MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL RUBRICS 23-25 A 20-22 B 18-19 C 13-17 D

Voc. words are highlighted & used correctly (work follows correct, grammar, spelling and punctuation rules) 10

Work is neat and shows both creativity and thought 10

There’s a 4 line heading & creative title 5


Word Picture 25pts

Must include vocabulary word, definition, sentence and a picture

Colored Vocabulary 25pts

Choose 3 vocabulary words

Explain which color each should be and why in 3-5 perfect sentences

Warning Signs 25pts

Create a warning sign that warns people about what makes you mad or a main character

from current story/novel.

Must have 3-5 voc. words

Clever Cartoon 25pts

Create a short cartoon that has a beginning/middle and ending and uses 5 or more vocabulary words

Cartoon should make a point about some middle school drama (Homework, bullies, teachers,


Short Paragraphs 25pts

Write a cure for boredom. (Must use 3-5 vocabulary words in your remedy.)

Write a paragraph about teen drama (Must use 3-5 vocabulary words in your paragraph)

Write a recipe that guarantees happiness over the holidays (Recipe needs 3-5 voc. words)

Vocabulary Speech 25pts

Write a paragraph about the importance of one of your voc. words

Vocabulary Haikus

20 (creative title with correct 3 line 5-7-5 format)

10 (has two correctly used highlighted vocabulary words)

10 (neat with few or no spelling/punctuation errors)

10 (creativity and thought)

Character Haikus (50pts) 45-50 A 40-44 B 35-39 C 25-34 D

20pts (creative title with correct 3 line 5-7-5 format)

10pts (highlighted vocabulary word used correctly)

10pts (true to the story)

10pts (neatness/spelling/grammar)

Write 3 haikus about main character from current story. Must have a voc. word in each haiku

Using the short story “Eleven”

Examples: Birthday Destroyed She Lied

I’m feeling monstrous invalidated

Teacher ruined my birthday I never wore the jacket

I sat there and cried Why’d my teacher lie?

Using the short story “Flowers for Algernon”

Examples: Sweet But Slow Unknown Cruelty

Charlie Gordon smiles Charlie makes blunders

He is so illiterate Coworkers make fun of him

He is like a child But he doesn’t know


Getting Angry About Tirades

I’m angry about the fact that people tend to underestimate tirades! Tirades are very useful in getting your point across. Maybe you want to explain why a sandwich is better, but being calm and boring won’t do the trick. Your good friend, tirade, is here to save the day. When you get angry, people are shocked, so they end up listening to you. It will really get your point across. Therefore, don’t be a buffoon. Try a tirade!

The Truth Behind the Word

Tirade is a word that may symbolize a child’s abuse, an adolescent’s change or an adult’s inability. It represents anger, frustration, malice or a strong set of vocal cords on behalf of the speaker. It also represents a fear, depression or a state of ignorance on the mind of the listener. An abusive parent, an angry coach or a pushy boss may be a speaker of the tirade. A faulted child, a mistaken player or a late employee may be the pitiful target of a tirade. Tirade in itself ironically offends itself. In pronunciation, the first syllable of tirade sounds like “tire.” This is how the target may feel after the speech drags on into a tirade, tired. The second half may mean something completely different, an intention hidden behind profanity on the speaker’s behalf. “Aid”. The speaker may simply want to help the target, but is too angry to realize that that is their true intention.

Just Pathetic!

Teen drama is one of the most pathetic things in this world. It all is usually caused by a heinous demeanor that somebody uses, which creates a spark. Then some obtuse people get mixed into the problems and rumors begin to spread. It feels like your entire life is engulfed in the flames of teen drama. Eventually you realize that there is no resolution to this and as a result you end up dying your hair and using a pseudonym. The silliest little thing can affect your whole life.

Happiness Recipe

Take one immense plane and a superfluous amount of relatives to begin.

Add the appeasing place of London.

Mix well with astute anecdotes about reuniting with family.

Sprinkle a plate of cookies waiting for me at the London airport.

That is my special recipe for happiness.