AP World History Summer Reading
This Fleeting World by David Christian Due Friday, August 18, 2017
Buy or download the following books: This Fleeting World by David Christian AND Day of Empire by Amy Chua (available at amazon.com and barnesandnobles.com – Used paperback copy is fine!) PDFs of both books are available on my website. Lake Minneola High School then TEACHER then KOVACSEV.
Assignment #1: Please read This Fleeting World pp. 1 – 47 (textbook pages) and answer following questions on separate piece of paper (written or typed) – questions must be written OR answers must be written in complete sentences.
1.) Explain the lifestyle (eating, communicating, grouping themselves) of the first modern humans (Homo sapiens)? (P. 1)
2.) Explain the “out of Africa” hypothesis. (Pp. 5 – 6)
3.) Humans began to migrate out of Africa around 100,000 years ago. What facilitated (made migration easier) this migration? (Pp. 17 – 22)
4.) Explain the origins of agriculture. (P. 24 – 25)
5.) Where did the earliest evidence of agriculture arise? (Pp. 25 – 27)
6.) What major effects did agriculture produce? (Pp. 29 – 31)
7.) List the 6 general characteristics agricultural communities share, and write one sentence explaining each one. (Pp. 32 – 37)
8.) Explain how hierarchies of power emerged in the agrarian era. (Pp. 36 – 41)
9.) What 2 agricultural innovations allowed for increase in population in agrarian communities (villages) (pp. 37 – 38)?
10.) Explain the concept of “glass ceiling” (Pp. 38, 40).
11.) Explain the difference between cities, villages, and states. (Pp. 41 – 42)
12.) What specific societal traditions began to emerge as agrarian societies became civilizations? (Pp. 41 – 47)
13.) As cities and states emerged, what new problems began to arise? (Pp. 41 – 47)
14.) How do hierarchies in early agrarian societies compare to the stratification that exists in our society today? (full paragraph – use evidence to support!)
15.) Is it possible to have a completely egalitarian society? Why or why not? (full paragraph – use evidence to support)
Day of Empire by Amy Chua due Friday, Sept. 1
Assignment #2: Read introduction (Pp. xix – xxxiv) and answer following questions:
1.) Explain Amy Chua’s term, “Hyperpower.” (P. xxi)
2.) Summarize Chua’s thesis regarding hyperpowers. (P. xxi)
3.) How does Chua define “tolerance”? (P. xxiii)
4.) List at least 5 examples of hyperpowers Chua uses to support her claims. (Pp. xx – xxxi)
E-mail me at if you have questions or concerns!!!