The Medal “Biosphere and Humanity” in the name of Doctor of Biology Professor N.V.Timofeeff-Ressovsky was instituted on August 14, 2000 by the Scientific Council of the Medical Radiological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (MRRC of RAMS) and the N.V.Timofeeff-Ressovsky Scientific Society “Biosphere and Humanity” named after outstanding scientist, teacher, faithful son of Russia and a world-famed humanist.

Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeeff-Ressovsky (1900-1981) is one of the founders of the radiation genetics, radiobiology, phenogenetics (genetics of development) and radiation biogeocenology. His fundamental works (about 300 publications, including over 10 monographs) on mutation process, phenomenology of gene expression, population genetics, evolution theory and radiation ecology are acknowledged world-wide.

N.V.Timofeeff-Ressovsky was a full member of the German Academy of naturalists “Leopoldina” in Halle, a scientific member of the Keizer Wilhelm Society for Science Promotion (after the World War II the society is called Max Plank Society) (Germany); he was also an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences and Arts in Boston (USA); the Italian Society of Experimental Biology; the G. Mendel Society in Lund (Sweden); the British Genetics Society in Leeds; K. Linnei Society in London; a constitutor member and honorary member of the N.I.Vavilov All-Union Society of Geneticists and Selectionists (USSR); a full member and later an honorary member of the Moscow Society of Naturalists; a member of the USSR Geographical Society, the All-Union Botanic Society; a laureate of medals and prizes: Lacaro Spalancani (Italy), Darwin (Germany), Mendel (Czechoslovakia, Germany), the very prestigious KimberPrize in Genetics in the United States.

As a brilliant and erudite man of indefatigable energy and an ardent polemist, N.V.Timofeeff-Ressovsky, wherever he lived and worked, in N.K.Kol’tsov’s and S.S.Chetverikov’s laboratories in Moscow, at the Institute of Brain Research of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in Berlin (Germany), at the Object 0215 (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Chelyabinsk Region), at the Institute of Biology of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Sverdlovsk), at the Institute of Medical Radiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Obninsk) and at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the USSR Health Ministry (Moscow), formed creative teams and schools with high intellectual potential.

Nikolay Vladimirovich's scientific heritage is of primary importance for the formation of a scientific world outlook of the modern natural scientists as it highlights global mechanisms of the evolution of the biosphere and humanity, the ecological state of the planet.

In recent years, his scientific works have acquired a new depth and significance mainly because of urgent problems concerning the environmental protection to be solved in view of nuclear power potential, restoration of areas contaminated with radionuclides, forecast and study of the state of biological processes and population genofond.

The Medal “Biosphere and Humanity” in memory of N.V.Timofeeff-Ressovsky is awarded by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Medical Radiological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences every two years (every even year, on December 19) on the competition basis, as well as in connection with scientific jubilee events for outstanding achievements in theoretical biology, radiation genetics, radiobiology, development genetics, evolution theory, radioecology, Nature protection, space ecosystems, coevolution biosphere and humanity.

To take part in the competition, it is required to forward the following documents to the Scientific Council of MRRC RAMS (4 Korolyov St., Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249036, Russia):

- a motivated presentation from the scientific institution, a scientific society or a group of famous scientists;

- copies of the most interesting papers by the nominated candidate;

- a list of papers by the nominee on the presented topic;

- personal information about the nominee (surname, first name, second name, date of birth, scientific degree and title, place of work and position, address and telephone numbers).

Protocol Num. 6 of August 14, 2000.

Society Scientific Secretary

N.G. Gorbushin