A. Walzer-Prieto 1

FC English 60: Preparation for College Writing

“The Heroic Journey”

Instructor: A. Walzer-Prieto Office: 518-08

Office Phone Number: (714) 992-7000 ext. 26312 Mailbox Location: 1300 2nd floor

Course Number: English 60 Semester: Fall, 2007

Email Address: Class Webpage:

Lecture Hrs/Wk: 4 (4 semester units) Assign. Prep. Hrs/ Wk: 8

Lecture Hrs: Section # 10798,10-AM-11:50AM, MW, Rm 737

Section # 12504, 9:00AM-12:50PM, F, Rm 523SEM

Office Hrs: MW 12:30-1:00; TuTh11:00AM-12:00PM & 2-3:00PM; Fri 12:00PM-1:00PM

Required Textbooks and Supplies:

§  A tape-bound composition book to be used as a class journal (about 80 lined sheets)

§  Loose leaf paper (in class); access to computer, printer and paper; internet access

§  A folder for keeping all graded work

§  Kim & Michael Flachmann, eds. The Prose Reader. 8e. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2008. ISBN 10: 0-13-614979-0

§  Ernesto “Che” Guevara. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. ISBN 1-920888-10-1.

§  MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Paperback. 5e. Modern Language Association of America,1999. ISBN-10: 0641628838. ISBN-13: 978-0641628832.

§  Other handouts and website addresses to be provided in class.

Prerequisite: Recommended score on the English Placement Test or credit in Eng 59 F, Developmental Writing

Course Description: This course is designed to help students achieve eight Student Learning Outcomes. Upon successful completion of English 60, the student will be able to:

1.  Write coherent, developed, and clearly constructed thesis-driven essays using a variety of rhetorical approaches.

2.  Use effective strategies for pre-writing, composing, and revising essays, both in and out of class.

3.  Read, summarize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a variety of texts.

4.  Compose grammatical sentences free of major errors in mechanics, punctuation, and spelling.

5.  Bring imagination, invention, and improvisation to “basic” areas of writing like grammar, punctuation, style and precision.

6.  Select credible academic resources from the library to research a topic.

7.  Document sources (print, electronic, and other) in MLA format.

8.  Student’s Choice

Attendance Policy: This is an interactive, activity-based course, where you will be asked to listen, speak and write everyday. Your consistent attendance and full participation is crucial to your success in the course. You may miss two class sessions without penalty. Upon your third absence, your final grade will be lowered one grade. Upon your fourth absence you will be dropped from the course. Should you be ill and miss a class session, you must submit a doctor’s note for verification, and you should contact me prior to (or ASAP) your absence. A doctor’s note helps you from being dropped from the class, but it does not excuse you from your work. Do not make doctor’s appointments during class time; it is not a valid excuse for missing class.

I will drop students who miss any class meetings during the first two weeks of the semester unless I am notified of their intent to remain in the course.

If you are late, you are tardy. Three “tardies” equals one absence. Additionally, arriving significantly late or leaving significantly early is equal to an absence. We move through material quickly; you simply cannot miss repeatedly and expect to be successful in this class.

I intend to attend every class period* in the semester and be on time. In case of an emergency, I will post a roll sheet for you to sign and a homework announcement or send a substitute. In case of an unforeseen emergency where I am fifteen minutes late for the scheduled class period, you are allowed to leave and return for the nest class meeting.

Required Assignments/Assessment:

Type of Assessment % of Course Grade

Paper#1 10% 100pts.

Paper#2 15% 150pts.

Paper#3 15% 150pts.

Paper#4 (includes additional research requirements) 18% 180pts.

Midterm Exam (in-class essay) 5% 50pts.

Final Exam (in-class essay) 10% 100pts

Peer Paper Responses 8% 80pts. (10pts. each)

Class Participation (including class work and conference attendance) 7% 70pts.

Journals (14 will be assigned; you may miss two with no penalty) 12% 120pts. (10pts. each)

Total Points in Course 1000pts.

Grading Policy: 895-1000* total course pts. = “A”; 795-894 total pts. = “B”, etc. Incompletes are only granted under extraordinary circumstances. Grading criteria specific to each assignment will be provided in class.

First Draft Policy: A First Draft of each paper is required and must be handed in two weeks before the paper’s Final Draft is due. You must bring four copies of your First Draft, formatted in MLA Style. First Drafts will receive two written peer responses and instructor feedback.

Final Draft Policy: Final Drafts must be handed in (hard copy) at the beginning of class on your section’s due date. Final Drafts will receive a point score and instructor feedback.

Paper Formatting: All papers, including First Drafts must be in MLA Style unless otherwise noted. Papers must be typed, double-spaced & in Times New Roman Font (12 pt.). They must include a continuous header in the upper right-hand corner of the paper with your first initial, last name and the page number. They must have a heading on the upper left-hand side of the first page only with your full name, date, course name, and time of section meeting. They must include a List of Works Cited and in-text citations if outside sources are used.

Late Work Policy: You must turn in all essays, attend both one-on-one conferences, and take both exams to pass this course. You may hand one paper in late. Late papers must be time-stamped in the English Department Office and placed in my mailbox. Any papers received in my mailbox are considered late papers. Papers are penalized one full letter grade for every calendar day they are late. Journals may be completed late for ½ credit. I do not accept late peer responses. Exams must be taken in class and at the designated time unless special arrangements are made with me in advance. Conferences are by appointment and may not be made up unless I am contacted prior to the conference time and special arrangements are made.

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is using someone else’s idea or phrasing and passing it off as your own, whether by accident or on purpose. You are solely responsible for the content of your work. Cite your sources completely and honestly. Edit, proofread and type your own work. If you seek help, seek it from those who are trained to guide and will not do the work for you.

All of your major papers will be submitted to www.turnitin.com. I reserve the right to ask for student papers on disk and to turn them in to Turnitin.com; furthermore, I may also submit essays to other instructors seeking plagiarism matches. By taking this course, you agree that all assignments are subject to plagiarism detection processes and plagiarism penalties (see College Catalogue p. 33 for academic penalties). Student papers remain the intellectual property of the writer.

Extra Credit Policy: Working with a tutor at the FC Writing Center = 5 extra points per paper (maximum of 20 extra credit pts. for the course). The WC is located in the new Learning Resource Center (800 building/back side of the library). Walk-in or make an appointment: (714) 992-7554. You may also work with a tutor at the Tutoring Center: (714) 992-7483, . More details to be provided in class.

Students with Disabilities: If you need any special accommodations, please let me know ASAP.

Happiness Policy: If you’re having any personal problems that are affecting your performance in the course, please let me know. I may be able to make accommodations to assist you. Also, as a courtesy, please turn off all electronic devices during lecture hours.☺

English 60 Timeline MW—Dates and Topics are Subject to Change

Wk / Date / Unit / In-Class / On Your Own
1 / 8/20 / Your Heroic Journey / Introduction to the course; Introcution of the Class; Portfolio Set Up / Read Cowley (PR p.71); Cooper (handout) Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 1-14 due 8/27
8/22 / Reading like a reader and reading like a writer; View the beginning of the film, The Motorcycle Diaries; Portfolio Set Up
2 / 8/27 / The View from Here / Joseph Campbell “The Hero’s Journey;” Read excerpt from The Odyssey / Read Sawaquat (PR p.104); Cisneros (PR p.125); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 15-30 (The Introduction) due 9/3*
Write 1st Draft of Paper #1 due 9/5*
8/29* / Considering Community & Audience:*
3 / 9/3 / The View from Here / LABOR DAY HOLIDAY—NO CLASS / Read Sanders (PR p.318); Ramirez (PR p.371); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 31-46 due 9/10
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #1 due 9/12
9/5 / Community and Audience; Language Matters (Verbs)
4 / 9/10 / The View from Here / One-on-One Conferences; Community and Audience / Read A. Walker (PR p.434); M. Rose “I Just Wanna Be Average” (handout); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 47-61 due 9/17
Write Final Draft of Paper #1 due 9/19
9/12 / One-on-One Conferences; Community and Audience
5 / 9/17 / Boundary Crossing / Form to Develop Your Thoughts: Language Matters (The Sentence) / D. Sedaris “Go Carolina” (handout); Bourland (PR p.235); Bliss (PR p.200); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 62-75 due 9/24
Write 1st Draft of Paper #2 due 9/26
9/19 / Form
6 / 9/24 / Boundary Crossing / Form / Malcom X (PR p. 224); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 76-93 due 10/1
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #2 due 10/3
9/26 / Form
7 / 10/1 / Boundary Crossing / Hotel Rwanda Pt. I / Read B. Staples ( PR p.180); Dorris ( PR p.417); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 94-110 due 10/8
Write Final Draft of Paper #2 due 10/10
10/3 / Hotel Rwanda Pt II.
8 / 10/8 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas: Language Matters (Sentence Variety) / Read Kingsolver (PR p. 473), Grossman (PR p. 484); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 111-125 due 10/15
Midterm on 10/10
10/10 / Midterm Exam: “Departure”
*** / ***** / ************ / ********************************* / ***************************************
9 / 10/15 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas / Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 126-147 due 10/22
Write First Draft of Paper #3 due 10/24
10/17 / Testing Ideas
10 / 10/22 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas / Read J. Campbell (handout); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 148-165 due 10/29
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #3 due 10/31
10/24 / Testing Ideas
11 / 10/29 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer:
J Campbell and the Hero of a Thousand Faces / Read B. Erinrich (PR 561), E. Ayers ( p. 585); Guevara due 11/5
Write Final Draft of Paper #3 due 11/5
10/31 / Research and the Writer
12 / 11/5 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer / Read H.D. poems (handout) due 11/12
Write Proposal for Paper #4 due 11/14
11/7 / Research and the Writer
13 / 11/12 / The Return Home / VETERAN’S DAY HOLIDAY—NO CLASS / Read for Research due 11/19
(Develop Paper #4)
11/14 / Research and the Writer; Language Matters
14 / 11/19 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer / Read for Research due 11/26
Write First Draft for Paper #4 due 11/28
11/21 / Research and the Writer
15 / 11/26 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer / Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #4 due 12/5
11/28 / Research and the Writer
16 / 12/3 / Your Heroic Journey / One-on One Conferences / Write Final Draft of Paper #4 due 12/12
12/5 / One-on One Conferences
17 / 12/10 / Your Heroic Journey / Preparation for Comprehensive Final Exam / Prepare for Final Exam
12/12 / Closing Activity
18 / TBA / Your Heroic Journey / Final Exam: “Return”

Comments about Course Structure: Monday’s classes will begin with a journal check. If you are late to class or miss Monday’s class, you will miss credit for that week’s journal. Missed journals may be made up* for half credit only.

English 60 Timeline FRI—Dates and Topics are Subject to Change

Wk / Date / Unit / In-Class / On Your Own
1 / 8/24 / Your Heroic Journey / Introduction to the course; Introduction of the Class; Portfolio Set Up/ Reading like a reader and reading like a writer; View the beginning of the film, The Motorcycle Diaries; Portfolio Set Up / Read Cowley (PR p.71); Cooper (handout) Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 1-14 due 9/1
2 / 9/1 / The View from Here / Introduction to “The Hero’s Journey;” Considering Community & Audience: / Read Sawaquat (PR p.104); Cisneros (PR p.125); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 15-30 (The Introduction) due 9/7
Write 1st Draft of Paper #1 due 9/7
3 / 9/7 / The View from Here / Community and Audience; Language Matters (Verbs) / Read Sanders (PR p.318); Ramirez (PR p.371); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 31-46 due 9/14
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #1 due 9/14
4 / 9/14 / The View from Here / One-on-One Conferences; Community and Audience / Read A. Walker (PR p.434); M. Rose “I Just Wanna Be Average” (handout); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 47-61 due 9/21
Write Final Draft of Paper #1 due 9/21
5 / 9/21 / Boundary Crossing / Form to Develop Your Thoughts: Language Matters (The Sentence)/Form / D. Sedaris “Go Carolina” (handout); Bourland (PR p.235); Bliss (PR p.200); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 62-75 due 9/28
Write 1st Draft of Paper #2 due 9/28
6 / 9/28 / Boundary Crossing / Form / Malcom X (PR p. 224); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 76-93 due 10/5
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #2 due 10/5
7 / 10/5 / Boundary Crossing / Hotel Rwanda Pt. I & II / Read B. Staples ( PR p.180); Dorris ( PR p.417); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 94-110 due 10/12
Write Final Draft of Paper #2 due 10/12; Midterm on 10/12
8 / 10/12 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas: Language Matters (Sentence Variety); Midterm Exam: “Departure” / Read Kingsolver (PR p. 473), Grossman (PR p. 484); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 111-125 due 10/19
No drafts due this week
*** / ***** / ************ / ********************************* / ***************************************
9 / 10/19 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas / Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 126-147 due 10/26
Write First Draft of Paper #3 due 10/26
10 / 10/26 / The Great Battle / Testing Ideas / Read J. Campbell (handout); Guevara The Motorcycle Diaries, pp. 148-165 due 11/2
Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #3 due 11/2
11 / 11/2 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer:
J Campbell and the Hero of a Thousand Faces/ Research and the Writer / Read B. Erinrich (PR 561), E. Ayers ( p. 585); Guevara due 11/5
Write Final Draft of Paper #3 due 11/9
12 / 11/9 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer / Read H.D. poems (handout) due 11/16
Write Proposal for Paper #4 due 11/16
13 / 11/16 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer; Language Matters / Read for Research due 11/23
(Develop Paper #4)
14 / 11/23 / The Return Home / Research and the Writer / Read for Research due 11/30*
Write First Draft for Paper #4 due 11/30*
15 / 11/30 / The Return Home / THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY—NO CLASS / Write 2 Peer Responses for Paper #4 due 12/7
16 / 12/7 / Your Heroic Journey / One-on One Conferences / Write Final Draft of Paper #4 due 12/14
17 / 12/14 / Your Heroic Journey / Preparation for Comprehensive Final Exam/ Closing Activity / Prepare for Final Exam
18 / TBA / Your Heroic Journey / Final Exam: “Return”

Comments about Course Structure: Class will begin with a journal check. If you are late to class or miss class, you will miss credit for that week’s journal. Missed journals may be made up* for half credit only.