Please reply to:

The Florida Senate  District Office:

State Senator René García 3814 West 12 Avenue

40th District Suite 201

Hialeah, FL. 33012

Phone# (305) 364-3100

May 18, 2012

Gerard Robinson


Florida Department of Education

Office of the Commissioner

Turlington Building, Suite 1514
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Dear Commissioner Robinson,

The Florida Hispanic Legislative Caucus has followed the issue of accountability for English Language Learners (ELLs) and their schools for several months. The Caucus is concerned that key recommendations of the ELL Subcommittee of the Task Force were not taken into consideration. Instead, the State Board of Education decided that students with linguistic barriers should be assessed in the same way that all other students are. The State Board also decided to assess students with disabilities attending a specialized center in a home school the same way as other students in a traditional school environment. The charge to the Task Force was to describe how to include ELL and ESE students in state accountability plans. In other words, to suggest ways to change the accountability rule already adopted in February.

By not including any of the recommendations of the Task Force, your actions will severely impact the positive trend in student achievement made by Miami-Dade County Public Schools and various other school districts. These actions will likely lead to more schools in the state dropping a letter grade, increase the number of schools statewide receiving an “F”, put schools/communities with a high percentage of students for whom English is a second language at an unfair disadvantage, and result in fewer students considered to be on grade level.

I am asking for the removal of all state impediments to the adoption of ELL Task Force recommendations andproceed to negotiate, face to face, recommendations that require federal approval. The negotiating team should include Task Force members.

I am respectfully asking that you make a decision that is fair and benefits all of Florida’s students. Thank you.


René García

State Senator

District 40

Chairman, Florida Hispanic Legislative Caucus

Chair: Healthcare Regulation

Committees: Agriculture, Budget Subcommittee on Health & Human Services Appropriations, Governmental Oversight & Accountability, Reapportionment and Transportation