CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence

Workshop on

Business Excellence: Organizational Health Check
A Crucial Component for Organization Competitiveness

24 June 2016: Mumbai


The CII Naoroji Gdorej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence along with CII Institute of Quality is organizing a One Day Workshop to familiarize Quality Practitioners & Manufacturing Heads on how Business Excellence can help Organizations. BE helps organizations to understand how well all the different functions, units, processes, systems are working together to produce the desired business results. This helps employees to understand their business better and make apt decisions.


BE assessments serve as an organizational health check. • External BE assessments provide an outsider’s view on the health of the organization and enable the organization to be considered for a quality / BE award. • Achieving BE certification or winning a quality / BE award provides public recognition. • BE assessments enable organizations to compare their performance against others both domestically and globally. • BEMs provide a common framework for learning and sharing ‘best practices’ both within and between organizations. • BEMs help SMEs to develop a systematic and robust system that supports rapid growth and expansion whilst ensuring alignment of strategy.


BE helps you to implement a cohesive strategy which integrates a range of improvement initiatives, such as Improvement Teams, Lean, Statistical Process Control (SPC), and Balanced Scorecard. BE can be used as an overarching framework for managing and aligning various organizational improvement initiatives. • BE helps organizations to address various business challenges through stakeholder focused Strategies to achieve superior performances balancing 3Ps—ie People, Planet and Profit driven by committed Leadership.


The Recognition Winners of the coveted CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence like Aditya Birla, Godrej, NSE, RPG have been invited to make presentations.

Target Audience

Senior Executives from Business Excellence / TQM, Personnel from Business Development /Operations /QA or QC Dept. Process Managers / Owners, Project Managers etc,, Managers / Functional Managers from planning, finance, production, administration etc., Quality Assurance Team / Practitioners, Business Excellence / Quality Consultants, Factory Heads and Heads of Manufacturing/services.

Date / Schedule of Sessions

24 June 2016 Registration – 09:45 am to 10:00am Sessions - 10:00am to 5:00pm

Venue : CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence, Godrej Station-Side Colony, Opposite Railway Station, Vikhroli (East), Mumbai – 400 079

Participation Fees (on non-residential basis)

Type of Organisation / Fees per Participant
CII Members (Large & Medium) / Rs 7000/- + service tax as applicable
CII SSI Members / Rs 5000/- + service tax as applicable
Non Member Companies / Rs 8500/- + service tax as applicable

Fees include participation, course material (hard copies), working veg lunch and tea / coffee. Advance payment of fees is to be drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry”. A discount of 10% will be admissible on three or more nominations from an organization. Participation fees is non-refundable/ non-adjustable against any other programme of CII, but change in nomination(s) is accepted.

Prior registration for participation by the sponsoring companies is necessary. Number of participants will be limited to 25.

Nominations & Enquiries: Amita Samant

CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence

Godrej Station-Side Colony Tel: (022) 2574 5146 / 5148

Opp Railway Station, Vikhroli (East) Fax: (022) 2574 3361

Mumbai – 400 079 Email: /

CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Manufacturing Excellence

Workshop on

Business Excellence: Organizational Health Check
A Crucial Component for Organization Competitiveness
24 June 2016: Mumbai

We nominate the following manager/s to attend the Programme

Name /



Tel / Email id


Our Cheque / Demand Draft dated ______No. ______for Rs. ______drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry” is enclosed.

Name : ______Designation : ______

Organisation : ______

Address : ______


CII Membership No : ______Telephone : ______

Fax : ______Email : ______

Signature & Stamp of the Nominating Authority : ______

·  Participation fee is non – refundable / non-adjustable against any other programme of CII. However change in nomination(s) is accepted.

·  Programme is non – residential.