Middlefield Water Pollution Control Authority

Regular Meeting

December 2, 2015


  1. Call to order of regular meeting

Ed Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

  1. Roll Call: Present are Bob Eely, Peter Sibley, Rob and Ed Bailey.
  1. Agenda

A motion was made by Peter Sibley to approve the agenda. This motion was seconded by Bob Eely and approved by all voting members.

  1. Approval of Minutes

A request was made to Amend the minutes from the October 7, 2015 meeting to read:

6-b. notation regarding Meriden costs budget amended to read: $61,133.00

A motion was made by Pete Sibley to approve the amended minutes. This

motion was seconded by Bob Eely. Approved by all voting members.

  1. Public Session - No members of public present
  1. Old Business:
  1. 195 Baileyville Road – Sewer Connection:

Ed Bailey noted that he received a letter from Brian Curtis with questions. Ed will follow up on same. The one duplex grinder pump is now at the upper limit of its capacity, and the installation of a second duplex grinder pump is suggested as a means to reduce over-utilization from the new construction. The site will be opened due to construction, so this is the opportune time for pump work to be done. Owner of property (Fowler) would pay for new grinder pump ($20,000.00 +/-) and it would then be maintained by WPCA. Each unit is considered an individual tax lot, so sewer hookup costs would be the unit owner’s

responsibility, payable to WPCA directly.

  1. Odor Control – Mixing System at Mattabeseck Road Pump Station:

The odor control system is working well. Bioxide input has been reduced. The chemical was put in in August, and as of early December, no more has been required. Mixing system has not yet been installed. Delivery of equipment to pump station is expected.

  1. Mailer regarding sewer system usage:

Ed Bailey reviewed the list of property owners and discovered that 90 properties have billing addresses different than residence addresses. Some of these properties may be seasonal, or some may be rental properties. This makes the mailer logistics difficult, as they may not be reaching the person responsible for using the system. Discussion was held and it seems the best and most cost effective way would be to target the houses directly whether by mailer or direct drop.

  1. New Business:
  1. Sewer Assessment for 20 Sunrise Ridge: (Middletown sewer system)

It is noted that there are 72 or 74 hookups allowed on the Harvest Wood/RT 66 system and at this time there are approximately 60 properties hooked up, so there is no restriction. Harvest Wood are all connected but Sunrise Ridge was an existing neighborhood beforehand, so some have hooked up to the sewer, others only hook up when their septic fails. At this time there are two potential properties desiring to be connected to the system. Each new connection requires the property owner to pay WPCA $750.00 directly. The Middletown assessment of $3500.00 is collected by WPCA and then passed on to Middletown.

  1. Meeting Dates for 2016:

The meeting dates were passed out for the upcoming year. Meetings will continue to be held on the first Wednesday of each month.

It was noted that this meeting was Pete Sibley’s last as a member of the WPCA. Bob Monthei will be a new member of this board as of the January meeting.

A motion was made to approve the Meeting Dates for 2016 by Ed Bailey, seconded by Bob

Eely. Approved by all voting members.

  1. Chairman’s Report:

Budget was briefly reviewed. Joe Geruch gave Ed Bailey a copy of the budget, however, the WPCA figures had not been given to Mr. Geruch, so they were not included. This will be rectified and discussed at next meeting. Briefly, the original figures as of November show that (approximately) $79,000. Was spent so far on the (approximately) $220,000.00 yearly budget. The grinder pump cost of $31,000.00 accounted for the much of the expenditure. Chemical cost should continue to go down, as the new odor control system requires less.

Ed Bailey met with Reid Storey (sp) regarding setting up a meeting with Meriden about possibly changing the requirement for their metering. Possibly go to a cell system for reporting rather than electrical. Do we need real time telemetry? Meter is read in Middlefield and reported to Meriden. It is hoped that there is a more efficient, cost effective way to report gallons each month.

RT 66 Budget: Middletown fees average $1500.00, which is usual.

There were problems at the Lakeview Estates pump station. The stainless steel tracks within the pump chamber tend to deform due to pressure, which causes recirculation rather than evacuation. WPCA has had stronger tracks custom made, however, someone at Waste & Water was not aware, and installed the lesser tracks. These tracks will be changed out (under warranty) when the new chambers go in. This area has the highest pressure in the entire system.

  1. Adjourn

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.