LAP MANUAL UPDATES – December 2017

Update Details

Chapter 12 – Project Development:

  • Throughout - included program specific requirements for TA and UCI projects.
  • Introduction - revised Tier 1 project threshold from $5 million to $10 million.
  • Introduction – eliminated reference to “Projects of Corporate Interest” (PoCI) – these have been eliminated by FHWA.
  • Section 12.1.1(Scoping Introduction) - strengthened language that scoping and coordination with VDOT is strongly encouraged for all projects.
  • Section 12.1.3(Scoping Process Requirements) - added requirement for SMART Scale funded projects that the scoping report will include a scoping certification statement that indicates either of the following statements: No changes or additions in scope have been made since the application for SMART Scale funds was submitted that will impact the project benefit regardless of impact to budget. OR Scoping changes did occur and the project was re-evaluated and re-scored if necessary.
  • Section 12.3.3 (Project Schedules) - Updated Environmental activities to include addition of 17E-Environmental Review Process and 66-Environmental Reevaluation. Removed activity 33-Final Environmental Document.
  • Section 12.4.3 (Purpose of Public Participation) - added a link to the VDOT Public Involvement Manual.
  • Section 12.5.7 (Advertisement Plan Approval Process) -included PM-130 form as required for submission (by VDOT PC) at advertisement.
  • Section 12.6 (Advertisement and Award) – additions throughout section clarifying the inclusion of CEI and Contingency in the engineers estimate.
  • Section 12.6.3(Development of IFB) - addedLump Sum contract information to clarify that payments based solely on contract time is not allowable. Payments for lump sum contracts must be made based on a pre-determined and agreed-upon schedule, and must be based on estimated project completion, specific deliverables, and/or major milestones.
  • Section (Retainage) - added new section indicating that Retainage shall not be used without cause and included information identifying the limited circumstances when Retainage may be used with cause per federal and state code.
  • Section Damages) - added new section with information supporting alternate methods to Retainage.
  • Section and Disincentives) - added new section with information supporting alternate methods to Retainage.
  • Section 12.6.7 (PSE Submittal Package) –added requirement for SMART Scale funded projects that the PSE submittal form include a certification statement (same as 12.1.3); plus, updated the PSE submittal form to include the scoping certification statement.
  • Section (Dashboard) – updated process for Dashboard information.

Chapter 13 – Project Delivery:

  • Throughout - included program specific requirements for TA and UCI projects.
  • Section 13.1.3 (Summary) - added reinforcing language regarding the Responsible Charge Engineer (RCE); removed requirement for submission of oversight cost estimate to LAD, and added that a copy of the executed construction contract between the LPA and the contractor is obtained by VDOT and upload to iPM.
  • Section (Project Bonding and Land Use Permits) - added threshold amounts and process information regarding performance bonds.
  • Section (VDOT Databases) - updated process for Dashboard information and added sections for SMART Scale and Interim SMART Scale dashboard requirements.
  • Section (Project Documentation) - deleted reference to Recovery Act (ARRA) projects.
  • Section (Qualifications of on-site personnel) - added Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) consultants.
  • Section (Project Monitoring and Oversight) - added language regarding the LPA submitting requests to the VDOT State Construction Engineer to consider removing a bidder or contractor from the Department’s list of Prequalified Vendors.
  • Section (Project Reimbursement Requests) - added option if locality decides not to have the final voucher/estimate examined and verified by a qualified independent reviewer or auditor
  • Appendix 13.1-C (Preconstruction Meeting Topics) - added item #24 - Documentation required for reimbursements.
  • Appendix 13.1-D (Typical Project Documentation) - additional documentation requirements included (#13-#16).
  • Section 13.2.2 (Materials Approvals) – added reinforcing language to use the C-25 (Source of Materials) form; updated process language regarding approval of products, materials, sources, not on a VDOT approved list.
  • Section 13.3.3 (Change Orders Summary) – for change orders requiring written CPM concurrence, added change order Item #(5) “When a previously approved pay-item is being removed or replaced”.
  • Section 13.3.4 (Change Order Approval Process) – modification of the change order process.
  • Section 13.3.5 (Change Order Time Extensions) – added change order time extension language.
  • Section 13.3.6 (Change Order Pricing/Evaluation) –added change order independent cost estimation information.

Chapter 19 – Financial Management/Reimbursement Processing:

  • Throughout - included program specific requirements for TA and UCI projects.
  • Section 19.4.1 (In Kind Match) – Added requirement to provide in-kind contribution plan for each phase where in-kind contribution is expected. Also clarified eligible in-kind contribution costs. As a result staff time for employees of grant recipients is no longer eligible as in-kind contribution; however, they continue to be eligible for 80% reimbursement.

Additionally, all chapters were updated for consistent formatting, grammar, and minor wording changes where appropriate.

Local Assistance DivisionDecember 2017