GLG Code Of Conduct

Here are some guidelines to help you run your business with integrity!

When you begin your business with Forever you or your team may ask some of these questions so here are some ways that FBOs over the years have been found to be honest, ethical and fair so please use these as a guideline to help everyone's business succeed.

Q: What should I expect from my sponsor and upline?

·  Your sponsor and upline are your guide to success in your Forever business, they are not your competition and they have your best interests at heart.

·  Your sponsor is not going to run your business for you - if you take a step then they will match it.

·  If you need an extra planning then ask for it - your sponsor will happily oblige!

·  If you want to chat further upline from your sponsor that is fine - we all keep each other in the loop.

·  Your sponsor will always believe in you and there WILL be times when your belief in yourself won't be strong enough and your sponsor will help you to carry on through those times. They will provide a consistent environment that is safe, non-judgemental and supportive for you to grow and shine.

·  If you are not happy then have a chat and get it out in the open - your relationship with your sponsor is important to your success so work on it and nurture it!

·  In GLG we have put together a great infrastructure to aid your journey please do look on GLG website or Facebook group if you require a certain bit of information or ask your sponsor where to find it.

Q: What should my sponsor expect of me?

·  Do what you say you’re going to do

·  Be honest, return calls/emails/texts.

·  Book on the Rolling Programme webinars if you are serious about achieving your goals

·  To be coachable, plug into the Company Trainings. Without the knowledge these trainings provide, you won’t build belief and without belief, it will take you longer to get success a common denominator with the successful distributors is that they have plugged into every success day and training.

·  To be positive and ethical around other team members and fellow distributors. If you have any challenges, please speak to your sponsor.

·  To learn the fundamentals of building a business to whatever income level you choose

·  You will need to attend a variety of trainings to get the information that YOU need - as the information you learn on these trainings will not all come from your sponsor, and it would not be fair to expect that.

Q: What shall I do if someone I speak to about products is already supplied by another distributor?

A: If you are talking to someone about the products and it becomes apparent they already use the products via another distributor, step back and of course talk about the products, but don't try to suggest they should buy from you. Same with seeing on FB that another distributor has recommended something to someone on their status, or on for sale sites, step back and let the first person continue building that relationship.

Q: I have talked to someone who is being supplied with products by another distributor but that distributor has never shown them the business opportunity

A: It is always ethical to ask if they have been shown the business by their current supplier, if they have not been shown then the door is wide open for you to invite them to look at the business opportunity.

Q: What is the best way to handle it if I approach someone who has already been shown the business opportunity by another distributor

A: If they have been shown the business then you need to back off and encourage them to go back to the person who showed them. It is then down to the discretion of the prospect as they do have a right to choose whose team they join - but please do not actively sell yourself hard in this case as it doesn't look good on the business opportunity. Imagine how this would look to a prospect - they would wonder how they could build a business if everyone they met tried to persuade them away from someone else to join THEIR team.

Q: If I have a stall at an event selling cakes for example - can I put a few Forever products out too?

A: Definitely NOT if there is a Forever Living only stand already there - imagine how you would feel if you had booked a stand only to find your neighbour who is doing crafts puts out a display of Forever products - but if no other FLP stall is present then Don't miss the opportunity if the organisers don't mind!

Q: When I book an event I found someone else was already there with Forever - how can I avoid this happening again?

A: When booking an event do check to see if anyone else from Forever has already booked. Be clear its Forever Living Aloe Vera as I have heard organisers have booked stalls for Aloe Vera and Forever Living thinking they were different. If they say there is already a stall then remember to leave your details just in case they cancel or don't turn up for any reason.

No one has a right to a stand – it is always first come first served. If someone has done it the year before and the booking is open you are free to book it.

Q: I am attending a show/event/shopping precinct/fair because I intend to do some contact marketing but when I get there I see there is a Forever Living Stall where they will have paid for a stand/pitch - can I carry on and cold contact anyway?

A: No - that would be unfair and unethical, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the person who has paid to be there, purchased stock to fill a stall and given up a day to stand at a stall - you would be very upset if someone did it to you.

Q: What is the best product to use for a certain condition?

A: Before just posting up your question do a bit of research:

·  The list of products and what they do is in the back of First Steps to Manager in your New Distributor Pack

·  Doctor Peter Atherton's book - in your BOB

·  Check out you will see there are even more websites you can go on for more knowledge.

·  Check the 'files' or use the search key on the GLG facebook group and the GLG website.

·  Go to a recommended FB page, they are all listed on GLG website.

·  It is vital to attend trainings see: Forever Knowledge and for trainings throughout the year.

Q: I have seen a great post for Forever on Facebook - can I just share it or copy and paste it?

A: No! - It is polite to ask if you may share - please don't hijack someone else's posts - never copy without permission, be original, if you do get permission to use a post, alter it slightly to make it your own.

I am feeling a bit despondent with how my business is going who do I speak to?

It is really tempting to moan to your fellow Forever Friends who are crossline or maybe even downline - but as you will know if you are on the receiving end of this it is easy to get dragged down and lose heart in what you are doing too - please realise the damage you are doing - don't steal someone else's dreams! Please be positive and ethical around other team members and fellow distributors. If you have any challenges, please only moan to your upline!