Seniors’ Predictions Foresee Future Lives

(from the Monday, May 13, 1968 edition of The Pheasant Call)

TEDDY WILSON has a busy schedule. During the winter months, she drives a Lincoln, Nebraska, city bus and spends her summers working in the wheat fields.

JANET BAIRD, famous cornetist, is the first female to play with the Tijuana Brass. Congratulations Janet!

MIKE MELUM, following in the footsteps of his father, has taken over the ownership of Lagers Inn in Aberdeen, that out of the way place.

JEAN KRUTHOFF, after overcoming her fear of driving, now races at Indianapolis between bouts of Hayes fever.

BRUCE CHRISTENSEN, having been beaten in the Presidential election by DAVID TODD, has become a ditch digger.

TERRI LYNN RABUCK is now a natural blonde because of sitting in the sun too much at the Yankee baseball games.

ANKER LEIFSEN, after flunking government, went on to the great height of becoming Vice President on David Todd's ticket.

STEVE BRYSON, after much contemplation, rented a motorcycle and became a part time member of the Hell's Angels. And the rest of the time he spends at Mike Melum's establishment in Aberdeen.

DUANE PUTZIER, after winning the Pulitzer Prize, is now working on the second volume of THE EASY BOOK OF SOCIOLOGY (illustrated).


GARY STAMMER and DAN FILIPEK are matched in the finals in the national A.A.U. wrestling tournament.

CLARINET GOSSARD and CORNET GOSSARD have reached the top in the entertainment field and are now starring at the Copa Cabbanna.

ROGER RAE has set a new world's record for the 100 yard dash – nine seconds flat (on crutches, that is).

JEFF MORGAN, the famous Miss Universe photographer, recently fell from the city swings and broke his leg.

GARY MOORE, after ruining the film from the Playmate of the Year photo shoot, drowned himself in a tray of developer.

JEFF "JIG" JANKORD has become star center for the Harlem Globetrotters.

MARLENE CRAWFORD'S shoe size has increased to size 13 triple E from trotting after "Jig" Jankord.

The mysterious disappearance of JOHN HEBER has been associated with a rash of U.F.O. sightings.

RANDY JOYCE, after getting a taste of power at R.H.S., is now serving as mayor of Rockham.

BARB GILBERTSON has the distinction of being the only graduate of R.H.S. to be related to two mayors.

MICHAEL PRESTON, following in the famous footsteps of Robert Preston, is now starring in Hollywood's second version of THE MUSIC MAN.

LAWRENCE MUELLENBERG and JACK WELKE have joined combos and have formed the Lawrence WelkE band.

LE ROY SIEBRECHT and ULRICH RODRIAN were surprised when they recently met again in New York at the United Nations.

TRUDY WICKS lives in Indianapolis, where she entered the Indianapolis 500 featuring Ford pickups.

MORRIS ANDERSON is now an outstanding student in the Dale Carnegie speech improvement course after twelve long years.

MIKE DANGEL and SARAH PERRY, after 28 happy years of marriage, were divorced on grounds of incompatibility.

MICKEY GATES is now the caretaker of the Doyle Harms Estate and their children.

WILLIAM WINEGAR is the number one chef at the Waldorf Astoria. His specialty is Winegar's Vinegar Salad Dressing.

CAROLYN BRINK, an Augustana student, is working for her MRS. degree.

JIM ESSER has been CAST in the TV show, The Fugitive, as the one-armed man.

After 86 years of faithful service and penny-pinching, CAROL BOUB has taken over the Dairy Queen.

DAVID OSBORN, following in the footsteps of his father, is a pianist in the one and only Lawrence WelkE Band.

CONNIE KARR is now married to the President of General Motors, Inc.

DONNA CLEMENS (alias Clem) was snatched by a green Rambler after graduation and is now lost and gone forever. We're dreadful sorry, Clementine!

SHIRLEY HAIDER campaigned diligently for David Todd's election. We all agree with Shirley.

DALLAS HANSEN is now in Texas and is the star tackle of the Dallas Cowboy's. Powerful things come in small packages!

Now in the business world, DONNIE EIMERS is manufacturing unbreakable blackboards.

Because farmers are so conscientious of their looks, CHARLIE HARR has his own hairdresser, ELLEN NEU.

After much practice in cutting up, DARREL ROHLFS is now chief surgeon at McLain Hospital in California.

LINDA WADDINGTON was elected to the post of Deputy Sheriff after the courageous capture of DAN "THE WEED" WEIDEMAN, narcotics smuggler.

DICK AKIN, after finding the source of relationships exhausted in the surrounding towns of Northville, Tulare, and Doland, has found himself with an achen heart.

PAT HAMILTON, as manager, has experienced his greatest joy as his Green Bay Packers defeated Dallas Hansen and the Cowboys.

LE ROY GABRIEL is now reveille trumpet player for the U. S. Army. Gabriel, go blow your horn!

ROD SIEGLING is now prospering as a wig salesman selling "Seig's Wigs."

KENNETH KOLEGRAFF, famous scientist and mathematician, has recently found a substitute for girls!

President Todd recently appointed MARY NORBECK as the first Lady Judge of the U. S. Supreme Court. It's surprising what a family background will do.

DAVID MARLETTE, after graduating from Harvard, has come back to ole R.H.S. to become business manager.

KAREN BENTZ is now married to the U. S. Vice President due to her government class pencil.

LYNN AAKER is the owner of Aaker's Acre Survey Company.

LYNN ROTH is now serving as the president of both the A.A.U. and the A.A.

DEANNA and JEFF JOHNSON have collaborated the Johnson and Johnson Gun Powder Industry.

JERRY LARSEN is now traffic cop at the Redfield Armory on fall mornings.

After letting his hair grow, RON LOVETT is now a nationally known figure seen at all the "love-ins."

KATHY SOLHEIM, after winning six cups of medals in homemaking is now the senior editor of GOOD HOUSEKEEPING.

VIRGINIA JUNGWIRTH, after becoming corrupted by the evil ways of graduation night so many years ago, is now the proud owner of the distillery, GINNY'S GIN.

LOIS DOYEN has unfortunately disappeared in the Congo jungle where she was a missionary to the Pigmies.

ART TIFF has become a door to door salesman selling the exotic perfume "Tiff's-Wiffs."

PATSY CHRISTENSEN, after marrying a famous track star, gave up her position as Playmate of the month to SUSAN TROWBRIDGE. Good luck, Susan.

CAROL CONNOR is now starring as the leading lady in the famous Opera, MADAME BUTTERFLY.

JOE DIETER, after accidentally drinking jet fuel, was last seen flying into the setting sun – HAPPY LANDINGS JOE!

MR. and MRS. RON SCHMIDT are now living on a Montana SHEEP ranch.

MAXINE ROSE is now happily married and living in Lodi, Calif. It just goes to show, not all girls are afraid of "Worms."

JIM MUELLENBERG is now the sole janitor of the Empire State Building. Yes, Jim has his ups and downs.

MARGARET LUTTER, after letting her hair grow long, is now with an acting summer stock group involved with Lady Godiva.

SCOTT PEARSON is now the proud owner of a chain of drive-ins. The name? Scottie's, of course.

MARCELLINE REMILLARD, now a Chicago hog butcher is "rendering lard" like crazy.

Shimmey’s in Aberdeen is now featuring the two famous Go-Go dancers, DIANE (PETERSON) and CHERI (SEVERANCE).

CHERYL PRIBBLE is now assistant mechanic at Butch's Body Shop.

After a major in biology and much research, MITCHELL SIMON has developed the 35 lb. chicken egg.

BELVA WILSON, famous equestrian, while trying to save one of her prize performing horses from a lion, was unfortunately mauled to death.

LINDA SCHNEIDER, after a sudden disappearance, has been heard walking the halls of R.H.S.