Thursday, September 9, 2013

http://young.ipsd.org/Subpage.aspx?id=626 (PTA Website Link)


If you would like to be added to the Room Parent list or be considered for a Head Room Parent position, please make sure that your Room Parent form is turned into the school no later than Friday, September 6th. Forms are available at http://young.ipsd.org/Subpage.aspx?id=626. If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Jachimiec at .

PTA Subway Restaurant Day: 9/12/13 all day

On Thursday, September 12 the NYE PTA is holding a Subway Restaurant Day at 444 N. Eola Rd (Eola and New York) from 7:00 am – 10:00 pm. Please bring the attached coupon when paying for your order. Twenty percent of proceeds will come back to the NYE PTA.


It is time to start thinking about the Fall Room Parties! Below is a list of the planning meeting dates, times, and contact people. Siblings are welcome to attend these planning meetings. However, siblings are not allowed at room parties. We will be planning a craft and game for the party. A school wide snack will be determined by the PTA along with the school nurse.

Kindergarten / Wednesday, September 25th, at 9:15am, in the MPR / Mari Walbridge at 499-9819 or
1st Grade / Friday, September 27th, at 9:15am, in the MPR / Sherri Nugent at 499-0237 or
2nd Grade / Wednesday, October 2nd, at 9:30am in the MPR / Robin Schoolman at 499-8819 or

3rd Grade / Tuesday, September 24th, at 9:15am in the MPR / Wendy Balda at 898-5099 or

4th Grade / Monday, September 23rd, at 9:15am in the MPR. / Joanne Jachimiec at 375-9849 or
5th Grade / Thursday, September 19th, at 9:15am in the MPR. / Kathleen Erdman at 978-8568 or

ART AWARENESS Orientation Meeting: 9/18/13

The Art Awareness Committee will be hosting an orientation session on Wednesday, September 18, at 9:15 a.m. in the MPR. A brief training on how to present the project in the classroom will be held and signup sheets will be available for new and returning parent volunteers. Parents will be given a tour of the artist packages and materials for presentation. Art Awareness schedules will be posted on the NYE website after the meeting. Presentations in the classrooms will begin in October.

Please contact Liz Gudgeon at or Leanne Moore at for more information or to volunteer. Art Awareness is a great way to meet your child’s classmates and have fun with art.

PTA Meeting: Tuesday, September 17 at 9:15 am

Please join us for the first PTA Meeting of the year at 9:15 am in the multipurpose room on 9/17. We look forward to seeing you there. Chairperson training will occur following the 9/17 PTA meeting. Chair folders will be distributed.

If you are interested in serving as a room parent for a classroom party, assisting with Art Awareness or other activities, please visit the PTA Volunteer link on the school website for PTA Volunteer information. http://young.ipsd.org/Subpage.aspx?id=626

Market Day: Pick-up 9/25/13

Market Day orders are due Friday, September 20. Market Day will be delivered Wednesday, September 25 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the Young gym.

The Market Day grocery program provides a monthly opportunity to purchase delicious and convenient foods for your family. A portion of each sale comes back to the NYE PTA.

Visitwww.marketday.com to place your order online (our school code is 15116) or use the paper order forms that come home in student backpacks. If you have questions about the Market Day program, contact Joanna Thorne, at .


NANCY YOUNG APPAREL : Orders Due by 9/23

Nancy Young Apparel is going green. Families and Staff may order apparel starting today on our own online store. Orders will be delivered in mid-October once we close the store on September 23, 2013. Please place your orders online and make the delivery choice your child's classroom teacher. After September 23, 2013, we will no longer being accepting orders. Apparel will also be sold at Curriculum Night (9/23) on a first come, first serve basis.


Password: Dolphins13 (case sensitive)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tracy Bludgen at .

We are Collecting Box Tops

Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $475 million since 1996. You can earn cash for Nancy Young by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for your school online.

Our Spirit Council has graciously offered to handle the cutting and counting of the box tops labels this year. So PLEASE, start sending in your box top labels in your child’s back pack. Each classroom with have a box for the labels. Once a month, Spirit Council will collect those labels and get them ready for shipment. Spirit Council will keep everyone updated on our progress in the monthly newsletter.

If you have any questions about Box Tops, please do not hesitate to contact Kristen Flanders at .

Fun Fair Help Needed

The Fun Fair is coming…The Fun Fair is coming!

When? Saturday, September 28th 11am – 2pm

Where? Nancy Young Elementary School

A NEW school year is almost here and plans for Fun Fair 2013 are well under way, but we need YOU to make this event AWESOME! We will have family-friendly games, food, prizes, Grab Bags and MORE!!! Please consider volunteering your time and talents for this year’s Fun Fair. We will need several volunteers to help and we hope that you will consider being a part of this great event.

Here’s what we need NOW:

· Games – We will have several carnival-style games for the kiddos that will make this day perfect for families. We’ll have a duck pond, lollipop pull, basketball shootout, home run derby and MORE! If you would like to help run a game – we need you! All games will be set up the night before by Awesome A Amusements. Games will be EASY to run and our volunteers will be trained on how to do it. We are asking volunteers to sign up for 1 hour shifts – if you can spare an hour, please contact BrendaMontemayor .

· Mystery/Grab Bag donations – This is one of the most popular parts of the Fair. We will have a “Mystery/Grab Bag” booth where children can use their punch cards to “purchase” a bag. We need fun little items to put in those bags. Items we are looking for include – Candy, pencils, stickers, small toys, Happy Meal – ALL ITEMS MUST BE CLEAN AND UN-USED, PLEASE. If you have these items and would like to donate them, please contact Kristine Luster at .

***Items can also be dropped off at 2598Kendridge Lane – all items must be dropped off by September 25th.

·  Bake Sale & Refreshments – A Fair would not be complete without delicious food. We will need volunteers to help set-up, organize and sell our delicious goodies. Bake sale items will be donated by Nancy Young families, so now is the time to think about what goodies you and your family can bake or even purchase to donate. If you’d like to help with the “Bake Shoppe” contactZena Weir at .

·  Raffles – Because this is a new event, we wanted to put a new spin on raffles. Each classroom will work together to coordinate a “themed classroom basket” to be raffled off at the Fun Fair. Some ideas for baskets are: Movie Night – a basket with movie tickets/certificates, Beach/Pool Fun – a basket filled with all the essentials for a fun day at the pool or beach, etc…the ideas are endless. We will need families to donate items or money for the baskets…start thinking about what your child’s class basket could be! If you’d like to help collect items for the Raffle Baskets and put raffle baskets together or help run the Raffles during the Fun Fair, please contact WendyBalda .

As you can see, there are many places to volunteer and participate at this event. Please contact Robin Schoolman if you would like to be a part of the Fun Fair 2013.