

Employee Name:


Personnel #: ______CC / FC: ______

Recruitment Phase:

 / Funds Availability Check / OISE Comptroller
 / Obtain Approval to Hire Position / Dean or CAO
 / Develop Job Description & Pay Classification / Unit Head & HR
 / Job Posting, Initial Screening, Coordinating Interviews, Candidate Selection & Sal Negotiation / Unit Head & HR
 / Preparation, Submission of Offer Letter / HR - appointed
 / Distribute copy of signed offer letter to BO & Comptroller / HR
 / Announcement of new hire to Team & key staff / Unit Head

2 Weeks Prior to Start Date:

Collect from Candidate for UTORAuth letter:
 Date of Birth
 SIN Number / HR - appointed
BO - casual
 / Issue UTORAuth letter / HR
 / Activate UTORID & Email Account / Candidate
 / Complete & submit Salary Detail Form / BO
 / Set-up phone, VM (if applicable), & update directories / BO – Phone/VM
Ops – Directory
 / Add candidate to appropriate LISTSERVs / BO
 / Order computer equip. & software (desktop, laptop, iPad, cell phones, etc.) / BO – to order EC – to set-up
 / Identify workspace. Assess furniture needs & order (desks, chairs, keyboard trays, filing cabinets, etc.). / BO – to order Ops - for any furniture moves
 / Request for office and furniture keys & name plate / BO – to order Ops – to deliver
 / Request for business cards, if applicable / BO
 / Ensure all pre-conditions of employment are adhered to / HR and/or BO

Upon Arrival of Employee:

 / Introduce to team & other key individuals / Supervisor
 / Tour of workspace, surroundings, & evacuation protocol / Supervisor
Provide to Employee:
 / Keys to office, cabinets, etc / BO
 / Manual for VM set-up / BO
 / Business cards & Cell Phone / BO
 / Computer Set-up / EC
 / T-Card (escort to T-Card office if practical)
*make sure to bring UTORAuth letter / Supervisor
 / Program T-Card access, if applicable / BO – to order Ops – to deliver
 / Complete forms for AMS or ROSI access, if applicable / BO
 / Complete forms for UShop access, if applicable / BO
 / Complete forms for MROL access, if applicable / BO
 / Complete forms for PCard, if applicable / BO
 / Collect from employee
 Completed benefits enrollment forms
 Bank direct deposit information
 Emergency Contact Information
 Personal contact information
 Proof of Credentials (e.g. degrees/ certifications) / HR - appointed
BO - casual
 / Provide Overview of OISE and Department / Supervisor
 / Review duties, expectations, & work schedule / Supervisor
Provide overview of various policies (as applicable). Some examples include: / Various
 / Absence Protocol / Supervisor
 / AODA Guidelines / HR
 / HR Guideline on Civil Conduct / HR
 / Conflict of Interest / HR
 / Guide to Financial Management / BO
 / Payroll Schedule / HR - appointed
BO- casual
 / Provide employee with mentor / Supervisor
 / If Inter-departmental transfer, transfer vacation balance / BO
 / De-brief with employee at the end of the day / Supervisor


BO: Business OfficerUnit Head: Chair or Department Mgr

EC: Education CommonsSupervisor: Direct Report of Employee

HR: Human ResourcesOps: Operations