CHOICE Give options so they feel involved“Does that sound like something your organisation would be interested in doing?”
Advise on available locations and shift times. Offer to send an email with all the details.
If they are still unsure about getting involved with Red Shield, offer to meet in person or better still, offer them a tour of the corps to see the services you are already providing the community. This could open up other opportunities to collaborate and share better ways of working.
COMMITMENT Confirm their choice and share your gratitude for their commitment
“We really appreciate your involvement in Red Shield and very much look forward to sharing Red Shield Appeal with you and your members”
CATAPULT Outline specifics—time, date and activity. Thank them!
“So (contact), we’ll see you at (time and date) at (location). We will send you an email with all the details. Can I confirm your email is (contact’s email)?”
“Thank you once again, we are very much looking forward to seeing you on the (date). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us—our details are in the email I will send shortly. Bye for now!”
Modify accordingly if you have engaged this organisation before.
“Hello! My name is (corps officer name) from Salvation Army Corps in (location/suburb). I’m contacting you today as I am wondering if you are interested in the opportunity to join us in May for this year’s Salva- tion Army Red Shield Appeal. I thought of (organisation name) as I believe we share the same values in helping our community (or other shared value you have identified) and I would appreciate a chance to catch up and discuss the possibility of your members joining in on our biggest event of the year. It’s through partnerships with organisations like yours that we are able to collaborate to continue our work in helping Australia’s most vulnerable.
Please feel free to call me on (phone no.—state clearly). I would love an opportunity to talk to you about the Red Shield Appeal or perhaps other ways we could unite our shared values.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon. My number again is (phone no.) and my name is (corps officer name). Bye for now.”