West Colfax BID Board Meeting

4500 West Colfax Ave.

Denver, CO 80204

December 9, 2014

Members Present

Dennis Gonzalez, Diane Vollmer, Cameron Bertronand David Goldblatt were in attendance. A quorum was present. David Goldblatt called meeting to order at 4:50 pm.

Also present: Dan Shah, Economic Development Director; Angie Varela Admin. Asst.

Minutes and Financial Reports

The minutesfrom the November meeting were approved as amended by Cameron via e-mail.

Dan thanked Cameron for his great job answering constituent questions at last month’s public hearing. There was a brief discussion as to the preferred format for the annual public, hearing based on Planning Board’s format, and noticing BID members of that so they know what to expect when attending. At the same time, Cameron suggested that we have a more free form meeting for members during the course of the year.

Financial reports were presented to the Board for approval. There was some discussion of Gordon Sign’s ineptitude in installing the signage; Dan indicated he was looking to obtaining an additional year of warrantee prior to releasing the last payment. Cameron suggested that in the financials, the budget read “amended” for 2014 to reflect the fact that they has been. Financials were approved unanimously.

Rezoning of Block 1 of St Anthony’s

Dan described the rezoning for block 1 of the St Anthony’s site as having passed Planning Board. Cameron shared that the first public hearing before City Council was scheduled for Feb. 16th. After a brief recap of the Planning Board hearing and participants by Cameron, and there was some discussion as to who should be encouraged to come in relation to the area of direct notice of rezone. Cameron indicated they were considering circulating a petition in support of the rezoning. Dave indicated that he would attend the Feb. public hearing, as a property owner immediately adjacent to the site.

Dan suggested that the board might want to consider taking an official position on the rezoning; Cameron indicated he’d recuse himself from the discussion [owing to any conflict of interest between his role as a BID board director and as a representative of the applicant for rezoning]. Dan asked if Cameron would first give some background on the rezoning. Cameron agreed, indicating that he would recuse himself from subsequent discussion. He described the relationship between the West Colfax Plan and EFG’s plans for St Anthony’s, specifically the goal of diversity of housing. In order to meet that objective, and include market rate for-salehousing (rather than apartments), density of construction is necessary to incentivize condo that arefor-sale, given the risk of construction defects litigation with condos. This is the reason they seek a rezoning of the site. He also mentioned that the existence of citizen participation on the design review committee. Diane asked for clarification as to the zoning sought, which is CMX-12 (from CMX-5). Cameron also mentioned that a fair critique of the rezoning is the Plan’s suggestion that more dense development be focused closer to Colfax. Shadows, however, have less impact on adjacent houses with taller buildings to the North, meeting another goal of the Plan. In the ensuing discussion, board members (and Dan) felt strongly that bringing in home-ownership, keeping shadows off the plazas (with taller buildings to the North).

Motion: Diane moved to support the request for re-zoning block 1 on the St. Anthony’s campus.Dennis seconded. All were in favor (with Cameron again recusing himself from the vote).

Gathering Grounds

Following introductions, Nathan Stern made a presentation to the Board regarding his plans for a “Board Games” café called “Gathering Grounds” in the retail space at West End Flats. The café will featurekosher food including soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods from the Bagel Store. Customers can entertain themselves with various Board games such as checkers, chess, etc. Mr. Stern just received permits and anticipates opening the café in March, 2015. They have a innovated lease with Colorado Coalition for the Homeless which includes an extended free lease with the agreement that the café will employ people with a minimum of one year’s experience in CCH’s job training program at Pizza Fusion. With beer (a few on tap) and wine in demand and important to sustainability, he is currently circulating a petition to residents in the area supporting his request for a beer and wine license. Although the Jewish community is generally supportive of the kosher café, he has received mixed feedback regarding the liquor license. Nathan is soliciting support from the BID for his café. There were questions from the Board concerning hours, Nathan’s retail experience, the liquor license and whether it would be transferrable to other retail operators who lease the space from CCH. Some Board members raised concerns over who has control of the liquor license should Nathan vacate the space, but are confident that CCH would maintain certain high standards for any future renters. Dan pointed out that the license increases the chance of business success, and that a future tenant is likely to operate a similar operation. Diane also brought up the issue of formerly homeless people with drinking problems working there; Nathan pointed out sobriety was a requirement of entering the 1-year CCH program, such that they would be sober for at least a year before beginning at Gathering Grounds.

David entertained a motion to support a wine and beer license for Gathering Grounds located at West End Flats. Cameron agreed speak at the license hearing supporting the application for a wine and beer license on Monday, December 15th at 9:00am.

Motion: David so moved. Cameron seconded. All were in favor of supporting a wine and beer license for “Gathering Grounds”, authorizing Dan to write a letter of support from the BID.

CPA Engagement

Dan presented a proposal from Terry & Company CPA—there is an extra cost involved in reviewing the BIDs financials as requested by Cameron in past meetings. Cameron questioned what deliverables the BID gets for what they’re charging. David would also like for a representative from Terry & CO to be present at the annual meetings in order to answer specific questions from constituents. Cameron would like for them to review BID processes and protocolsand share that with the board, either in person or in writing. Based on further discussion, the consensus was to have the CPA in on completion of the report in April.

Motion: Cameron made a motion authorizing the engagement of Terry & Company in the amount not to exceed $3,000 for the purpose of preparing reviewed financial statements of the BID. Also requesting a presentation, and a clarification of the timeline and the deliverables be clarified. Diane seconded. All were in favor.

Shelter Maintenance Proposal

Dan presented a proposal from ECD Metalworks to conduct two assessments of the bus shelters per year for $200 each resulting in a written report with pricing for suggested maintenance at an hourly rate of $85 per hour. Maintenance would include:

1)replace 3M protective coating on glass panels where required,

2)replace broken glass panels,

3)touch up any damage on painted surface of shelters with Tnemic paint including scratches and graffiti,

4)lightly sand stainless steel sculptures to remove road grime from plows/cars as well as scratches and graffiti.

Diane asked if they have insurance; Dan indicated they did.

Motion: David moved to approve the ECD Metalworks proposal. Dennis seconded. All were in favor.

Tactical Urbanism events

Dan would like to pursue projects that improve connections across Colfax between the North and South parts of the neighborhood and might add on-street parking. To do so, and gain political support, he would like to have a Tactical Urbanism project to experiment temporarily with solutions to improvements in the right of way. Cameron would also like to see an event specifically designed to address the constituents’ specific concerns, and really engage with them, in addition to such a project. He also recommended additional information to the board (and for anyone signing up to participate) prior to having any signups to the project. Dan explained this would be in concert with the City; pop-up of what a location can be.

He would also like to apply for an ULI Healthy LivingWorkshop (a Technical Assistance Panel), which would bring experts in to focus on changes to Colfax to make it more walkable and bikable.

Danalso reported on preliminary research on what would be involved in shifting from tax assessments to a mill levy. The BID would need to amend its ordinance to allow for a mill levy, which is not currently allowed. Based on valuations during BID formation, mill levies were not deemed an option; but Dan believes this could change in the near future.

Dan would also like to explore the possibility of getting a credit card for the BID in order to better track administrative expenses. Diane would like to place a cap on the credit card not to exceed $2,000. Dan believes that $1000 would be sufficient for his purposes, and track the breaking point for individual authority to sign checks; he also suggested the expenses should have been budgeted for.Board asked that Dan send an e-mail with this request.

Diane obtained board support and signatures for a resolution approving an annual bonus for Dan. Luanne from Walgreens has not attended meetings, so has not signed the resolution.

Motion: Diane moved to approve an annual bonus for Dan in the amount of $1,615. David seconded. All were in favor (Cameron not present).

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm