Absolute Zero
1. What was the the period of time in London called because of the cold temperatures?
2. What did Drebble do?
3. What does adding salt to ice do to it?
4. What property of air allows it to flow down to the floor?
5. What did Robert Boyle do with his fortune?
6. What did Boyle prove with putting the water in the barrel, taking the mass, letting it freeze, and taking the mass again?
7. What did he say caused the ice to expand?
8. What vital tool did Boyle lack?
9. What was the problem with thermometers in the beginning?
10. When alcohol was used for thermometers, why were they very impractical?
11. What did Fahrenheit use to determine 0, 32, and 96 degrees?
12. What made Fahrenheit's thermometer so popular?
13. What was strange about Celsius's original temperature scale?
14. What did Amontons plot to estimate absolute zero?
15. What was the caloric theory?
16. How did Lavoisier use the calorimeter to prove his theory?
17. What experiment did Count Rumford do to challenge the caloric theory?
18. Why didn't more people challenge Lavoisier's theory?
19. What ultimately happened to Lavoisier and his wife?
20. Temperature is simply a measure of what?
21. In Michael Faraday's experiment, what caused the chlorine vapor to liquify?
22. When the glass tube breaks, the liquid turns back into gas. What in the surroundings is absorbed by the liquid that allows this to happen?
23. What region was once called the refrigerator for the world?
24. Why was shipping ice so far still profitable?
25. What was in full swing by the 1830's?
26. By the early 1800's, what was the single most important economic problem in Europe?
27. Carnot said that in a steam engine, the greater the ______difference, the more work that is produced.
28. Lord Kelvin heard from James Joule that ______is converted into mechanical work.
29. What are two of the laws of thermodynamics mentioned in the video?
30. What were some of the uses of ice in the 1800's mentioned in the video?
31. Why were city dwellers the best fed people in the world?
32. What was one reason mentioned by the video for the spread of electricity in rural areas?
33. For what process is Clarence Birdseye known?
34. What was different about this process compared to normal freezing?
35. What temperature did he cool his food to to get that unique effect?
36. How did Willis Carrier solve the ink problem for “Judge” magazine?
37. Where did many people first encounter air conditioning?
38. Why did employers cool various industries?
39. How did “cold” help to make skyscrapers possible?
40. What was the piece of lab equipment named after Dewar?
41. What happened to the rubber ball after it was dipped into liquid oxygen?
42. What are the three permanent gases?
43. Why were they considered “permanent” gases?
44. How did Dewar plan to liquefy these gases?
45. How was the lab of Onnes different from the lab of Dewar?
46. Briefly describe the plan to liquefy hydrogen.
47. What gas would liquefy below hydrogen?
48. What was so difficult about liquefying helium?
49. What temperature does helium liquefy?
50. What year was superconductivity discovered (and named)?
51. What type of fountain does a superfluid form?
52. At very low temperatures, atoms behave like ______instead of individual particles.
53. What could the condensate do to light?
54. How fast did the light travel when it hit the condensate?
55. What two common applications could quantum computers be used for?
56. What is the temperature of the sun? What about the room temperature?
57. Can we ever actually reach 0 Kelvin (absolute zero)? Have we ever?