Leadership Summit XIV
For Professional And Volunteer Leaders In The Not-For-Profit Sector

Workshop Proposal

May 2, 2016

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Doubletree Hotel Tarrytown

The NFP Leadership Summit Planning Committee is soliciting proposals from qualified experts to conduct workshops at this year’s Summit. The Committee has identified several topics of interest which are listed below. If you wish to be considered, please complete the attached form by Friday, February 26, 2016 at noon and submit it via email it to: .

The Summit attracts participation across a varied population including: Agency CEOs/Executive Directors, senior and mid-level staff, volunteers and volunteer Board members, etc., representing varied disciplines: Health and Human Services, Arts, Environment, etc. The workshops are 1-1/2 hours in length. Therefore while your presentation should have a broad appeal, it is important to indicate which groups(s) will be best served by your presentation and also indicate the level of experience of the audience participants: “new” to the nfp sector; mid-career (5yrs to 12 years) or “seasoned” (more than 12 years).

Please note: all of the members of the NFP Leadership Summit Planning Committee will be in charge of accepting or rejecting any and all proposals as well as moderating the selected workshops. In some situations, you may be asked to present your workshop as part of a panel of other experts who have submitted proposals on the same topic. You are welcome to use this RFP to propose a panel on one of the suggested topics. If this is the case, please include information about each of the proposed panel members. If you do not indicate otherwise in the narrative sections below, the committee will assume that you are amenable to participating as part of a panel rather than presenting alone.

Step One: Select one of the following presentation topics:

¨  Hot Topics in HR - Topics may include: Exempt/Non Exempt classifications
¨  Legal issues – Topics may include Independent Contractor Status; NFP Revitalization Act (impact on Board, impact on committees etc.); the Line between Advocacy vs. Lobbying
¨  New trends in social media: managing the metrics (measurement, what it means)
¨  Topics of interest for middle managers, including:
o Time Management
o Working with difficult employees
o How to manage with a business mind as well as a program mind
o Quality Management
o How & Why nfp should adapt a "business brain"
¨  LEAN management approach
¨  Volunteer Life Cycle: How to keep your volunteers & turn them into your ambassadors, leaders, board members & donors
¨  Career path in the NFP sector (how to get the most out of working in nfp)
¨  Merger and consolidation in the NFP sector … the Continuum; and/OR Different perspectives: Funders: what do they see/Agencies:what is your experience, etc.
¨  Major Gift and Capital Campaign: pre-planning for your feasibility study. Is your organization internally ready?
¨  Strategic Fundraising for Small Shops - building capacity with limited resources
¨  Role of the Board, Executive Director or President/CEO in fundraising and donor relations
¨  Getting Government Funding-multi levels: local, county, state, federal
¨  Using Data: how to benchmark outcomes/program effectiveness? Use for marketing?
¨  The role of the Board in a nonprofit
¨  Voter Registration and Mobilization: Why Nonprofits Should Do It (How to do; what is allowed by funders, etc.)
¨  Branding: "why it is important" and "making the case"
¨  B- Corporations: a nonprofit model
¨  The "Gold Standards: BBB, GuideStar, Charity Navigator, etc. What is their value? What is the role of the 990 etc.?
¨  Generations in the workplace – working together
¨  Local Foundations Panel: corporate, family, etc.: successful funding initiatives & collaborations
¨  Federal Overhead Rate Requirements
¨  Cyber Security and Secure Communications

Step Two: List your proposed title (NOTE: this is the official title that will be used in the brochure, our website and our program):

Step Three: Proposed Workshop Summary Description (please provide a 100 word description of the workshop to be used in the program and on the website.)

Please add any additional details that will help the committee understand your workshop:

Step Four: What audio visual materials will you use and what equipment will you require?

Step Five: Will you provide handouts to the participants? Yes ___ No ___

Will you be willing to provide a link to your presentation materials after the event has concluded that will be posted on the Summit web page? Yes ___ No ___

(Please note: The Summit Committee will provide up to 100 copies of your handout if it is sent electronically to United Way by April 20, 2016. Feedback from past workshop attendees indicate that handouts as well as links to your presentation are desired.)

Step Six: Ideal Number of Participants (average workshops attract 20 -100 people): ______

Are you available for either the morning or afternoon sessions? ______

(Please note: we will try to accommodate special requests but greatly appreciate flexibility and cannot guarantee the timing until the program has been finalized.)

Step Seven: Presentation Style. (Please note that the usual room set-up is “auditorium style” with a front table for presenter(s) & moderator):

¨  Lecture w/questions & answers

¨  Interactive (include a description of how this would be interactive):

¨  Panel (Please include other proposed panelists along with their contact information):

Step Eight: Not limited to, but best targeted for this NFP Population (pick only one):

¨  NFP with operating budget of $ 5 million + (or 50+ staff)

¨  NFP with operating budget of $ 1 -- $5 million (or 16-49 staff)

¨  NFP with operating budget of $ 0 -- $1 million (or 0-15 staff)

Step Nine: Please indicate your Target Audience:

Staff only ___

Senior executives ___

Mid-level executives ___

Volunteer board members ___

General volunteers ___

“New” to the nonprofit sector (less than 5 years experience)___

“Mid-career” (5 – 12 years experience) ___

“Seasoned” (12 years or more experience)___

Other: ___ (Describe: ______)

Step 10: References:

Similar workshops that you have conducted:

Name of Workshop Date Workshop Sponsor

References (please list at least 2 or provide link to an online reference) that demonstrate your expertise and presentation style:

Name Title Organization Phone Email

Links to YouTube or other videos that highlight your expertise:

FINAL STEP: Contact Information & Biography to be included in the Summit Program (please provide for each presenter if it is a panel format.):

Name(s) ______

Organization(s): ______

Address(s): ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Social Media/Websites connected with your professional work:

Please attach or link us to a 100 word biography (for each presenter) that we can use for our program if your proposal is accepted (NOTE: we reserve the right to edit all biographies for length):

Proposal Contact Information: If the person to contact regarding this proposal is NOT the same as listed above, please provide the following information:

Name: ______Email: ______

Organization: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______

S:\SUMMIT\Summit XIV\Workshop Presenter Proposals\Presenter-form-XIV.doc