parker, W.J. and R. Filipczak, "Modeling the Heat Release Rate of Aircraft Cabin Panels", DOT/FAA/CT-92/3, Feb. 1993.

Quintiere, J.G. et al, "The Role of Aircraft Panel Materials in Cabin Fires and Their Properties", DOT/FAA/CT-84/30, June 1995

Quintierre, J. DOT/FAA/AR-99/86.

J. Roth, A.M. Johnson, and N.A. Moussa, "Hot Surface Ignition Tests of Aircraft Fluids", with, AFWAL-TR-88-2101.

Sarkos, Constantine P., "Application of full-scale fire tests to characterize and improve the aircraft postcrash fire environment," Elsever Toxicology 115 (1996) 79-87.

Sarkos, Constantine P., "Heat Exposure and Burning Behavior of Cabin Materials During an Aircraft Post-Crash Fuel Fire," National Research Council, 1995.

Sarkos, Constantine P. and Hill, Richard G., "Effectiveness of Seat Cushion Blocking Layer Materials Against Cabin Fires," 0148-7191/82/1025-1484$02.50, Copyright 1982 Society of automotive Engineers, Inc.

J. E. Shepherd, J.C. Krok, J.J. Lee, L.L. Brown, R.T. Lynch, T.M. Samaras, and M.M. Birky, "Results of 1/4-scale experiments, vapor simulant and liquid Jet A tests" Explosion Dynamics Laboratory Report FM98-6, California Institute of Technology, July 1998.

Shephard, J. E., Krok, J. C., and Lee, J. J., "Jet A Explosion Experiments: Laboratory Testing", Explosion Dynamics Laboratory Report FM97-5, California Institute of Technology, 1997.

Donald R. Snow Jr., "In-flight Inerting Concepts Studied in the 2001 ARAC FTIHWG", Third Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Conference 24th October, 2001.

Tamanini, F. and Moussa, N. A., "The Effect of Spacing on the Turbulent burning of Vertical Parallel Walls," 79-HT-26, ASME/AIChE 18th National Heat Transfer Conference, San Diego, CA, August 6-8, 1979.

Tapscott R.E. and Speitel, L. C. "Options to the Use of Halons for Aircraft Fire Suppression Systems � 2002 Update" Report No.DOT/FAA/AR-99/63.

Tesoro, G. and N. A. Moussa, "Materials for Fire Retardant Passenger Seats in Aircraft", in Fire Retardants, Proc. of the European Conf. on Flammability & Fire Retardants, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7/13-14, 1978; Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., 1980, 159-73.

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Tuttle, James, "Counter-Man-Portable Air Defense Systems," DHS Industry Forum, March 8, 2004

Webster, Harry, "Development of a minimum performance standard for hand-held extinguishers as a replacement for Halon 1211 on civilian Transport Category Aircraft", FAA Report, DOT/FAA/AR-01/37, August (2002).

Widnall, Sheila, Presentation to the ADLAA group in Westin, MA, February, 2004.