Self love

We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust”-Rumi

Ch 1

The Universe and I are One

Going back into the void of creation, the place where only potentiality exists before it materializes. There is a creative darkness guiding and transforming energy, we come from the void of creation, the black velvety space, into manifested physical body and then we go back into the same infinite possibilities. It is all a journey, a game of forgetting who we are so we can experience duality and contrast, and still find our way back into Oneness. Consciousness knows itself through each person coming and living a particular experience and evolving towards a perfect alignment with that source of infinite intelligence and love.

Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves in the world, and our worth based on accomplishments, who we are and what we do.

Confidence is action oriented and has to do with our certainty and ability to follow a chosen path of action.

Self-love encompasses both self-esteem and confidence, and it is crucial for happiness in life.

The universe is a beautiful elegant place, where harmony and well being dwells at higher levels of consciousness and vibrates at the frequency of 528 Hz.

We, at our core, also radiate this frequency and when we align with it miracles become natural and flow into our experience. The nature of our source is dedicated to constantly flow towards us all the resources we desire for the accomplishment of our dreams. Because of that, our source will make change possible for us, either through inspiration and passion, if we are open to change, or through destruction of the old, if we are in crisis and resist change. Whichever way we might choose to evolve, desires for improved conditions flow from us through living of life and the infinite intelligence of the universe will re-arrange our reality in order to show us where we are, and what we need to change in order to get where we want to go.

Personal evolution comes from living life in a time space restricted reality and still being aware of the infinite potentiality and power we have as spiritual beings having a human experience. We evolve through our desires, which come into our experience taking us to the next aspiration and evolved perspective.

Contrary to what Newtonian physics taught us, we are not just these physical bodies, we also have energetic bodies. We have a mental body, an emotional body and a spiritual body. These bodies vibrate and spin at different frequency rates and attract from the infinite potentialities present in the universe vibrations (circumstances) alike. Our thoughts and emotions form a frequency essence, depending on what we vibrate more, and that essence radiates out attracting back into our reality circumstances alike (people, opportunities, events, bodily conditions etc).

There has been extensive research done demonstrating the effects of the 528 Hz, by experts from all sorts of fields, and these are some of them along with their discoveries:

Dr. John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert who in collaboration with his research partner Nancy Hutchinson, used the 528 Hz to reduce the spilled oil and purify poisoned water in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill. After only 4 hours in the first day, and 4 hours of RF frequency, by next morning the water was not only restored to its natural green color, but there was also a return of dolphins and banks of fish in the area. As a bonus, the researchers experienced the beautiful surprise of having two dolphins coming within 5 feet of water to probably say hello and thank you.

The results were certified by Dr. Robert Namant, an analytical chemist with 30 years of experience in the field and who is also the President of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama.

Dr Namant tested the after treatment samples andconfirmed the complete removal of oil and grease from the water.

Grammy Award nomineeAmerieproduced in 2011 her album – Cymatika, Vol 1 – in 528Hz frequency to promote genetic healing.

Scott Huckabay, another artist, performs exclusively using the C=528/A=444 Hz tuning, which seems to be a frequency preferred by musicians.

Masuru Emoto- an international renowned Japanese researcher and doctor in Alternative Medicine has proved that consciousness and intent changes the structure of water. Let’s not forget our body is more than 80% water and so we can change the structure of our cells at will, regardless of what condition we might be facing at the present moment. He typed words, projected music and spoke words onto bottles containing water at the moment of freezing. Then through high speed photography has shown the changes in the structure of water according with the thought projected onto it.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz beautifully explains that the Love frequency, vibrates at 528 Hz and it is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation”. Nothing is random or a coincidence in this universe and it is all interconnected.

Everything we perceive with our physical senses (hearing, vision, touch, taste and smell) is energy translated from a certain level of consciousness we posses in that moment. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are all made up out of this energy, unified in specific ways to make you unique in this universe.

Enlightenment, which is achieving self-love and connection with our source, basically requires raising our frequency and getting closer to embodying more of our true self and then expressing it into the world. There is no end to it, because there are infinite levels of consciousness people exemplify while in physical body. A new desire will evoke a new level of development, which in turn will spark a new desire and a new level of consciousness reached. As this happens we are able to see, hear, touch, taste and smell reality from consciousness levels that were not possible before, and the low frequency emotions will fall away because vibrations cancel each other out.

In simple terms, you cannot feel love and fear at the same time, one of them will have a predominant tone in your energy field forming an essence, which radiates out from you and brings you back more of it. You cannot interact with people who are on a different vibrational essence or consciousness either, because Law of Attraction will bring you only those on the same vibration with you. The universe is perfectly objective and will give you back exactly what you think and feel, regardless of what your words are. The fact that it attracts back to you the vibrational essence of what you feel, means that you will also attract what you are fearful off. So, if you dwell around negative people, you will attract more and more negativity in your life, but if you surround yourself with positive people and experiences, if you feed your mind with constructive information, the negative ones will not have access to you. Things will happen and you will not be able to interact with them, but will be encircled with those vibrating as you are.

It is a good thing, and it is your responsibility to build positive momentum in your life. Your focus brings your reality, so be very careful what you focus on and what you surround yourself with, because you will live more off it. We think we live the same reality, but we actually live in vibrational islands, having access to people, circumstances and events radiating the same energy as we do.

Our awareness makes up our consciousness and the level from which we perceive reality, and Emotional Intelligence deals exactly with building self-awareness.

All seven octaves of the piano make sound, and each octave is reproduced seven times with the individual notes being higher harmonics of those in lower octaves. The difference in consciousness and therefore ability to create the desired reality is given by the specific frequency we radiate out and through which we translate reality back to ourselves. You and I will be able to perceive from reality only what we are a match to.

We are made of energy, and that energy has a frequency, which will give us access to a higher consciousness or a lower one, depending on what we embody more, our true selves or our egotistic selves. We have a choice to think, feel and act in every moment, and each one of our choices will form a momentum to which we become slaves afterwards, if we do not have awareness and knowledge of how this universe functions.

As we make a decision to raise our frequency on a steady path, the lowest frequency energy present in the physical body becomes less dense and gets replaced with higher frequency energy, and the momentum starts taking us in a positive direction automatically. As we refine our energy field, the chakras get connected and happiness is achieved. From that state everything we want flows gently into our experience, there is no more struggle or pushing against anything. Our focus creates our attraction point, and since the universe is objective, if you say you want money, love, health or whatever else, but you focus on the lack of it, on the impossibility of ever getting it, you will attract more of that lack and evidence of your present beliefs.

The Love Frequency is the Mi note on the solfeggio (standing for Miracles), and repairs our DNA by changing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. It connects everything in the universe, our heart with our spiritual essence and ability to transform at will energy into matter. This note was chanted by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations, in order to bestow blessings and manifest miracles for the population.

Now let’s give you some food for the brain, so that you can see that it is not only spirituality we are talking about here, but proven science.

Math scientist Victor Showell talks about 528 Hz as being central to Phi, the Greek symbol used for representing the Golden ratio present in all natural creation. Together with John Stuart Reid, a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurement, proved that 528 Hz stands as the basis for sacred geometry of circles and spirals, and consistent with DNA structuring.

By using Pythagorean math, 528 Hz becomes the symbol for physical manifestation, 6, and it reflects the “spiraling down from the heaven into the wholeness of earth”, while seven is the “vehicle for life”.



Sacred geometry comes out of the calculations made from the series of numbers in the Fibonacci series. Thanks to the brilliant Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, humans have been able to integrate sacred numbers and in this manner bring superior knowledge and a spiritual connection into the human existence.

The Phi 1.618 symbolizes beauty and harmony and Europeans used it to build gothic cathedrals, the Egyptians to build temples and the Great Pyramid and the Greeks to build the Parthenon.

Fibonacci sequence forms almost all creation, it can be found in the arrangement of leaves on a branch, the petals of flowers, pine cons, tree branches, sea shell formations, spiral galaxies, the five fingers and the opposing thumb on each hand, the uterus, the keyboard of the piano, the human face, DNA molecules and the list can go on and on. So what is exactly the Fibonacci sequence? Well, the complexity of what it truly is can take a lifetime of study, but simply put the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two. It starts with the numbers 0 and 1, which “coincidentally” ;) also form the binary code or mathematical language spoken by computers.

So you add 0+1=1, then 1+2=3, then 2+3=5, then 3+5=8 etc

The beauty in art meets the beauty of science and creates unity. In this way nature and humanity have a numbering system prevailing its creation and giving birth to Phi- the “golden ratio”. All creation tends towards evolution and perfection- hence Phi or the golden ratio. Evolution is infinite and there is always a new level to be achieved in nature as well as human consciousness.

Certain numbers and geometrical shapes have symbolic meaning describing the creative principles of the universe and the interconnectedness of everything.

The same way as in yoga the number 108 signifies the union between heaven and earth, spirit and physical self, in sacred geometry the number 7 can be found repeatedly throughout all religions:

-Buddha took seven steps at his birth

-In Hinduism there are seven worlds

-In the Islamic tradition there are seven heavens and seven earths

-The seven branched Jewish menorah in the Judaism tradition

-The Catholics recognize seven levels of purgatory

-The Christian church recognizes the seven deadly sins and virtues

-The biblical creation of the world in seven days

-The seven chakras in the human body responsible for connection of the physical self with the universe.

Metatron’s cube and the number 13