Abjure means to renounce or give up
something under oath.
Abscess means moving away from being
normal or healthy.
Accelerate means to cause something to move
faster or with greater activity
Acclamation is a loud eager expression of
approval, praise, or assent.
Accommodate is to do a kindness or favor.
Acquisition means something which is sought
and gained.
Adhere means to stick to or cling to something.
Adjournment is the close or end.
Adversaries are opponents or enemies.
Advisably means in a manner capable of being
seen as best.
Aerobic pertains to or caused by oxygen.
Affinities are connections between two or more
similar things.
Aggravate means to make worse or more
Airy means consisting of or having the
character of air.
Allege is to say that something is true or that
someone has done something wrong or
illegal, even though this has not been proved.Allegedly means according to what is
Ambivalence is having contradictory attitudes
or feelings.
Anesthesiologist is the person who studies
agents that remove sensation.
Annihilate is to reduce to utter ruin or
Apologetically is a way of offering reasons or
acknowledging fault.
Apologizing is offering reasons or
acknowledging fault.
Apposition is the placement of two nouns near
one another to explain.
Appositive is a word placed directly following
the noun it modifies.
Aqueduct is a channel or passageway to lead
Archaeological is related to the study of items
from earlier times.
Archaeologists are people who study items
from earlier time periods.
Ascribable is something that is able to be
referred to as a supposed cause/source.
Aspirant is a person desiring a high goal.
Aspiration is the act or process of moving
toward a higher goal.
Assassinate is to kill suddenly or secretively.
Asymmetry is the quality of not having
balanced proportions.
Atrocious is extremely or shockingly wicked,
cruel, or brutal.
Attendance is the persons or number of people
Bisector divides something into usually equal
Caricaturist is someone who draws an
exaggerated picture.
Ceded means to have yielded.
Chronological means arranged or described in
the order in which events happened.
Chronologies are the established time order of
Circumscribe means to draw around or to
Clamorous describes something noisy or full of
loud shouting.
Coherent means having the quality of sticking
Colleague is an associate or someone with
whom one works.
Collectibles are items that are gathered
Combustible is something that is capable of
catching fire and burning.
Commemorate means to show that you
remember an important person or event by
having a special ceremony, or by creating a
special object.
Committed means set into action or placed in
charge of.
Comparable means having features in
common with something else.
Compatible means to get along.
Compelled means to be pushed together or
A compendium is a detailed collection of
information on a particular subject, especially
in a short book.
Complicatedly is the manner of being mixed up
or in a confusing manner.
Composites are things put together from
different parts.
Conducive means creating a situation that
helps something to happen.
Congratulate means to express pleasure to a
person on a happy occasion.
Conquerable is something that is able to be
overcome by force.
Conqueringly means in a manner of gaining
Conscientious means controlled by or done
according to one’s ethics and morals.
Controversy is a dispute between sides turned
against one another.
Conveniently means in a manner coming
together with ease.
Convertibles are things capable of changing
Conveyance is the process of moving people,
animals, or goods from one place to another
or the act of making known.
Correlation is the act of bringing back together.
Counterrevolution is the movement against
overturning the old for the new.
Definitely means without any doubt.
Depose means to put down or to remove from
Describable means able to be written down.
Dialogs are exchanges of words between
Diametrically means exactly opposite.
Differentiated means made different by
alteration or modification. Diminutive
describes something small or tiny.
Discourteous describes someone who is
impolite, uncivil or rude.
Dissected means cut apart or analyzed closely.
Dissent means strong disagreement, especially
with what people in authority think or with
what the majority of people think.
Dissidents are people who sit apart and are
Dissuades means persuades someone not to
do something.Divertible means capable of
being turned aside.
Doubtlessly means with certainty.
Ducts are passageways that lead.
Eccentric means deviating from the recognized
or customary practice.
Ecstatic means pertaining to excessive joy.
Ecstatically means in a manner standing
outside oneself in a joyful manner.
Efficiency is the quality of being productive
without waste.
Effusions are acts of expressing feelings in an
extremely enthusiastic way.
Emissaries are people sent out to perform
Emitted means sent out, given off or released.
Encephalitis is inflammation of the substance
of the brain.
Equidistance is at the same distance from two
Equilibrium is the state of balance.
Eulogizing is speaking well of the deceased at
a funeral.
Exaggerate is to magnify beyond the limits of
truth or to overstate.
Exclaimer is a person who shouts out.
Expellant is something that pushes or forces
Exponentially means to be done in a manner of
increasing or growing very fast.
Expositions are acts of public showings.
Extraordinarily is acting beyond what is usual,
ordinary, regular, or established.
Fascinate is to attract and hold attentively by a
unique power.
Fineries are sets of exquisite items.
Formatted means shaped or arranged.
Formulaic means as if something is usual in
shape or arrangement.
Geometrist is a person who measures the
Gradations are qualities of having steps.
Grapheme is a written unit or symbol that
stands for one sound.
Gruesome means hideously ugly.
Hygienist is an expert in health.
Immobilizations are acts of causing to be
unable to move.
Impartialness is the quality of not taking a side;
showing neutrality.
Inaccessible means not able to go toward; not
easy to get to.
Inadequacy means failure to be of the quantity
or quality needed for a particular purpose.
Inadmissible means not allowed to be sent
Inconveniently means done in a manner not
coming together.
Indefinitely means done in a manner not
having an end or limit.
Indescribability means an inability to be written
Indestructibly is done so as not to be capable
of being unbuilt or torn down.
Indicted means brought formal charges against
someone, especially in a court of law, as in a
federal grand jury.
Indisposed means disinclined or unwilling.
Inefficient means not productive.
Ineligibly means in a manner not able to be
selected from.
Inferring means coming to a conclusion based
on information.
Infrastructure is the underlying framework or
features of a system.
Injurious means having the quality of causing
harm or damage.
Inquiringly means done in a manner seeking
Insecticide is an agent that kills bugs.
Insensibilities are demonstrations of lack of
Insidiously means spreading harmfully in a
subtle manner.
Insufficient means not made up to be enough;
not adequate.
Interceded means sent or came between.
Interdependence is the quality of reliance
among things.
Invaluable means impossible to establish the
worth of.
Invisibility is the quality of not being able to be
Irreparable means not able to be fixed or
Messaging means sending out communication.
Misallocate means to do a poor job setting
aside or distributing.
Miscellaneous describes extra items without a
Misgauge means to determineincorrectly.
Movability is the quality of being able to move
or relocate.
Multipliable means able to be increased two-
Pendant is an item of jewelry on a necklace or
Perceptible means able to be taken thoroughly
or grasped completely.
Permissible means allowed to be sent through.
Photographically means in a manner recorded
on a light-sensitive surface.
Prescribing means stating officially what should
be done in a particular situation.
Pretentious means offering false appearance.
Prevalent means very common in a particular
place or among a particular group.
Privilege is the law or right belonging to an
Proclamation is the act or process of shouting
Propensities are inclinations or tendencies in
Psychologically means in a manner relating to
the study of the mind.
Readjustment is the act of changing again
toward what is right.
Recapitulation is the act of telling the head or
main points again.
Recompensing is paying back or making a
payment for damages suffered.
Rectories are positions of leaders.
Reducibly means to do in a manner able to be
brought or led down.
Regicide is the act of killing a ruler or king.
Repellant is anything pushing or forcing back.
Repetitious means happening or done many
times in a way that becomes boring.
Replicative means capable of being
reproduced or duplicated.
Requisite means necessary for a particular
Requisitioning means making an official
request of order that something should be
given or made available.
Respiration is the process of breathing again.
Scholastic is having to do with school and
Scrumptious means delicious.
Sedimentation is the process of settling or
resting on the floor of liquid.
Separately means done in an individual or
disunited manner.
Subsidiary is a company that is owned by a
larger company.
Suffices means makes up to be adequate.
Sufficiently means done in a manner made up
to be enough.
Susceptibility is the quality of being opened or
exposed to.
Suspicious means tending to cause or excite
questionable behavior.
Symmetrical means measuring with even or in
Technological means pertaining to science and
practical arts or skills.
Tenacious means holding to or being stubborn
or determined.
Therapeutic means pertaining to the treating of
Traceability means the ability to be drawn
around a guiding shape.
Transgressor is a person who steps across or
beyond; a person who does wrong.
Transpiration is the act of breathing through.
Traversable means able to turn or pass across.
Unconquerable means not able to be acquired
by force.
Unmanageable means not controllable.
Unstably means done in a manner that is weak
or changing.
Vacuum is an enclosed space from which
matter has been removed.
Valorous means full of strength and worth.
Versatility is having the ability to be used in
many different ways.
Volute is a spiral or twisting turn, form, or