

The major developed countries are currently supporting sustainable power generation from fossil fuels (i.e. the highly efficient conversion of fossil fuels – in particular coal- with near-zero emissions). As a winning power generation technology has not yet been defined, a mix of technological options is needed to reduce risk and avoid locking-in to technologies that may not provide the best solution in the long run.

The challenging objectives of saving total primary energy consumption, increasing the contribution of renewable energy and reducing GHG emissions require not only an unprecedented push in developing innovative power generation technologies, but also active steps to optimise more conventional and developed technologies (combustion and gasification) to allow the conversion of the largest variety of fuels (from the most difficult like some wastes and biomass to the most clean but difficult to produce like hydrogen) in the most efficient and cleanest way and in widest range of industrial applications (electricity generation industry, iron/steel industry, glass industry, petrochemical industry, cement industry, etc.).

In this context, the role of industrial, semi-industrial and pilot experimental tests and trials is crucial in enabling technological transfer, as it facilitates testing and optimising the components of an energy production/utilisation system.

The IFRF 16th International Members’ Conference will contribute to spreading best available technologies and practices among all industrial sectors and will stimulate a continuous interaction between the IFRF Network and those different industrial sectors from which our Members come, and in which energy generation and use plays a crucial role


§  Fuel characterization: bio-, fossil, secondary fuels

§  Ash/mineral matter and related problems

§  Oxygen Combustion and other technologies for CCS

§  New combustion concepts (HiTAC, flameless, MILD ,etc.) and their application

§  Ultra low NOx boilers and heaters for different applications

§  Matching for new/revamped/upgraded applications: flame and combustion chamber matching for new or revamped furnaces; burner-boiler matching for new or upgraded boilers

§  Flares for Oil&Gas and other sectors

§  Combustion modeling Verification & Validation (comprehensive codes and sub-models)

§  Diagnostics and in-flame measurement techniques


Richard Waibel IFRF President, John Zink Co., LLC

Philip Smith AFRC Chairman, University of Utah

James Seebold AFRC

Jacques Dugué IFRF Vice President, TOTAL France

Hartmut Spliethoff IFRF Superintendent of Research, Technical University of Munich, Germany Susumu Mochida JFRC Representative, Nippon Furnace, Japan

Neil Fricker IFRF Deputy Superintendent of Research, Glamorgan University UK

Leo Tognotti IFRF Director, Italy


The Conference will offer a combination of Podium Sessions including invited Keynote Lectures, small group Breakout Sessions related to the major themes, as well as Poster and Exhibition opportunities.


The IFRF is now seeking abstract proposals (250±50 words) for presentation at the podium, poster and exhibition sessions. Proposals should be sent to or

Proposal Deadlines

Podium Presentations Deadline for proposals: 15 March 2009.

(20 mins incl.questions) Authors will be contacted by 15 April 2009 to confirm acceptance.

Submission date for full papers: 24 May 2009.

Poster/Exhibition Sessions Deadline for proposals is 30 April 2009.


The conference fee of $ 595 per delegate includes admission and conference materials, breakfasts, lunches, refreshments and the official dinner as well as a copy of the proceedings. Hotel accommodation is not included and should be booked separately on the conference website.


A block of single, double, triple and quadruple rooms has been reserved at the conference venue, the Hilton Boston Back Bay Hotel. For a sneak peek at the hotel, go to http://www.bostonbackbay.hilton.com

For bookings and registration, visit the conference website at: http://improntesrl.it/ifrf2009/