Run-A-Mucca Motorcycle Rally

Regular Meeting

May 2, 2018

Board Present: Brian Stone, Cliff Ponsock, Herb Ross, Heather Browning, Bob Price, Torrey Millhouse, Ginny Hawkins, Anton Castillo, Steven & Jeff of Buckaroo Bradcasting& Darrel Field

Call to Order

Darrel called the meeting to order at 3:00pm at the Winners Inn Banquet Room


Steven moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment



David Parscall has asked that he be allowed to forgo selling shirts at Event Check-in at the Winnemucca Inn and send everyone to the Trailer at the event. Anton OK’d the change. Consensus of the committee is to allow the change.

Burning Bike

Bob has asked for the Burning bike by May 11, 2018. Jerry is working on it. Bob will find a welder with a crane to mount the bike. He is also working to paint the stand to cover the rust.

Brian suggests having a plaque prepared for the volunteer fire department to be presented at the June WCVA meeting.

The committee would like Jace to thank the volunteer fire department as well as the rest of the EMS services during his intro of the burning bike and Fozzy.


Nothing new at this time.


As of this writing we have sent a contract to a Reno Tattoo artist who will be attending the event. We still have plenty of non-food spaces available.


The committee reviewed the to-do list for each portion of the event. Members are encouraged to use the list and their own experience in preparing for Run-A-Mucca 2018.

Anton asked Model T and Winners Inn to supply 3 – 4 cases each of the pork ribs for the barbecue on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Anton will prepare the ribs in advance.

The committee discussed trash removal for the event. Bob agreed to hire the temporary labor and bill the event for the clean-up help.

Ginny suggested contacting the Young Life group for assistance with cleaning up the venue. Darrel will speak with Holly at the Fairgrounds about the group’s availability.

One Wheel revolution needs a performance area of at least 200’ x 40’.

Steven volunteered to lead the Memorial Cruise on Sunday at 10am from the Winners. Brian suggests staging on from Lay Street to the boulevard instead of from the parking lot alley. The committee agreed so long as it is safe and convenient to do so.

Darrel asked if we could plan to bring the small bleachers from the Fairgrounds to the Model T for the Bike Show and Games. Bob notes that they will fit on the Fairgrounds Hay Wagon and suggests looking for another trailer to haul them.

As of this writing, Quick Throttle magazine has offered to have two to three of the Count’s Kustoms staff appear at the event. We could potentially use them at the Tattoo Contest and the Bike Show. They would arrive before 4pm on Saturday and leave by 4pm on Sunday, This may change since Monday is a Holiday. Ginny volunteered an RV space and a room for them. We also currently have a few un-used rooms at the Winnemucca Inn. There was some discussion about paying the group a $250 per person appearance fee but since we have no budget for it, the offer of room and food has been sent. We are currently waiting for a reply from them via Quick Throttle.

Run Packages

As of today we have 205 run packages sold compared to 210 as of last year.


Jace has reported that our location based marketing has delivered 7789 of 100,000 images at the Laughlin run last weekend.


Mike Moore has volunteered food coupons to feed the potential Count’s Kustoms Crew.


Antoine will have volunteers to staff Winnemucca Inn’s registration on Friday from 3pm to 9pm and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

Cliff will have volunteers to staff the Run-A-Mucca booth.

Bike Raffle

The committee discussed controls for issuing raffle tickets at the event.

Brian volunteered his cashier’s cage to account for the tickets to be distributed to the RAM booth and to Deidra’s group. We plan to issue groups of tickets totaling $1000 in value and collect the money from the sellers before issuing additional tickets.

Darrel asked if Brian had change belts or wallets for use by Deidra’s group in selling Raffle Tickets at the event. Ginny mentioned that Kim Petersen has some that could work as well.

Next Meeting

The committee agreed to meet at the Winners Inn & Casino on Wednesday, May 16 at 3pm.


Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Darrel Field

Run-A-Mucca Regular Meeting

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