Name ______

Daily Review #6 - Day 1


1. Identify another way to represent the equation 3 x 4 = 12.

2. A pattern is created by starting with a number and adding 6 each time. Which of these number patterns follows that rule?

a) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

b) 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

c) 7, 13, 19, 25, 31

d) 30, 24, 18, 12, 6

3. 5/8 + 2/8 = ______

Is this number greater or less than one whole? ______

4. Kelly had $35.00 to shop for new shoes. She bought a pair of sandals for $17.00 and a pair of flip flops for $10.25. How much change will she get back?


5. Which figure does not show a line of symmetry?Language Arts-

The glowing hot lava poured down the hillside.

1.  The simple subject is______.

2.  The simple predicate is ______.

Choose the best answer.

3. What type of sentence asks a question?

o  declarative

o  interrogative

o  exclamatory

o  imperative

4. What type of sentence gives a command?

o  declarative

o  interrogative

o  exclamatory

o  imperative

Choose the correct answer.

5. The first stage of writing, in which a person brainstorms and organizes ideas, is

o  prewriting

o  drafting

o  revising

o  publishing


1.  Read the following words and choose the meaning of the suffix –er.

Dancer, speaker, writer

What does the suffix –er mean?

a.) one who

b.) a place

c.) in the past

d.) with

My friends and I are excited about our upcoming field trip. We have been studying different types of animals and their adaptations so that we will enjoy seeing these animals now that we know more about them.

2. What did the friends study about different animals?______


3. Using information from the passage, infer where they are going for their field trip?______

4. Sydney woke up late because her alarm clock did not go off. Since she woke up late, she was late to school and received a tardy. Since she got a tardy, she was not eligible to earn perfect attendance for the nine-week period.

How is the passage organized?

a) sequence b) compare

c) contrast d) cause/effect

5. What caused Sydney to wake up late?

a) The electricity was out.

b) Her alarm clock did not go off

c) Her mom didn’t wake her.

d) She couldn’t hear the alarm.


1. Which of these organisms uses mainly camouflage for protection?

a)  butterfly

b)  chameleon

c)  monkey

d)  parrot

2. Which of the following might cause an increase in the population of mice in a habitat?

a) The habitat in which mice live grows smaller.

b) Many mice move out of the area looking for food.

c) The population of owls goes down.

d) The population of soil-makers grows larger.

3. Madison is writing a report about weathering. Name an example of weathering.


4. Clouds form during which part of the water cycle?

a) evaporation

b) condensation

c) precipitation

d) transpiration

5. One example of matter changing phase or state, is -

a) The movement of gas along a pipeline

b) The melting of an ice cube

c) The hammering of a rock

d) The emptying of air from a balloon

Social Studies-

1. History is ______


2. The continent we live on is ______.

a. South America

b. Africa

c. North America

d. Antarctica

3. A factory worker is a ______resource.

a. natural

b. human

c. capital

d. product

4. Name one difference between the culture of people in Kentucky to that of people living in Florida.


5. Our state capitol is the city of

a. Georgetown b. Frankfort

c. Lexington d. Louisville

Name ______

Daily Review #6- Day 2


1. Amelia has 24 marbles. She has 6 times as many marbles as Steve. How many marbles does Steve have?


2. Create a number pattern that starts with 5 and follows the rule add 7.

_____, _____, _____, _____, _____

3. Denny played video games for 1 ½ hours, worked on math problems for 2 ½ hours, and practiced piano for ½ an hour. How much time did he spend completing all of these activities?

a) 3 ½ hours b) 4 hours

c) 4 ½ hours d) 6 hours

4. Ricardo’s dinner cost $6.35. He paid with a $10 bill. How much change should Ricardo receive?

a) $3.65 b) $3.75

c) $4.75 d) $4.75

5. What type of angle is drawn?


a) acute b) right c) obtuse d) long

Language Arts-

Choose the best answer.

1 Later, I brushed gracie in the backyard while Mom pulls laundry from the

2 clothesline. She frowned at one of Dad’s socks. “Where’s the mate? I know it was

3 hung here, too.”

4 Just then the phone rang. Mom ran to grab it. Through the open window, I could

5 hear her say, Hello, Mrs. Stein…Your sprinkler is missing?...There’s a tennis ball

6 where the sprinkler was? How strange!

7 I stared through the fence toward the Steins’ house. I got goose bumps. Why

8 were these events happening? I tried to think of possible answers as I searched the yard

9 for Gracie’s ball. The ball was nowhere to be found, but tucked behind a rose bush was

10 a mans shirt.

1. Choose the correct way to write the underlined noun in line 1.

a.  Gracey

b.  Gracie

c.  Gracy

d.  No correction is necessary

2. Choose the correct way to write the underlined verb in line 1.

a. pulled

b. pulling

c. pull

d. No correction is necessary

3. Choose the correct way to write the underlined words in line 5.

a. hello, Mrs. Stein

b. “Hello, Mrs. Stein

c. “hello, Mrs. Stein

d. No correction is necessary

4. Choose the correct way to write the underlined word in line 10.

a. mans’

b. men’s

c. man’s

d. No correction is necessary

Choose the correct answer.

5. The last stage of writing, in which a completed piece is ready to be shared with others, is

o  prewriting

o  drafting

o  revising

o  publishing


1. Create 2 compound words using these four words. jump bean rope bag


2. Many people are running for political offices in our town. There are many steps they take to meet voters. They let voters know about them by walking door to door meeting people, putting up signs and placing ads in newspapers. The election is coming up soon.

What would the main idea of the above passage be?

a)_Election time is coming soon.

b) People running for office want to be elected.

c) People running for office do many things to be elected

3. Based on the passage above and where the information is taking place, make an inference by choosing the office that someone may be running for.

a.) mayor b.) governor c.) president

4. What is the root word in unfinished?

a) un b) finished c) shed d) finish

5. Sydney woke up late because her alarm clock did not go off. Since she woke up late, she was late to school and received a tardy. Since she got a tardy, she was not eligible to earn perfect attendance for the nine-week period.

Create a cause and effect chart for the passage. You must include 2 causes and 2 effects.

Cause Þ Effect


1. Identify the purpose of the roots.

a) to get water from the soil

b) to make food

c) to get rid of plant wastes

d) to make seeds

2. Logan lives where the temperature is hot and water is scarce. He wants to grow plants outside and use resources wisely. Which plant should he choose and why?


3.Which of these is a star?

a) Earth b) Moon

c) Pluto d) Sun

4. Changes in the surface of the Earth occur slowly or quickly. Which of the following causes slow changes?

a) volcano b) erosion

c) hurricane d) earthquake

5. How can you raise the pitch of the sound of a string on a guitar?

a) hold the guitar upside down

b) tighten the string so it will vibrate faster

c) loosen the string so it will vibrate slower

d) cut the string so it will stop vibrating

Social Studies-

1. Tell one way Native American life was different from our lives today.



2. We live in what country? ______

3. Which of the following is a major part of Bluegrass Region’s economy?

a. horse industry

b. manufacturing

c. agriculture

d. all of the above

4. Human needs are met through social groups. Which is not an example of a social group?

a. family

b. school

c. clubs

d. dentist

5. Who is the head of the executive branch at the local government level (Georgetown)?

a. governor

b. mayor

c. president

d. principal

Name ______

Daily Review #6 - Day 3


1. Which of the following number sentences represents 4 + 4 + 4 + 4?

a) 4 x 1= 4 b) 4 x 4= 16

c) 5 x 4 = 20 d) 4 x 3 = 12

2. Create a number pattern that starts with 3 and follows the multiply by 2.

_____, _____, _____, _____, _____

3. Denny played football for 2 ½ hours, worked on reading homework ½ an hour, and watched television for ½ an hour. How much time did he spend completing all of these activities?

a) 3 ½ hours b) 4 hours

c) 4 ½ hours d) 6 hours

4. Marcy bought a magazine for $3.75 and a carton of juice for $2.25. She paid with a $10 bill. How much change should Marcy receive?

a) $16.00 b) $6.00

c) $5.00 d) $4.00

5. What two dimensional shape has 5 sides?


Language Arts-

1. In the fish tank on the table.

This is a:

o  Complete sentence

o  Fragment

2. The baby cried.

This is a:

o  Complete sentence

o  Fragment

3. Add punctuation to the following sentence: Cake is my favorite dessert but I also really like ice cream

4. The stage of writing in which spelling and grammar corrections are made is:

o  prewriting

o  drafting

o  revising

o  editing

5. The stage of writing in which thoughts and ideas are expanded and enhanced is:

o  prewriting

o  drafting

o  revising

o  editing


School was over, and the kids quickly rushed from the building. My friend and I picked up our jackets and headed out the door. “Can we stop by the library on the way home?” I asked. “I need to drop off this book.”

“You finally finished it?” asked Lee.

“No, I still haven’t read it.” I admitted awkwardly.

“You’re impossible!” Lee said. “That book is still unread? You’ve had it for over a month!”

“I know,” I mumbled. “Things have been kind of stressful. I never can find time to read it.”

“Too bad,” Lee said sadly. “It’s a great book.”

On the way to the library, Lee tried to convince me to read the book. Finally, he was successful. It was useless to argue with him! I renewed the book and began to read it that night. It was unbelievably good! I couldn’t put it down.

1. The word unread in paragraph 4 means:

a.)  read again b.) not read

c.) in a reading way d.) read before

2. Which word does not contain a suffix?

a.) awkwardly b.) useless

c.) stressful d.) reread

3. In the last paragraph, the word useless means:

a.) without, or of no use

b.) in a useful way

c.) before using

d.) a state of being useful

4. The author of this passage used ______point of view.

a.) 1st person

b.) 2nd person

c.) 3rd person limited

d.) 3rd person omniscient

5. American Indians picked blueberries. They ate them in the summer, and made tea from the leaves. They drank blueberry juice to cure coughs. Also they dried berries for winter consumption.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a)  American Indians dried blueberries and made blueberry powder.

b)  American Indians made and ate blueberry mush.

c)  American Indians taught settlers about blueberries.

d)  American Indians used blueberries in many ways.


1.  Read the following description.

The young of this animal does not look like the adults and does not live in the same kind of place. As it grows up, this animal changes the way it looks. Which animal was described?

a) cat b) chicken

c) whale d) frog

2. The source of energy for almost all living systems on Earth is –

a) the rocky crust c) the sun

b) green plants d) people

3. An adaptation of a cactus is -

a) Deep roots to reach water stored beneath the ground

b) Shallow spread out roots to absorb water quickly

c) Spines to conserve water

d) All of the above

4. The Moon’s surface is covered with hollow areas and pits called…

a) phases c) craters

b) waning d) ellipses

5. When light bounces off an object, we say that it is ______.

a) refracted c) reflected

b) absorbed d) illuminated

Social Studies-

1. To learn about the past is to learn about our ______.

a. present

b. future

c. history

d. resources

2. What map feature shows you what the symbols on a map represent?

a. compass rose

b. map scale

c. map key

d. title

3. Choose the item that is a product grown in Kentucky.

a. oranges

b. tobacco

c. bananas

d. pineapples

4. The need for human interaction would be best met by settling in which type of location?

a.  desert c. mountain

b.  city d. swamp

5. The three levels of government are: