PRESENT: / 33 Members in total / APOLOGIES:
Mr Derek Hocking / Mr M Reams / T Marker
Mr Trevor Warburton / B Jones
Mr John Gooding / N Bridge
Mr Ian Simpson
Mr C Spring
No / ITEM /


1. / The meeting commenced with the members observing a minutes silence in respect of members, and also soldiers of the Royal Anglian Regiment who had passed away during the last year
2. /

Minutes of the last AGM held on 21th April 2012:

Read and agreed as a true record by D Metcalfe and D Templeman

3. /

Matters arising from previous meeting:

4. /

Chairman’s Report:

The Chairman reported on the previous years activities and especially mentioned the effort put in by everyone to make the unveiling of the Regimental Memorial in Sobraon Park the success that it undoubtedly was. He mentioned his visit to the regiment and finished by thanking the Ladies, the committee and all branch members for their much appreciated support. / C.Key
5. /

Treasurers Report:

The treasurer presented his report, which showed the branch to be financially strong with a balance of £3882.10 in the account. A vote of thanks was accorded the treasurer.Ian in turn thanked the Auditors Chris Spring and John Hudson.
Chris Spring then made the Branch aware the Ian had been in hospital yet still worked on the accounts on the weekend he came out in order for them to be ready for the Auditors and the AGM. This was, he said, above and beyond the call of duty and the members responded with a warm round of applause. / I.Simpson
6. /

Election of Officers:

The Chairman thanked the committee members for their work over the previous year and the election of officers for the forthcoming year took place with the result that the entire committee were unanimously re-elected as follows:
Chairman: D Hocking Vice Chairman: T.Warburton. Secretary: J.Gooding
Treasurer: I.Simpson Welfare Officer: J Gordon Members Rep: H.Bellamy
Membership Secretary: M.Reams. Webmaster: A.Garrod
Standard Bearer: M.Reams. Relief Standard Bearers: F.Findlay and D. Metcalfe.M.B.E.
Auditors: J.Hudson and C.Spring. / M Reams
7. / Honorariums:
It was agreed that honoraria should stay the same as in previous years. / I Simpson
8. /

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting and all members and guests then retired to an excellent buffet.

9. /

Date of Next Meeting:

Annual General Meeting Thursday 17th April 2014