Newsletter November 2013
Newsletter November 2013
Newsletter November 2013
Patient Survey
A new Patient Survey will shortly be issued which will be available online and at the surgery.
We appreciate your views and feedback and the results of these surveys are used to measure the quality of service we are providing to you and our subsequent Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) score as a practice.
If you have time we would appreciate it if you can find 5 minutes to fill it out and send it back to us. Of course this isn’t the only way you can let us know your thoughts — our practice management team is always here to receive your feedback and comments.
Evening Clinics
Newsletter November 2013
If you find it difficult to get to the surgery during normal surgery hours (8.30 am — 6.00 pm) we can offer you a limited number of evening appointments. These are there for planned attendances which are booked more than 48 hours in advance.
Urgent care outside of normal surgery hours still remains the responsibility of Serco Health, the out-of-hours service. Apart from where bank holidays fall and affect provision, there are normally four evening (until 7.15 pm) clinics per week. These clinics are run by any one of our GP partners or nurses on a rotational basis. Please ask our receptionist for an extended hours slot when you need to book a non-urgent consultation outside of our normal hours of availability.
Our Community Support
Getting Repeat Medication Closer to You
We did not wish this newsletter to go to print without a mention of the various community businesses and organisations that support this surgery every week. Without the support of our local post offices and shops in Ladock, Tresillian, Grampound Road, Sticker and Tregony and Mrs Waters in Summercourt, we would not be able to provide the repeat prescription pick up and delivery service. Judging by the number of patients who use this service you find it very beneficial.
We would also like to let you know that we now have our own van, which we use to pick up and deliver prescriptions. Phil West is our driver.
The Dispensary at Probus handles around 12,000 dispensed items per month which are requested in person, paper and emailed via our website.
— there is a wealth of information here, plus a service to order repeat medications, download forms and keep up-to-date with latest developments. Ideas on how this can be improved further are always welcomed.
Memory Clinics
We are delighted that fortnightly memory clinics have started at the surgery. These clinics are designed to help those patients initially referred for assessment to receive a one-stop service led by the Community Psychiatric Nurse and Occupational Therapist.
Comments Book
We welcome all feedback from patients and some of you may have noticed, and already used, the Patient Comments Book, which can be found in the lobby at Probus and Grampound surgeries.
All comments recorded in these books are discussed at our monthly Governance meeting.
Patient Care Data
The Care.Data service is a new service created by the Government via the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 (HSCA) empowered the HSCIC to require providers of NHS care to send it confidential data in limited circumstances, i.e. when directed to do so by the Secretary of State for Health, NHS England or when receiving a mandatory request from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), NICE or Monitor. The HSCIC will process the confidential data in a secure environment and can only release confidential data where there is a legal basis.
Data about some aspects of your care can be extracted directly from GP practices and sent directly and securely to the HSCIC.
The data to be extracted from GP systems for Care.Data includes information such as family history, vaccinations, diagnoses, referrals, biological values (such as blood pressure, BMI and cholesterol with QOF exception codes) and all NHS prescriptions.
Identifiers (DOB, postcode, NHS number and gender) are required to link the GP data with PCD from other care settings in order to analyse patient care across pathways. Free text will not be included in the extraction.
What to do if you do NOT want your data to be used by Care.Data
Simply ring or write to the practice and explain that you wish to "opt out" of having your data included in the Care.Data process. We will then place a code in your record that ensures your data is not included.
Booking Appointments Online
We are currently in the process of setting up appointments for patients to book online. This system requires us to have your e-mail address on record so please complete a form that you can find at Reception in Probus and Grampound Surgeries.
Once we record your email asking you to set up an account you will be able to book these appointments via our website.
Annual Health Checks
If you have received an appointment for an annual health check that you DO NOT wish to attend, could you please telephone the surgery or return the slip to us so we can keep your records up-to-date.
Help for Heroes Fundraiser
In September Dr Emma Campbell and Nurse Georgie Murrell took part in the Tough Mudders Challenge with Stringers Gym. This consisted of a 12 mile run/walk with assault courses to complete along the way.
They would like to say a big thank you to everyone who sponsored them and so far they have raised £600. They are hoping the total amount raised will be around £2,000, this sum is from the combined efforts of the seven ladies who took part.
We are commencing a 3 month trial of patients receiving automated message reminders about appointments via a mobile number due to pressure on appointments, especially during the winter months. There are around 100 appointments lost each week because people have forgotten to attend their booked appointments. We would always welcome being informed of a need to cancel an appointment so that this can be used by another patient, even at 15 minutes notice.
Probus Memory Café
The Probus Memory Café members recently enjoyed celebrating their first anniversary with a trip to PenroseWaterGardens for a delicious roast lunch on a rare sunny morning in October.
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month between 2.30 and 4.30 pm and we enjoy an afternoon of friendly chat , discussing topics as varied as trilby's and toffees and remembering songs and games we have all enjoyed as well as other enjoyable challenges.
Individuals with memory difficulties and a friend or carer are all welcome to pop in and join us at any time.
You can contact Mike Durose (Chairman) on 01726 884598 for more details or pick up a leaflet in the surgery.
We would also welcome any new volunteers who would be happy to help for 2 to 3 hours once a fortnight. You too will have a rewarding and enjoyable afternoon!
Please note in December; A Christmas party with some of the Primary school children is planned on TUESDAY 10th December at 2pm - not the usual Wednesday.
Fabulous Friends
A sincere thank you to the band of friends of our surgeries who work very hard to raise money to support patient care.
The money raised by the activities they organise goes towards buying vital equipment for the surgery. This has included updated instruments to examine patients ears and eyes, an initial donation to help cover the rent of the village hall for the Memory Café and blood testing equipment to allow immediate analysis of patients blood who may be on Warfarin but unable to get to the surgery.
Congratulations Corner
Congratulations to Emily Morford, one of our dispensers, on the birth of her baby girl, Erin, on 25th November 2012.
Also congratulations to Emma Kirk, one of our Administrators, who gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, Oliver, on 9th April 2013.
We are delighted to announce that Healthcare Assistant Chrissie Nash has another baby on the way. Baby is due in mid May and everyone at the practice wishes Chrissie all the best.
Congratulations go to Becky Teague, one of our Dispensers, who married her farmer fiancé Mark on 29th June 2013 at St. Stephen Church. We wish them a long and happy marriage.
Probus Surgery would like to wish the PROBUS YOUTH FOOTBALL TEAMall the best. Hopefully our sponsorship for their new footy kit will bring them some luck.
Newsletter November 2013
Dispensary Opening Hours
Probus Grampound
Monday to Friday Mon, Tues & Fri 8.30 am – 12.30 pm
8.30 am – 6.30 pm Wed 2 – 6 pm
Thurs: Closed
Welcome to the Dispensary at Probus & Grampound Surgery. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a vital part of the General Practice team. The Dispensary liaises closely with the Doctors, Practice Nurses, Community Nurses, Macmillan Nurses, Receptionists and Administrators.
Dispensary facilities are available for patients who live more than one mile from a chemist; you will be advised of your eligibility when you register as a patient.
Newsletter November 2013
Newsletter November 2013
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered quickly and easily through a variety of methods listed here:
By Hand:Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil* provided with each prescription. Please clearly tick the items that are required and state where you would like to collect your prescription. This slip can be placed in the post box provided just inside the main front doors at Probus or Grampound Surgery during working hours, or placed in the post box outside either premises (on the right hand wall of the front door at Probus) outside of working hours.
By Fax:Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil* provided with each prescription. Please clearly tick the items that are required and state where you would like your prescription to be collected. This slip can be faxed at any time of the day or night to Probus on 01726 885548 (note the new number which goes directly into Probus dispensary).
By Internet:Patients can access the surgery website at near the bottom of the home page, click the ‘order repeat medication’ link and follow the instructions. This service ensures the dispensary receives all the information it requires to process your request, and also automatically sends the patient an acknowledgement email so you know it has been safely received.
By Royal Mail:Prescription requests can be made using the prescription counterfoil* provided with each prescription. Please tick the items that are required and post to the Dispensary, Probus Surgery, Tregony Road, Probus, Cornwall, TR2 4JZ, clearly stating where you wish to collect your medication.
If you are requesting a script to be sent back to you, please send us a stamped addressed envelope with your prescription counterfoil*.
*If you have misplaced your prescription counterfoil, we can accept a written request to include name, date of birth and items required.
Newsletter November 2013
Monthly Prescriptions:
Newsletter November 2013
Please ensure that you do not run out of medication by ordering your repeat prescription in plenty of time. We require at least three full working days’ notice (not including weekends or Bank Holidays). During busy periods, such as before or after Bank Holidays, we would appreciate being given extra time. However, please do not over stock or “stock up” on medicines.
Newsletter November 2013
Co-ordination of Monthly Prescriptions:
The dispensers would welcome the opportunity to liaise with any patient to co-ordinate their medication so that they can all be ordered regularly once a month. Having various medications due at different times of the month is time-consuming for patients and their carers and often necessitates more than one request and trip to the surgery premises every month.
Delivery Service:
Regular dropping off points are made to Post Offices and local shops on a twice weekly basis (Tuesday and Friday) to the villages of Grampound Road, Ladock, Sticker, Summercourt, Tregony and Tresillian. You will need to provide cash or cheque in a sealed envelope with your requests (or have a valid pre-payment or exemption certificate) in order to use this service. In addition, a delivery service is available for patients who are housebound and have no relatives, friends or neighbours who can collect medication for them.
Newsletter November 2013
If you have any problems, queries or difficulties, or if you have accidentally run out of your medication, a dispenser will be availableto offer advice and assistance. Please contact the dispensary through the usual surgery telephone numbers at Probus between the hours of 11 am and 4 pm.
Health Awareness:
Newsletter November 2013
We have a team of very experienced and fully qualified dispensers who liaise closely with other members of the Practice team, including the doctors and nurses. Healthy living advice is available upon request, along with a wide range of supportive literature and leaflets. The Dispensary aims to ensure that all patients receive excellent patient care, including regular check-ups and regular tests as required by the doctor. Please respond to our requests to make an appointment. Failure to do so may result in us not being able to dispense your medication the next time you request it.
Queries and Questions:
If you have a query about any aspect of your medication or care, please ask a member of staff. If they do not know the answer, they will speak to the appropriate person and get back to you within a reasonable period of time.
Newsletter November 2013
Complaints and Suggestions:
Newsletter November 2013
We operate an in house complaints and suggestions system which aims to deal swiftly and thoroughly with any problems that may occur. It is designed to provide an explanation and an apology when appropriate. It gives details of what we will do to put the matter right and try to ensure it does not happen again. A complaint and suggestion pack can be collected from reception.
Newsletter November 2013
Helping You with Your Medication:
The Dispensary is able to produce helpful ‘reminder’ charts for those patients who may be on a number of different medications. These charts can show when each tablet should be taken and can be provided free of charge on request.
Dispensary also stock ‘dosit’ boxes and pill cutters. The dosit boxes are plastic boxes with compartments for you to organise medication for a relative or yourself on a weekly basis with different compartments for different times of the day.
Dispensary Email:
Dispensary Fax: Probus—01726 885548
Main Reception: Probus—01726 882745 & Grampound—01726 882521
Newsletter November 2013
Update Medical Records
Due to new clinical guidelines patients must now have an up-to-date height, weight and smoking status on their records to be referred for further care. Please could you help us by providing the information below:
Name …………………………………………………………………………………….………………
DOB ……………….……………………………………………………………………………………..
Height ………………………………………….. Weight ……………………….……………….
Smoker / Non Smoker / Ex Smoker (please circle)
If smoker how many per day ? ……………………
If Ex smoker, date given up ………….……………..
How many per day ? ……….………….……………….
Mobile No: …………………………………………………..
Email address: ……………………..………………………
Please drop this slip in to either the Surgery or any repeat medication drop off point.