MINUTES OF THE Lost Mountain Middle

school council meeting

February 14, 2017

The Lost Mountain Middle School Council met in regular session on Tuesday, 2/14/2017, at 9:30 AM.

The meeting was held in the Media Center Conference Room, 700 Old Mtn. Rd. Kennesaw, GA.

School Council Members present:

Candace Wilkes, Principal

Lauren Puckett, 6th/7th grade teacher

Chris Murray, Teacher

Lisa Allen, parent

Kim Sowers, parent

Heather Bullard, parent (absent)

Sunshine McBride, parent (absent)

Heather McBride, parent

Tracy Fields, 7th & 8th grade School Counselor

Valerie Wombles, 6th grade School Counselor

8 members were present, representing a quorum.

1. Call to Order

Chairperson Candace Wilkes called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.

MOTION: Candace Wilkes; SECOND: Lauren Puckett

2. Approval of Agenda

Chairperson Candace Wilkes distributed the agenda posted pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.

Moved, seconded, and carried that the School Council approve the agenda as presented.

MOTION: Lauren Puckett; SECOND: Heather McBride


3. Approval of Minutes

Secretary, Lauren Puckett, distributed the minutes via email for the 12/13/16 meeting of the School Council. She reviewed the minutes with the current council.

Moved, seconded, and carried that the School Council approve the minutes of the 12/13/16 meeting.

MOTION: Candace Wilkes; SECOND: Lisa Allen


4. Old Business-NONE

5. New Business

a)  Candace reviewed the Purpose of the School Council

The Cobb County Board of Education (Board), recognizing the need for parent, community, and business involvement in the schools, thus established local school councils in compliance with Georgia law.

The school councils shall be advisory bodies only and shall provide advice, recommendations, and reports to the school principal and, where appropriate, to the board and superintendent on matters pertaining to the schools. Topics may include, but are not limited to, student achievement goals, student attendance and discipline, program goals and priorities, school profiles, school improvement plans, and curriculum topics.

b)  School Counselor Presentation: Valerie Wombles is the 6th grade School Counselor and Tracy Fields is the 7th and 8th grade School Counselor. Both counselors explained what their roles are at Lost Mountain. They both work with small groups of students, they teach classroom lessons, they participate in the leadership team, host Hot Topic events, provide support for students, and host students at lunch bunch groups. Mrs. Wombles is the 504 coordinator for LMMS, which is a document for students with disabilities to level the playing field, and heads up the Socrates Club which allows students that are struggling academically the opportunity to work with community tutors to increase their grades. Mrs. Fields is the RTI (Response to Intervention) coordinator, runs the KICKS Program, and is in charge of high school registration.

They shared their counseling philosophy and the counseling program that aligns with ASCA. They also shared the counseling mission for LMMS. Mrs. Wombles & Mrs. Fields explained the three domains which is to focus on academics, social and emotional aspects, and career readiness. Their main goal is to be visible and accessible in the school and to empower students.

c)  Future meetings:

a.  May 16, 2017

6. Adjournment

With no further business to come before the school council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

MOTION: Lauren Puckett; SECOND: Candace Wilkes


The next meeting of the Lost Mountain Middle School Council will be held May 16, 2017 at 9:30 am in the LMMS Media Center Conference Room.

Georgia School Council Institute© October 2001