Farewell Ritual for

a Deceased Member

Knights of Peter Claver, Inc

Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary

Junior Knights and Daughters

Bishop Joseph N. Perry

National Chaplain


Funeral Ritual

Knights of Peter Claver, Inc

  1. Following hereupon is a proposed revision of our ritual offered upon the death of a member of our Order. This newly created ritual can be added to the collection of rituals already in use by our divisions and takes into consideration the following:
  1. The opportunity to make public and dignified corporate expression of our sympathy when a member has died, symbolically indicating the sentiments of the entire membership of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc or the Ladies Auxiliary/Ladies of Grace, particularly in absence of our supreme knight and supreme lady and other senior officers, while indicating the condolences of rank-and-file members with whom was shared the charism of our Order.
  1. The opening words to this ritual provides for the grieving family, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, clarity about who we are and what connection we have with their beloved deceased so as to offset any confusion about who we are, why we are there.
  1. The proposed revision avoids the terminology, “Wake Ritual” for all funeral rites these days do not include a wake. Some families allow only a short period of “visitation” at the church just prior to the funeral mass. Hence, the suggested new terminology:

“Farewell Ritual for a Deceased Member”

  1. The ritual here appropriately avoids any duplication of a part or parts of the proscribed Rite of the Mass of Christian Burial of the Roman Catholic Church inclusive of scripture passages that might be chosen by the presiding priest, including priestly-type prayers in content or format, lest our ritual be confused with being the actual funeral service or being an unnecessary duplication of the funeral service.
  1. The ritual steers clear of anything in content interfering with a priest who comes to the funeral home where the recitation of the rosary is custom or where the standard printed wake services approved by the Catholic Bishops of the United States (USCCB) are used thus leaving the KPC ritual distinct and contributory to the beauty of the obsequies. The funeral ritual steers clear of anything, prayer or scripture, ordered by the priest who celebrates the funeral Mass.
  1. In the interest of time, the proposed revision is timed so as not to intrude upon the grief of the family or the central ritual of our Catholic funeral and burial rites.
  1. The ritual here does not employ music or song and thus is restricted to the solemnity of prayer alone. If time permits in its execution, a hymn or song can be employed. Increasingly, local norms in parishes and dioceses frown upon recorded music, CDs, music boxes, tape players and the like… preferring only live musical execution. Then too, some members are shy of singing in public or the collection of participating members in the ritual does not always feature persons with singing ability. And in instances, song has unduly lengthened the KPC ritual in the interest of starting the official funeral mass on time. Discretion and good judgment are called for here.
  1. It is understood that prior to implementation of the ritual the necessary contacts have been made and permissions secured from the family and the pastor of the Church, or in his absence, the authorized administrator of the church.
  1. In the instance of funerals of our members, the reputation of the Knights of Peter Claver Inc and their Ladies Auxiliary and Junior members is always at stake, and this includes the perception of priests and bishops, fellow Catholics and non-Catholics as to our procedures, manner of communication, rituals and gatherings.
  1. This funeral ritual can be employed at the Wake Service, or at the Church just prior to the Funeral Mass when no Wake has been scheduled, or in parts, at the Cemetery interment service.

This particular ritual can be used for a deceased 4th degree member, knight or lady, 3rd degree members, and also any junior.

Bishop Joseph N. Perry

National Chaplain

The Claver Farewell Ritual

Upon the Obsequies for

A Deceased Member

Sir Knights:

  1. The leader is appropriately the Faithful Friar or Priest or Deacon, or when not available, some other competent Sir Knight. Two lectors, Reader #1 and Reader #2. Participants should be dressed in full regalia.
  1. When a Sir Knight from your Assembly has passed away, a committee of two or three members should go to the family and speak with them in detail about the arrangement for the Knights of Peter Claver Farewell Ritual. In instances, it may be only appropriate to arrange this by telephone by lead of the Faithful Captain. Should the family not want any part of the ritual;the Sir Knights should respectfully comply.
  1. If the ritual is to take place at a Funeral Home, Sir Knights should turn-out in tuxedos and white gloves. If the ritual is to take place at the Church, Sir Knights should turn out in full regalia. The family should be informed that the regalia for the deceased is needed for the ritual and will be returned after the ritual is finished, i.e., ideally, if at all possible by permission of the aggrieved family the body of the deceased should be dressed in his black tuxedo, black bow tie and white gloves. If the deceased, for whatever reason such as a closed coffin, is not to be vested in the KPC regalia, certain parts of the KPC regalia/insignia can be placed atop the coffin or next to the coffin on a table
  1. The Faithful Captain should inform the members of the Assembly that the Sir Knight has passed from this life, along with the date and time of the services arranged by the family/pastor/church. Participating members should arrive at the Church at least a half-hour before the KPC ritual is scheduled to begin.
  1. At the commencement of the ritual, the Faithful Captain, Navigator and one other member will approach carrying the regalia of the deceased member and, one piece at a time, dress the body with the lapel pin, and reverently place the baldric sword, chapeau and cape on the coffin. Then, return to their places. The Faithful Captain will escort two guards to be stationed on either side of the coffin. Each guard will be facing the people seated in the church with swords drawn to present swords. Then,
  1. The Faithful Captain will return to where the Sir Knights have already been lined up by two’s each having a copy of the ritual in their hands and give the command to march in by two’s separating right and left once arrived in front with the designated readers at the ambo.
  1. At the completion of the ritual, the Faithful Captain will retrieve the regalia from the deceased and present them to the family, extending condolences to the aggrieved family in the name of the Sir Knights. Participants then return to the rear to make way for the start on-time of the funeral Mass.

Ladies of Grace:

  1. The Faithful Captain shall be in charge of the ritual service of a deceased Gracious Lady. She, along with the Faithful Navigator or designee ensures the wishes of the aggrieved family are respected. Should the family not want any part of the ritual the Ladies should respectfully comply. The ritual is held even if the deceased member is not vested in white or Ladies of Grace regalia. Should this be the case, or in the instances of a closed-coffin, then the regalia can be placed on a table next to the coffin or atop the coffin.
  1. Two lectors, Reader #1 and Reader #2 are needed. Two Gracious Ladies stand guard at the coffin at points dependent upon space configurations.
  1. All Gracious Ladies assembled march/process into the church before the coffin and form a cordon and are seated following the directions of the Faithful Captain.
  1. At the completion of the ritual, the regalia is retrieved from the deceased or from atop the coffin and presented to the family while extending condolences to the aggrieved family in the name of the Ladies Auxiliary and Ladies of Grace. Presented also to the family is the signed parchment of Resolution of Condolence. Participants then return to the rear to make way for the start on-time of the funeral Mass.
  1. At the conclusion of the Funeral Mass, the Gracious Ladies precede the clergy and coffin leaving the church/funeral home and form a cordon from the church/funeral home to the hearse.
  1. If it is appropriate to join the family at the place of interment, the Faithful Captain or designee precedes the hearse to the final resting place and there form a cordon with the other Gracious Ladies who are participating.

Junior Knights and Daughters:

The Knights of Peter Claver Farewell Ritual, proposed here, can be employed easily in the instance of the death of a junior. The Faithful Captain or Navigator leads the juniors in carrying out the ritual in the same manner as knights or ladies.


The Claver Farewell Ritual for

A Deceased Member

Verse:Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord

Resp:And let perpetual light shine upon him/her

Verse:May he/she rest in peace


Greeting to those gathered:

Reader 1:

We are the Knights of Peter Claver (and Ladies Auxiliary - Ladies of Grace) (Junior Knights/Junior Daughters), a Roman Catholic association of men and women pledged to continue the legacy of a great saint of Christian history, Father Peter Claver, who ministered to slaves brought to the New World. In midst of the degradations associated with the 17th century slave trade, this priest broke through the hatred, the politics and prejudice associated with that era to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and baptism to blacks brought from Africa. Father Claver’s legacy is perceived to this day in the men and women across the United States, the Caribbean and South America who worship together and carry on charitable service in his name to assist our pastors and church congregations be stellar examples of Christian witness and generosity.

Reader 2:

We grieve with you the loss of your loved one, ______. And we wish now to indicate our condolences by our prayer and salute of ______who blessed our Order with his/her contribution of fellowship, love and service. These sentiments are extended to you officially by our Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady and the rank-and-file membership of the Knights of Peter Claver and their Ladies Auxiliary and Junior Division headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana.



Reader 1:

When all feels empty and hope is hard to find, we are reminded of a loving God who is close to us in this hour. For nothing, nothing at all can take us away from God’s love in Christ Jesus. “I am the resurrection and the Life,” says the Lord. “And He who believes in Me even if he die shall live.” John 11, 25. This is our faith.

And this is the faith we shared with your loved one whom the Lord has now called to Himself.


Reader 2:

Verse:We hold the death of the Lord deep in our hearts.

Resp:Living, now we remain with Jesus the Christ! By David Haas

Verse:Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom Luke 23, 39-43

Resp:Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom Luke 23, 39-43

Verse:Jesus, savior of the world

Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:Jesus, Good Shepherd of the flock John 10

Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:Jesus, the way, the truth and the life John 14,6f

Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:Jesus, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep in death 1Corinthians 15,20

Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:Jesus, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow


Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:Jesus, who shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.

The Apostles’ Creed

Resp:Grant him/her eternal rest

Verse:O Mother of Jesus, at Golgotha you felt your Son’s pain,

Resp:Your arms received his broken body, pray for us in this sorrowful hour.

The Stations of the Cross

Verse:The old order has passed away: Revelation 21

Resp: I consider the sufferings of the present to be nothing compared with the glory to be revealed in us. Romans 8, 18

Verse: Because the world itself will be freed from its slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God! Romans 8, 21

Resp: God has saved us and has called us to a holy life… 2Timothy 1,9

Verse: He has robbed death of its power and has brought life and immortality into clear light through the gospel. 2Timothy 1, 10

Resp:Welcome him/her into paradise where there will be no sorrow, no weeping nor pain, only the fullness of peace and joy. Revelation 21

Verse:May the memory of ______who is worthy of praise remain with us forever.

Resp:And may the good Lord give him/her the reward of his/her labors.


- The Claver Prayer -

Prayed by all together:

God, our heavenly Father, you have given us life through the death and resurrection of your beloved son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus, our saving Lord, you came into the world darkened by sin and gave it light through your teachings.

Holy Spirit, the Breath of God within us, you guide and enlighten us and give us the strength of our convictions.

St. Peter Claver, who became an example for us, you showed us the Lord God, the Light of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit. We pray now that all we say and do in your honor may be a continuation of your work here on earth.


Eternal rest grant unto him/her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her.


May his/her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Reader 1:

St. Peter Claver,


Pray for us!

Claver Prayer From: “Songs of Our Hearts, Meditations of Our Souls: Prayers for Black Catholics,” edited by Cecilia A. Moore, C. Vanessa White, Rev. Paul M. Marshall, SM 2006


+JNP/Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary/National Chaplain/Funeral Ritual/ rev 2007.