Region IV LEPC Public Meeting
February 21, 2018, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
City of West Sacramento
1110 West Capitol Ave
West Sacramento, CA
LEPC Region IV Members Present:
Jerry ApodacaSac City Fire
Michael BradleyRoseville Fire
George AvilaCalTrans
Bryan JohnsonWest Sac Fire
Doug OsbornSacramento County EH
Tim LinderHP Hood
Jeff AdneyModesto Fire
Dana EllisCal OES Inland Region
Brian AbeelCal OES Haz Mat (on phone)
Vance BennettCal OES CSTI
Others Present:
Courtland EllisCDCR
Larry MadoskiLathrop-Manteca Fire
William SchwarzTracy Fire
Mark MossElDO County EH
Anna BurkholderCDFW – OSPR
Lisa CorvingtonCDFW – OSPR
Angel TapiaCDFW – OSPR
Dustin KullingSJ Sheriff
David CornesC&S
Kevin CullisaRoseville
Tony RemStockton
Ken CusanoFolsom Fire
Felipe RodriquezFolsom Fire
Ivan RodriguezDept Toxics
Sean DailSacto Fire
Welcome and Introductions
At approximately 10:02a.m. Jerry Apodaca, Chair,opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and started the attendee introductions.
Approval of February and May 2017, Minutes
Doug Osborn motion to approve August 2017 minutes- Tim Linder Second
Doug Osborn motion to approve May 2017 minutes – Tim Linder second
All in Favor – All Ayes No nays.
Brian Abeel– No Legislative Update.
SERC- April 25, 2018 scheduled SERC meeting. Cal OES Haz Mat asking Exec if meeting is necessary. We are waiting to see what happens with the Leg proposal. If meeting is attended, no additional items can be discussed. We need to know the direction and status of Leg proposal before next meeting is scheduled. Brian cannot share information about the Leg proposal at this time.
R/R Accident Committee- Per Brian there is no funding. Everything tied up in court. R/Rs won the lawsuit first round. CA is appealing the decision.
Tracy Fire- Cal OES Fire and Rescue working to get Type II engines out. No ETA for them to be released.
Erika needs the nominees for the Continuing Challenge Grant Conference waiver. Drop dead date is March 30, 2018. Grants available for 15 students.
Correspondence: Ag rep Kamal has resigned from LEPC. The Ag position is now vacant.
Training: Specialist Series application reviews complete. All applications are from III, IV and V. Looking at Tech Series A-D in May. There are over 60 registrants. CSTI has closed registrations. Vance Bennett stated that there are usually a few spots open at the last minute. They can then pull from the waiting list.
Specialist Committee class in Roseville- Region III submitted zero, Region IV had 25 and Region V had 5. All applicants in Region IV will get a grant.
Grants Subcomittee: Time Linder – Nothing to report.
By-Laws subcommittee- Tim – Minor changes to be made and approved by the LEPC IV By-laws Committee. Tim discussed the changes recommended. Mike Bradley made motion to approve changes. George Avila second the motion. All in favor - All No Nays. By-Laws are changed and will be posted to the website.
OSPR- Statewide emergency response plan- Northfork of American River and some counties below, along Highway 80. Will be releasing documents soon. Draft of Kern River and North Fork American plan should be completed by April 18. Will offer 30 day review period. Final plan should be completed by November 16, 2018.
Vacancies – Ag Position, Community Group, Civil Defense, Education, Elected Official, Fire Alternate, Health, Hospital, Law Enforcement, Media (will we accept PIO or social media).
Tim Linder motioned- Jeff Adneysecond motion to approve following positions.
Angel Tapia– LE Alternate
DustinKulling- Primary LE
Larry Madoski Lathrop- Primary Media
Bill Schwarz Tracy Fire– Alternate Fire
All in Favor – All ayes – No nays.
Jeff Adney- BNSF derailment- product was not hazardous but fine particles created an inhalation hazard. Could not confirm what the actual product was. Fire is working with R/R for better communication.
Doug Osborn- Responding to Sonoma County for October fire debris recovery. Has agreement with the County as community liaisons and visited sites and talked to owners.
George Avila- Caltrans – 17 Haz Mat managers – Tabletop in Bay Area and a refinery tabletop in Kern County. CalTrans willing to participate in any exercises to assist.
Vance- Two Instructor certification classes coming up.
SeanDail – New Haz Mat Coordinator for Sacramento City.
DustinKulling- San Joaquin County SO- SO has suits to prepare for Anthrax or other terrorist event. Cross training is very important amongst all disciplines.
DFW - OSPR- Vegetable oil spill near I-80 and explosion along Highway 20. Very coordinated response. Caltrans, CalFire, PGE and EID all responded. Placer County worked well together. OSPR grant trailers from Alta Fire was on scene.
Dustin Kulling provided brief on his law enforcement experience. Angel from Fish and Game also provided a brief for the LE alternate.
Ivan- DTSC nothing significant at this time. Involved with recovery of wildfires and assess properties that were not fully burned by the fires. CalRecycle removes the ash. Biggest drug labs- fentanyl labs. They are very expensive and dangerous. DTSC referring them to US EPA/DEA. About 6-8 in the state right now.
Bryan Johnson- West Sacramento – One incident that required evacuation. Training coming up.
Mike Bradley- LPG cars in Rail yard. UP trying to improve image and asking that locals work with their PIOs before posting pictures. Castro bean lady- Tried to commit suicide near Colfax. Some honey oil labs. Refrigerant release near telecommunication center. Old material leaked into the basement and had to be ventilated. Haz Cat class coming up. Tank car specialist class. Training facility is back up and running.
Folsom Fire- New to LEPC
Meeting adjourned at 11:45.