Zuev Vladimir
Contact: e-mail Tel.: +7916625 0171
Born: London, UK, October 22, 1954, Russian
Education: Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), Foreign Office, Excellency Diploma, 1972-1977. University of Sorbonne, Paris, France, 1977.
Foreign languages: English, French.
Scientific degrees: 1981, PhD in World economy and International Economic Relations (European studies), thesis topic: ‘UK direct investments in the EC’, 2011; Second RF AS Degree, Doctor in World Economy and International Economic Relations (European studies), “Supranational mechanism of the European Integration”.
Present position: since 2003 - Professor at National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow; since 2015 Head of the Section on Global governance and International Trade of the Word Economy Department, HSE; since 2015 Academic Director of the International Trade Policy joint Master program.
Membership in other institutions: 1987–2013, Centre Internationale de Formation Europeenne (CIFE), Nice, France, Council Member; 2010-13, Monasch University, Centre for European studies, Australia, member; 2011-15; Eurasian Development Bank, member of Scientific Board since 2013; Member of Editorial Board of Trade Policy Journal, Moscow since 2015.
Former academic research positions: 1980-03 research positions at Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), RF Academy of Sciences; 1988 - 2003, Head of the EU research Department; 2005-15 holding a chair of Global economic governance and European Integration, HSE.
Ministerial work experience: Russian Foreign Trade Ministry, Counselor to Minister on foreign economic policies. Expert in “Sojuzvneshtrans”, “Sojuzhimexport”, chemical co. “Sogo”.
Lecturing: (ad hoc and regular basis): National Research University – HSE, School of Russian Studies (HSE), MGIMO (Russian Foreign Office), IMEMO (Russian Academy of Sciences), National Economy Academy of the Government of Russia, St. Petersburg State University, Tomsk State University, State University in Nijniy Novgorod, Pablo Olavide University and Sevilla University (Spain), Munich (Germany), Aosta (Italy), Bregenz and Laxemburg (Austria), Nice (France), Horajdovice and Prague for the European University (Check Republic), Rennes University (France) as Professeur invitee (6 months); Lucerne University (Switzerland), Cannon Institute (Japan); Stanford University (USA) guest Professor 2014; Bordeaux University, Sciences Po, guest Professor 2014-15.
May 2016, lecture course ‘Understanding Russian Economy in Transition’, Courcera platform
Main lecture topics: Regionalism and regional integration, RTAs, EU institutions and policies, Global economic governance, International economic organizations, Russian economy, Russia – WTO, Russia – major global institutions, Russia – EU economic links.
Lecturing award: Russian Ministry of Education and Science 2014 medal awarded with a title of ‘Excellency in Russian Higher Education’; Best HSE Research supervisor 2010.
Missions and grants: around 1500 pages of case studies and policy advice papers.
- visit to the EC Commission and the ULB (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) to prepare Soviet Union recognition of the EC, Brussels, 8.11.89, J.W.Maslen, Vanden Abeele;
- expert, intra-Ministerial Commission of Council of Ministers (headed by I. Ivanov) to draft the USSR-EC and later Russia-EU Partnership Agreement (individual concept presented);
- expert in the delegation to prepare the M. Thatcher’s visit to the SU, Brocket Hall, UK;
- mission to Malta to advise on consequences of Malta entry to EU for Malta Labor Party (1989);
- Furth Foundation Competition on ruble convertibility, July 1990, Certificate of Commendation;
- author of Etalon Master Program for Russian Universities on EU studies (economic policies), European Commission’s “Tuning” project (2007-08);
- 2007-08 HSE grant to study supranational mechanism of regional integration, book published;
- 2008-09 HSE grant to study global financial & economic crisis, book published;
- 2008-10 HSE grant to study Global economic governance, manual for Universities published;
- expert from HSE to the EU Tuning project 2008-09;
- Russian expert in OECD AHELO 2009-12 project to develop international criteria for bachelor in economics. Certificate of participation;
- 2011, Baikal Economic Forum participant;
- 2011-12 Russian Government’s mission to develop Russian 2012 agenda for APEC Presidency;
- RF stance to conclude a new Agreement with the EU, General approach, co-author, Jan 2012;
- Participant to Wolfson Economics prize contest on budgetary crisis solution in EU, March 2012;
- 2013 – team expert to prepare recommendations for the Government of Russia for OECD entry;
- March 2013, Seminar for the Regional Government of Republic Saha (Yakutia) on adaptation policies of WTO entry and Regional integration for the economy of regions (panelist expert);
- September 2013, Seminar for the Regional Government of Kamchatka on adaptation policies of the WTO entry (panelist and expert);
- 2013 – member of the Russian G 20 Expert Council on international trade;
- 2013 – EABD grant to study the theory of Regional Integration, book published;
- December 2013 – Workshop on regional integration challenges for Turkey, Istanbul, CHP;
- 2014 development of the RF Concept of dealing with International Organizations for the Russian Ministry of Economics
- 2015-16 study on WTO and global trade institutions for Eurasian Economic Commission;
- 2016 study on ASEAN for RF Trade and Industry Ministry, 280 pp., co-author and co-head;
- 2016 study on regulation of prices in the market economies, Ministry of Economics;
- 2016 expert from HSE for the joint PhD project with the Free Berlin University;
- 2016 HSE grant to study Global Economic Institutions, Editor of the 2016 manual.
Research stays abroad: Sorbonne (6 months), Russian Trade mission in Paris, Professeur invitee to the University of Rennes (6 months), IHEP in Nice (several times), MSH (France); Free Brussels University, Commission of the EU (Belgium); Royal institute of international affairs - Chatham House, London (England); Maastricht (EU course for high ranking officials), Erasmus University (the Netherlands); 3 weeks visit to major US Universities and think tanks (2005), 2009 2 weeks visit to Stanford University (USA); Swiss University of Applied sciences, Lucerne (2010-2012); Cannon global studies institute, Tokyo, Japan (2012-13).
Speaker at Conferences: participation in numerous conferences in Russia and abroad.
Latest: Panel speaker at the 2012 AIF Forum in Tokyo, fall 2012; Canon Institute conference on Russian economy, fall 2012, Tokyo; Panel speaker at the 2nd Russian Economic Congress, Suzdal, Russia, February 2013; Round table panel speaker on the G20 Summit, September 2013; Panel speaker at Global governance Conference, HSE, 2015; Speaker on formal and informal global institutions, Free Berlin University, Berlin 2015.
Major publications list: More than 3000 pages of different publications in Russia and abroad in books, magazines and newspapers on different international topics, mostly on the European Union, regional integration, trade, global governance and economic crisis, including six individual books: Supranational Mechanisms within the Regional Integration. Moscow: Magistr, 2014, 288 pp.; Orientation on the territory of economic crisis. Moscow: Magistr 2009; International phenomenon of the EU supranational mechanism. Moscow: HSE publishing house, 2007, - 254 pp.; EU - Russia energy dialogue. M.: Lukoil, RSPP, 2007, 47pp.; “Britain and the European Community”, M.: “Science”, 1986, - 175 pp.; Problems of the Common Market. M.: “Knowledge”, 1983, - 73pp. Editor and author of 5 chapters in manual “Global economic governance”, M: Magistr, 2009, - 505 pp.; Chapter “EU: nucleus of European integration” in book “In from the cold”, Westview Press, 1992. Two chapters and co-editor in a book “1992 and prospects for the European integration”, M: Nauka. Chapter in History of the European Integration (1945-1994) /Editor M.Emerson, 1995, – 308pp. Chapter on consequences of the EU enlargement in a book “EU enlargement to the East”, M.: Nauka, 2003. “EU Lisbon process” in: Competitiveness and modernization of the economy, M.: HSE, 2004, book 2. “The role of institutions in the EU modernization” in: Economy modernization and growing up of institutions, M.: HSE, 2005, book 1; Chapter “EU as a model for global governance”, book: The EU in the G8. Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods. Ed. J.Kirton, M. Larionova, Ashgate publishing house, 2011; Chapter “EU – Russia energy relations” in “Energy and Environmental Challenge” /Ed. L.Wylie/ P.Wynand. Brux: Peter Lang, 2011, - 417 pp.; Who is who in the world economy. Ed. By V. Pankov, co-author. Yaroslavl: 2012; Economic instruments of Russian external policy, co-author of a chapter in: Non-military instruments of the Russian external policy: regional and global mechanisms. Ed. M. Braterskiy, M.: HSE, 2013, pp. 78-113; Methodology of classification and evaluation of the forms of regional integration. Eurasian Economic Integration. 2014, N3 (24), pp. 25-43; A new paradigm of the foreign economic links. Modern competition, M.: 2014, N2 (44), pp. 37-54; International standardization and the global value chains. Management, M.: 2015, T 3, N 1; Regional integration impact on global value chains. Economy and Entrepreneurship, M.: 2015, T.6, N 3; WTO Doha Round after Bali – a new phase in the Global Trade Regulation. International Economics, M.: 2015, N2, pp 53-63; .New manual Global Economic Institutions, Editor and author, in the editing 2016, Magistr.