Memory – 7A Study Guide

  1. Memory is best defined as:
  2. The process of getting information into memory is called ______.
  3. The process of encoding refers to:
  4. Storages is to encoding as ______is to ______.
  5. The process of getting information out of memory is called ______.
  6. A modern information processing model that views memoires as emerging from particular activation patterns within neural networks is known as:
  7. Some information in our fleeting ______is encoded into short-term memory.
  8. Your consciously activated but limited-capacity memory is called ______memory.
  9. After looking up his friend’s phone number, Alex was able to remember it only long enough to dial it correctly. In this case, the telephone number was clearly stored in his ______memory.
  10. A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in ______memory.
  11. As his AP teacher was lecturing, Tanner was thinking about competing in a swim meet later that afternoon. Where are Tanner’s current thought’s being processed?
  12. Automatic processing and effortful processing involve two types of what?
  13. How does the brain’s capacity for parallel processing relate to encoding new memories?
  14. Encoding that occurs with no effort or a minimal level of conscious attention is known as?
  15. During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term proactive interference. Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incidental information is best explained in terms of:
  16. In an effort to remember how to spell “rhinoceros,” Samantha spells the word aloud 30 times. She is using a technique known as:
  17. Priming is to retrieval as rehearsal is to:
  18. Who made extensive use of nonsense syllabus in the study of human memory?
  19. Ebbinghaus’ retention curve best illustrates the value of?
  20. Joni performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as what?
  21. The serial position effect best illustrates the importance of?
  22. On the telephone, David rattles off a list of 10 grocery items for Katie to bring home from the store. Immediately after hearing the list, Katie attempts to write down the items. She is most likely to forget what items?
  23. Define and give an example of proactive and retroactive interference.
  24. The process by which information is encoded by its meaning is called:
  25. Your ability to immediately recognize the voice over the phone as your mother’s illustrates the value of:
  26. Mnemonic devices such as the peg-word system make effective use of:
  27. The organization of information into meaningful units is called ______.
  28. Iconic memory refers to:
  29. Sabrina went to the store for furniture polish, carrots, pencils, ham, celery, notebook paper, and salami. She remembered to buy all these items by reminding herself that she needed food products that included meats and vegetables and that she needed nonfood products that included school supplies and cleaning aids. Sabrina made effective use of:
  30. Sounds and word that are not immediately attended to can still be recalled a couple of seconds later because of our ______memory.