Community Action Plan, Arriba Koru Khan

Community Action Plan

(A Grassroots planning document of

1)WCBO Ariba

2)Vocation EIG Ariba

3) Live Stock EIG Ariba

Total Number of CAPs#03


Women Community Based Organization (WCBO) Arriba Koru Khan

EIG: Vocational & Livestock

6th November, 2014.

Table of Contents
Introduction...... 3
Background...... 3
Geographical Location...... 3
Social Mobilization in Village Koru Khan...... 3
Objective of CAP development...... 4
Methodology...... 5
Our Vision...... 6
Socio-Economic Situation...... 6
Seasonal calendar...... 10
Pie diagram...... 11
Wealth Ranking...... 12
Need prioritization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………13
Action Plans...... 14
Situation Analysis:...... 15
EIG:...... 16
Village Map:...... 20


Community Action Plan (CAP) is the planning document to identify the means, problems and issues and how to encircle these issues. This CAP is made and designed by the women community members of Village Koru Khan.


According to the elders of the area who participated in the CAP process, Koru Khan was name of a renowned agriculturist who came to this area in the earlier 19th century and his total land was approximately 3,000 kanals. Later the village was named by the name of Koru Khan. KP-SADP successfully formed four male CBOs in village Koru Khan, i.e. Mohallah Patwari, Yousaf Abad, Koru Khan Mashriqi and Roshni Community Organization and 2 female CBOs Arriba and Inqilab. Major tribes living in Koru Khan include jat, Baloch, Banochi, Kundi, Marwat, Mehsood, &Bhettani. The village has 1,000 households and its total population is about 4,500.

Geographical Location

Koru Khan is situated in the south-East of Tank city at a distance of four kilometers. In West of Koru Khan village, tank city is located at a distance of 4 km , in East village Gull Imam is located at a distance of 3 km and in South, Gara Baloch at 4km and at North Kot pathan is located at a distance of 3 km.

Social Mobilization in Village Koru Khan

Koru Khan is one of the village of UC-Shah Alam; the CBO mentioned above covers the main and integral part of village Koru Khan. Village Koru Khan has 1,000 HHs, out of it KP-SADP field team introduced program and successfully organized CBO Arriba, having membership of 35, although there is more potential for CBO formation to cover the entire village. It is a mohallah based WCBO; almost all the tribes have their participation in the WCBO. As District Tank is sensitive from the WCBO formation point of view but keeping in view problems and issues they are facing in their daily routine life the CBOs members give words that they are willing to form WCBO. The process of community organizations formation started on 10th October, 2013. KP-SADP staff played an instrumental role in social mobilization through regular meeting with community, awareness raising and self-reliance.

KP-SADP facilitated the community for their strategic felt need and conducted community assembly for men and motivated the male members in the CAP meeting for WCBO formation. In the community based meeting, they discussed their needs, opportunities and organized into Community Based Organization.

Members of all WCBO participated in the CAP meeting and showed their interest in discussing the village based information sharing; approximately 60 participants from the age of 18 to 70 were present in the meeting. WCBO members developed their village development plan through intensive 5 hours participation.

According to community members SRSP, WFP have been worked in this village especially for IDPs and flood affectees. Government has not carried so far any intervention for the uplift of this area.

Objective of CAP development

Objectives of CAP formulation includes following;

•Identification of hurdles in the way of village development.

•To suggest and develop mechanisms for community lead developmental interventions.

•To plan and strategize available resources for overall community development through analyzing community issues, resources and opportunities.

•To contribute in the improvement of living standard of maximum community.

•Creation of self-initiative for the solution of their problems.

•To realize them the importance of establishment of their linkages with line departments for the solution of their problems.

•To create a sense of self-reliance, self-confidence and self-management in them.

•Identification and utilization of the resources for the solution of their issue/problems.


Information for CAP formulation is collected through different interactive methodologies which include:-

•Transect walk

•Social mapping

•Daily activity charts (Time managed activity)

•Seasonal calendar

•Pie diagram

•Wealth ranking (poverty ranking)

•Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

•Group work

•Village map

Group discussion & transect walk:

Focus group discussion and group work held with community women incorporated in community action plan. KP-SADP DIU female staff attended the sessions and documented the gathered information. Through the mentioned techniques community set their development vision for future.

Community MeetingCommunity Meeting

Our Vision

To empower community with problems (needs) free environment where people will have facilities of basic amenities, health, education and skill enhancement with increased participation in decision making through viable institutions through the project intervention.

Socio-Economic Situation

All the information in this portion is collected from community through a designed and thoroughly discussed checklist, these information are the WCBO/Village based. WCBO covers all the major/minor tribes of the village Koru Khan. As mentioned above that it covers almost the whole village, decision making at village level and mohallah level is primary and secondary Domain of males, for that there is a system that exist in every village is called Jirga . Jirga has only representation of men but making decisions both for community men and women. Therefore women are ultimately excluded in traditional village level decision making process.

Community of the said locality categorized people in different categories of wealth ranking ranging from poorest of the poor to well off having varying access to resources. The living arrangement and construction of houses also varies, most of the houses are muddy some of which are made besides some houses of cement. In Koru Khan 12% are bricks cum mud made houses and 88% are full mudded houses respectively.


The total agriculture land in Koru Khan is approximately 3,000 kanals, in which 1,000 kanal is irrigated. Tank Zam is the major source of irrigation of the area. The main source of income of the Inhabitants of Village Koru Khan is agriculture, they are directly and indirectly involved in agriculture. Besides Agriculture, other sources of income include Govt. service, business, and skilled labor. According to information shared by thefemale community members, 70% of the people are involved in agriculture and 30% of the people are earning through other sources mentioned above. There is serious problem of drinking water in the whole area. As agriculture is the main source of income and land structure is plan and fertile soil.

As the community has landholding and they cultivate crops such as wheat, gram, maize/Jowaralong with that they also cultivate green fodder for livestock in both seasons.

While discussing issues associated with agriculture sector, community mentioned that the community has no timely access to fertilizers and certified seed at their village. Unavailability of improved seed in time and other modern technology and technical expertise for agriculture also persist.

Water lag is the major problem for agricultural land in this area.


As agriculture and livestock is part and parcel to each other, Community also depends on livestock both for domestic and earning purposes. During the transect walk we saw a huge number of livestock while coming back by their owners/Shepherds. The dwellers of village Koru Khan rear goats, sheep, cows, Buffalos, donkeys, camels, ox and poultry within their houses for both domestic and commercial purposes. In village Koru Khan there is a considerable number of livestock as mentioned below.

Type / Number / Type / Number
Goat / 2,000 / Cow / 40
Sheep / 70 / Donkey / 80
Buffaloes / 90 / Poultry / 1,500
Camel / 0 / Ox / 10

The above table shows that livestock raring in village Koru Khan is comparatively high; most of the dwellers are involved in livestock raring, management and business. Both the community men and women are supposed to do livestock rearing and management. But it is mentioned by female community that they are using traditional old methods for this purpose and never attended training on the subject matter. There is also lack of facility to provide cure to livestock related diseases having no linkages with service providers. There is no veterinary center in the whole village. The community members demanded Civil Veterinary Centre (CVC)/Civil Veterinary Dispensary (CVD) to prevent livestock from various diseases and control livestock mortality.


Academic situation of village Koru Khan is more or less; same as in other areas of District Tank. Education in rural areas suffers badly due to non-local staff appointment and the situation is the same here as there is only one GPS (B) for 1,000 HHs (for Village Koru Khan) and 221 students is its enrolment, having 03 teachers. In GGPS there are 4 teachers and student enrolment is 320. Besides male and female primary schools there is one Girls middle school for 235 students enrolled in the school there are 10 teachers. There is no Boys middle school and no high school in this village. For higher education, students go to Tank or D.I.Khan.Male are 10MAs,3 BA, 12 FAs,60 Middle& Primaryand 30 Matric whereas Women in village Koru Khan have also educated lot as MA 0, BA 0, FA 5, Matric 15 and 25 Middle & Primary.

Type / Men / Women
MA / 10 / 0
BA / 3 / 0
FAs / 12 / 5
Matric / 30 / 15
Middle & Primary / 60 / 25
Total / 115 / 45


The village is deprived of health facilities as there in no Hospital/BHU in the entire village. The people of the town visit to DHQ Hospital Tank for medical aid. On the women side there is no MCC/FHC, in delivery cases patients are shifted to DHQ Hospital and private health units due to insufficient facilities at DHQ Hospital Tank. There is no facility for women of the village in Koru Khan. Water borne diseases are also common in the area due to lack of proper sewerage system.


All the households in locality have access to electricity, mobile, school and road. These services are provided to the masses by government; however their effectiveness has decreased with the due passage of time due to no mechanism of maintenance by both community and government.

Water &Sanitation

Village Koru Khan inhabitants are severely suffering from drinking water supply as there is no source of water near the village to carry drinking water.According to the female community members, there is a place Gomal Zam some 45 KMs away from the village and its water is used for Agriculture purpose. Drinking water comes from Pathan Kot tube well which is at a distance of 6KM. Water table in village Koru Khan is 800ft-1,200ft for tube well.Nobody tried at their own due to high expenses and for tube well total expense is 25 lac approximately. There are also some pouches of water in the village and these are the small underground water tanks made for drinking water purpose because of poverty. Most of the villagers can’t afford pit latrines. Street of the village are totally unpaved and there is no proper sewerage and solid wastes disposal system in the entire village.

Women’s development

Traditionally the women are supposed to live within houses and undertake productive, reproductive and community tasks. As a part of their productive tasks women do embroidery, stitching etc. but there is no vocational center to enhance the skills of both men and women and give them opportunity to sell their products for income generation. The female members were agreed to participate in any skill center in village if SADP started this program for them.

Disaster Preparedness

The area is prone to some natural and manmade disasters likes drought, earthquake and environmental issues. But the respective community has no awareness about disasters; therefore there are no disaster preparedness and risk management strategies at local level.


WCBO-Arriba is absolutely lacking in social structure like education, health & Sanitation, environment and there are no streets lights; even streets are not paved.

The phenomenon of unemployment is also common as the whole nation suffers. About 45% of population of earning age is unemployed and with no income to fulfill their basic needs.

Seasonal calendar

Community Women draw their respective seasonal calendars. The purpose of seasonal calendar is to point out and document community engagement during the whole year. The calendar also shows availability of community for development interventions and other engagement of community with socially given activities. The activity also shows community role in agriculture, livestock, education and other sectors of development. Their seasonal calendar revealed that community has comparatively with more time for development interventions during winter and spring seasons.

January – March /
  • Labor work
  • Cutting woods

April – June /
  • Harvesting of Wheat and Gram

July – September /
  • Labor work
  • Preparations for Ramzan
  • CelebratingEidUlFitr

October–December /
  • Sowing of wheat and gram
  • Wedding
  • Celebrating EidUlAzha

Seasonal Calendar

Pie diagram

The given tool described professions of the target community. This information is for that proportion of population who is earning and has economic responsibilities of their household.

Above table shows that 35% of earning people have acquired profession associated with agriculture while 35% are associated with livestock, 25% of them are labor, 3% are doing their own business and 2% are associated with Govt. jobs.

Wealth Ranking:

Through a PRA tool called wealth ranking participants categorized community into four major economic categories poorest of the poor, poor, better off and well off.

During these exercises community classified 35 community households under these four categories.

The given chart shows that 05 HHs of the total households of village Koru Khan are well off, 10 HHs are better off, 18 HHs are poor and 02 HHs are poorest of the poor according to the criteria developed by the community for wealth ranking. The criterion for the ranking purpose is given below.

Criteria for wealth ranking

Standard / Standard / Standard / Standard
Well off / Better off / Poor / Very Poor
-Needs and requirements of a daily routine can be easily fulfilled and can cope with unexpected financial expenses and unfavorable situations.
-can support other (family& other people) in case of any crises.
-owned more than one income sources. / -Needs and requirement of daily routine can achieve hardly
-income and expenses are equal.
- can provide education to their children. / -Those who can afford 3 times meal a day but unable to fulfill other needs.
-Those that cannot bear expenses of health and education.
-Expenditures are more than their income
-do not have their own residence. / -Those that have nothing to meet their basic needs and relymaximum on others.
05 households / 10 households / 18 households / 02households

Need Prioritization:

Need prioritization is one of the tool by whom one can easily asses the awful need or any sort of problem/issue facing by any kind of community; it may be like rural, business, urban etc. As is self-explanatory needs/problems/issues should be written in a tabular form in this tool then the people will grade/prefer the direst need they facing and should be written in a prioritized form.

S. No / Problems / Street Pavement / Drinking Water / Vocational Center / School / Hospital / Street Lights / Prioritized Need / Marks Obtained
Street Pavement / Street Pavement / Street Pavement / Street Pavement / Street Pavement / Street Pavement / 5 / 1
Drinking Water / Drinking Water / Drinking Water / Drinking Water / Drinking Water / 4 / 2
Vocational Center / Vocational Center / Vocational Center / Vocational Center / 3 / 3
School / School / School / 2 / 4
Hospital / Hospital / 1 / 5
Street Lights / 6

Action Plans

S# / What / Why / How / When / By whom / Impact
1 / Street pavement / - It will be easy for children and elders to move through streets particularly in rainy days. / CBO with the support of KP-SADP and coordination with other Govt. line agencies / 2 months / KP-SADP and Government Department / Easy mobility and
Clean environment.
2 / Clean drinking water / Clean and safe drinking water is the right of every human being that’s why, if the water quality is not pure it create a lot of health diseases, which is utmost need of the said community. / Through proper technical feasibility survey and implementation. / 2 months / KP-SADP and public health department. / Through provision of cleaning drinking water many water born and contagious diseases will be minimized.
3 / Vocational Center / Through provision of vocational center, women of the village will be get trained & will be able to generate their income though selling of their vocational products. / CBO will pass a resolution and with the support of KP-SADP and KPK Skill Development Council. / 3 months / SADP and KPK Skill Development Council. / It will help in generation of female income.
4 / School / Due to non-availability of female education the ratio of female education is very low, which is hurdle in the development. / The CBO will decided to forward a resolution to PK-SADP program / 7 months / PK-SADP Program and others / -Due to this action we can easily improve the Education ratio in the area.
5 / Hospital / -For prevention from diseases and timely treatment. / CBO would request through resolution to health department and other different organizations working in health sector. / 5 months / Through PK-SADP and other institutions / -Health facility will be provided at the village level.
-Qualified health staff will be available.
-Death rate and disease rate will be controlled.
7 / Street Lights / -Insufficient street lights according to the need of the village. / -Community was ready to do it on contribution bases. / 2 months / By the CBO initiation and cordial relation with PESCO. / -No hue and cry of darkness in the streets.
-Inhabitants can easily get benefit out of it, students, businesses, farmers etc.

Situation Analysis