/ Career Development Workshops
Descriptions /
  1. ‘Alternative Job Search Techniques’– There is more than one way to search for a job. This 2 hour workshop explores various methods in seeking employment using non-traditional job search techniques, with supporting video presentation from renowned experts in the field of career and workforce development.
  1. ‘Building the Right Resume’– 2 hour workshop which explores how to use quantitative and qualitative writing techniques to sell your talents on your resume. Bring your resume for a one on one critique and watch supportive video presentation from renowned experts in the field of job search and career and workforce development.
  1. ‘Building the Right Resume Boot Camp’ - Intense 5 hour-Resume Writing Boot Camp. Here participants will have the opportunity to create or update resumes to be used for effective job search efforts. Client will walk away with a Resume Portfolio, 10 copies of their finished resume on professional resume paper, Sample Cover Letter, WIN logo black ink pen and flashdrive. This is a hands-on workshop.
  1. ‘Career Choices’ – Is choosing the right college or vocational program too tough of a decision to make on your own? Let us help! This 2 hour workshop focuses on the ‘Holland Code’ Work Personality Quiz. We will discuss the benefits of using the right ‘interest inventory’ to assist you in ‘choosing’ the ‘right’ ‘career path’ tailored to your specific ‘personality’ and ‘emotional intelligence’ needs.
  1. ‘Computer Basics 1 & 2’

‘Computer Basics 1’ – (1 Hour) This workshop is designed to take the fear out of using a computer, while focusing on the most basic computer literacy processes. Computer Basics 1 is an overview of basic computer and Internet terminology, use of hardware, software, and the use of the most commonly used Operating Systems - Microsoft Windows. Participants will also learn the most effective strategies on how to use the Internet to find information, while conducting a more effective online job search.

Computer Basics 2 (4 hours) – 'Computer Basics 2' (4 hours) – Participants will be introduced to basic ‘Mouse & Keyboarding Fundamentals’ to improve computer skills and gain the confidence needed to surf the web for a more effective job search. This workshop will feature online keyboarding & mouse practice sites to be used as a tutorial to assist participants in improving their typing skills and use of the mouse. Participants will learn Keyboard shortcuts, how to open, close, save, locate saved files, how to access data, copy and paste text.

Life-long computer learning is essential to today’s job seeker to stay on the cutting edge of new and improved innovations in the modern world of computer technology & the Internet. Participants will walk away with a greater understanding of how the computer can be used as an effective tool to make more informed decisions concerning their overall job search and career development plans. This is a hands-on workshop. Registration WILL BE REQUIRED! Limit 12 – Call the contact info below for Early Bird registration.

  1. ‘Employability Skills for Success’ – This 1 hour workshop focuses on the top 7 soft skills for success and job retention as presented in the 2020 Summit, OHIO ‘Quality of Life Project’. Top skills targeted – Adaptability, Dependability, Work Ethic, Communications, and Critical Thinking, with Integrity as the NUCLEUS and Accountability as the FOUNDATION supporting THE NECESSARYsoft skills most desired by today’s employers. This workshop also includes conversation regarding the importance of owning ‘Emotional Intelligence’ – ‘How to Acquire It’ and ‘How to Maintain It’ as KEY leverage to Job Retention.
  1. ‘Finding a Job through Social Media’ - An increasing number of employers are using social media sites to recruit and advertise for employees. This 2 hour workshop will teach practical application of job search techniques and approaches to networking and finding that job using ‘Social & Electronic Media’.
  1. ‘Interviewing: Your Key to Employment’– 2 hour workshop which includes an overview of the interview process, and tips for successful interview preparation: Before the interview – Day of Interview – After the Interview, with supportive video presentation from renowned experts in the field of interview preparation and career development with some discussion about the ‘not so talked about’ interview approaches, including the ‘informational, behavioral and web-based VIDEO interviews’.
  1. ‘(Mock) Interviewing’ – This Interview Workshop includes One-On-One Mock interviews with participants. Participants are REQUIRED to DRESS in BUSINESS or BUSINESS CASUAL ATTIRE.
  1. ‘Jobs4TNONLINE Job Seeker Solutions’ – This 2 hour workshop will focus on learning how to use the many helpful tools and resources on Jobs4TNONLINE. Primary attention will be given to 3 specific areas: ‘How to Build a Resume’, ‘How to Search for a Job’ and ‘How to use the Learning Center’ for additional job aid and tutorials to improve job seeker outcomes and strategies.
  1. ‘Making a Living In-between Jobs’ – So what if you’re ‘In-Between Jobs’ and finding a job is hard and time consuming. This 2 hour workshop will explore ways to make money FAST without a job! Bring an open mind and a creative spirit.
  1. ‘Re-Entry – Re-Tooling for Career Success’– I will act as moderator for this 2 hour workshop focusing on career development re-tooling strategies for re-entry/ex-offender customers, presented by WIN Career Coach and Re-Entry Expert, Roderick Woody. This workshop teaches ex-offenders innovative job search methods, designed to reduce the job search time, lessening the risk of being screened out before the chance to interview. Workshop participants will learn how to create the most effective resume for the greatest impact to maximize job search success. This workshop will also offer effective ‘interviewing’ strategies, with sample interview questions specifically targeted to customers who have a background.
  1. ‘Resume Workshop for the Deaf & Disabled’ -An interpreter MAY BE AVAILABLE to assist clients with hearing disabilities. This workshop is in conjunction with partner agency Deaf Connect, with Director Teresa Wilson, working through WIN Disabilities Department, Phyllis Brunson – Disabilities Coordinator. At the conclusion, customer take away includes a completed resume and cover letter, uploaded to a flash drive. See scheduled date. (This is a CLOSED session/INVITATION REQUIRED, ONLY THROUGH PHYLLIS BRUNSON/Attendee limit 10)
  1. ‘Time & Money Management Do’s & Don’ts’– This 2 hour workshop will introduce time saving and money managing tips that will enhance your personal and business lifestyle, while teaching effective approaches to stress reduction as you strive to achieve your personal and career success goals.