Entry Submission
  • Please ensure that you answer each section of this Entry Form.
  • A minimum of two and a maximum of four supporting documents with a maximum file size each of 350MB can be submitted, such as images, videos, brochures, media releases and letters of support.These can be attached and emailed with your Entry Form .

Category of Entry

Please select theONE categoryyou wish to enter into:

NB: There is a differentEntry Form for Groups and Organisations entering the Awards.

Name of Entrant/Nominee and Contact Details
First Name / Surname
Job Title
Postal Address
City/Suburb / Post Code
Phone / Mobile

Contact details of person writing the application (if different to entrant/nominee):

First Name / Surname
Job Title
Postal Address
City/Suburb / Post Code
Phone / Mobile
Years of Commitment

How many years has the individual been dedicated to the protection and improvement of South East Queensland’s natural environment?


Project Title | Please provide the title of your project/ body of work – this will be used on all marketing material should you be successful as a finalist or winner (maximum of five words only).

Location/s | Please provide the location/suburb where the project was undertaken.

Project Timeframe | Please provide the timeframe of the project. NB:The project must have produced results between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017. Entries can be supported with a foundational body of work initiated in years prior to 2017.

Summary of Individual |In80 words or less, please provide a summary of the individual’s dedication and key achievements for use on marketing and promotional materials.

Criteriafor assessment

Please keep in mind when answering the below that in addition to this criteria, the judges also consider ‘x-factor’ – a unique or impressive element that makes your entry stand out from the rest.

Activities and Achievements | Within 600 words, please describe the activities and achievements of the individual nominated. Include how their efforts have made a positive contribution to protecting and improving the natural environment and local communities.

Alignment with Healthy Land and Water’s Vision and Values | Within 600 words, please describe how the above activities and achievements demonstrate a commitment to protecting the natural environment and supporting resilient regions with work that is underpinned by our values of Innovation, Integrity, Care, Collaboration and Courage.

Commitment to the protection of natural environment in South East Queensland
Demonstrate innovation
Demonstrate integrity and care
Demonstrate collaboration and courage

Alignment with your Values |Within 600 words, describe how the project showcases your own values and commitment to protecting the natural environment and supporting resilient regions.

Challenges overcome | Please detail any challenges that were overcome.


Please providecontact details oftwo individuals who can support your entry:

Referee 1
First Name / Surname
Job Title
Phone / Mobile
Referee 2
First Name / Surname
Job Title
Phone / Mobile
Conditions of Entry
  • Applications must be received by 5pm Tuesday 1 May 2018.
  • The project must have been conducted in South East Queensland which includes the area from the Queensland/New South Wales border, north to Noosa and west to the Great Dividing Range.
  • The project must have produced results between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017. Entries can be supported with a foundational body of work initiated in years prior to 2017.
  • Entries for the Lifetime Achievement Award must show a contribution and dedication to natural environment protection over a minimum of three years, with a demonstrated portion of volunteer commitment.
  • Entries for the Youth Environment Champion Award must show contribution and dedication to the protection of natural environment over a period of more than one year.
  • Past entrants and winners are eligible to reapply in 2018, provided their submission relates to work conducted between 1 January and 31 December 2017. Past winners of the Waterways Champion/Lifetime Achievement Award are not eligible to reapply for this award.
  • Information and images contained in the application or supplied as video footage may be reproduced in Healthy Land and Water’s promotion and publicity materials.
  • Entries and all supporting documents will not be returned to entrants.
  • Entries are judged by an independent panel of industry experts and their decision is final.
  • An organisation or individual can only enter a project once and in one category.
  • An organisation or individual can enter more than one project in various categories.
  • Winners of all categories are eligible to receive the Minister’s Grand Prize and winnings are encouraged to be spent in ways that support environmental work in South East Queensland.
  • Healthy Land and Water reserves the right to amend these conditions of entry in administering these awards.

(Please tick) As author of this application, I have read and accept the Conditions of Entry.

Next Steps

Thank you for taking the time to submit an entry into the 2018 Healthy Land and Water Awards. Your entry will be judged by a panel of experts based on the material submitted. Finalists will be announced on 15 June 2018.

Winners will be announced at the 2018 Healthy Land and Water Awards Gala Dinner. This is an exclusive opportunity to honour our finalists, gain further insight into the many innovative projects being undertaken in the region, as well as network with community leaders and industry officials.

When:Friday27 July 2018

Where:Brisbane City Hall, 64 Adelaide St, Brisbane City QLD 4000

Time:6:00pm – 10:30pm (approx)

Dress:Cocktail/Dinner Suit

Tickets will be available for purchase through our websitehlw.org.au/awards/gala in May 2018.

Good luck and thank you for entering the 2018 Healthy Land and Water Awards.

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