JUNE 16, 2015

7:00 PM

The June 16, 2015 council meeting was called to order by Council President Mike Rothmeier at 7:00 PM. Those present include Rothmeier, Lowell Helget, Chett Bisel, Theresa Beckman, City Attorney Paul Muske, City Manager Matt Skaret and City Clerk Amy Vogel. Absent was Mark Brown. Others present include Doris Weber, Andy Kehren with Bolton & Menk, Ben Luense, Jennifer Nelson with SMIF, Michael Gordon, John Nicholson, Joe Micka, Dale Lindmeier, and Steve Helget.

Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to adopt the agenda with the addition of considering the street closure on O’Connell for the Carnival. All ayes.

Motion by Bisel, second by Helget to approve the consent agenda. All ayes.

The council reviewed pay estimate #1 for the 2015 street project in the amount of $151,483.70. The pay estimate includes overlaying of Cass/Cottonwood and O’Connell to Golf Course. Kehren updated the council on the project status. The contractor moved in last Friday to begin work on Van Dusen. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to approve payment of GM Contracting’s pay estimate #1 in the amount of $151,483.70. All ayes.

Skaret noted that there were 38 trees removed along Van Dusen due to the street project. He asked whether the council would like to offer tree replanting to the residents along the project route and when. The council agreed that there should be a list of acceptable trees and that the property owners would be responsible for caring for them. They would not be allowed in the boulevard but would have to be planted within their property lines. Motion by Bisel, second by Helget to offer the tree replacement program to be completed this fall with trees selected from a list of approved trees. All ayes.

The council had approved to use reserves to complete the overlays on Cass/Cottonwood and O’Connell. These have been done so a transfer to the construction fund is needed to pay for that portion of $160,797.78. Motion by Helget, second by Beckman to adopt Res. #15-061601 authorizing the fund transfer of $160,797.78 from Fund 411 to Fund 423. All ayes.

The council reviewed Fahrner Construction pay estimate #2 in the amount of $71,693.19 for the airport pavement project. The crack sealing has been completed but the sealcoating has been postponed due to weather. Motion by Beckman, second by Bisel to approve payment of Fahrner Construction’s pay estimate #2 for $71,639.19. All ayes.

Lindmeier explained the history of fundraising for the new baseball scoreboard and dugouts. The Baseball Assn believed that there would be enough funds left to replace the dugouts and began the project. When they fixed one thing another needed fixing too. They were making decisions in hopes that the dugouts last a lifetime. The costs kept going up but they needed to get them done before spring ball started. They originally thought they would be over by $1-2,000 but are over by about $25,000. The council would have liked regular updates on the progress because the dugouts are the city’s property. They agreed that they look very nice and thanked the Baseball Assn for their hard work.

Nelson explained the Southern MN Initiative Foundation Services for Brown County. She thanked the city for their continued support.

Luense has checked on different storage options for the nativity pageant equipment. They are either full or very costly. He is checking into another option that he just found out about. The council agreed to further discuss this issue at the July meeting.

New full-time police Officer Michael Gordon was sworn in.

Officer Joe Micka requested approval to take vacation for his shifts from Aug. 27 to Sept. 7 so that he can work at the State Fair. He has done this the past five years. It will amount to 60-66 hours of vacation. It was discussed that part-time officers are not as available as when they were hired but a fourth full-time officer has been hired. Motion by Bisel, second by Beckman to authorize Micka to take vacation for his shifts from Aug. 27 to Sept. 7 to work at the State Fair. All ayes.

Skaret explained that with the recent hiring of Amber Swing at the Community Center for $9/hr, they discovered that Darlene Fretham, who was hired last year, is making $8.76. The Community Facilities Board has recommended raising Fretham to $9.25 effective May 31, 2015. Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to approve a wage increase for Fretham to $9.25/hr effective May 31, 2015. All ayes.

Skaret noted that Asst Pool Manager Morghan Trebesch has indicated that July 31 will be her last day of work for the summer. That leaves only Missy Bisel to take care of the pool. He asked the council to consider offering the job to Shayla Hoffmann, at $11.50/hr, even though she is not able to get her lifeguard certification. She was offered the position earlier but turned it down.

Beckman suggested posting this internally or finding someone already on staff because they are lifeguard certified. Current staff would have a month’s worth of experience on the pool operations that Hoffmann does not have. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to authorize the personnel committee and city manager to work with Missy Bisel to fill this position. All ayes.

The city’s safety coordinator, Chris Trembley, has been working to improve city staff habits on wearing high visibility gear. It was suggested to supply high visibility shirts to the necessary staff instead of having to remember to put on their vests. The city logo could be put on the shirts free of charge. The shirts range from $8.50 to $23.00, depending on size and style. Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to approve supplying 5 shirts two times per year to necessary staff. All ayes.

Last winter the council discussed getting sideboards for the skating rink and asked to revisit this topic during the summer. Now would be the time to get pricing and setup if it is still desired to do so. Skaret and Rothmeier will work on dimensions and materials list for this project. Motion by Beckman, second by Bisel to table this matter to July. All ayes.

Two quotes were received for patching on Spring Ave just north of Central St. MR Paving quoted $3,120 and Ground Zero quoted $3,744. Motion by Helget, second by Beckman to accept the quote from MR Paving for $3,120 to patch Spring Ave. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to approve sidewalk assistance to 124 N Spring Ave for 18’ x 5.33’ for $192. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to approve the street closure on O’Connell by the Legion for the Carnival during Riverside Days. All ayes.

Muske noted that a nuisance letter has been sent to 510 N Marshall which stated that the nuisance must be abated by today. They have made progress but are not done. He suggested, and the council agreed, to give them until the July council meeting.

Skaret noted that mediation will take place on Thursday for the police grievances. The union has not communicated with anyone on the status of the contract.

Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to adjourn at 8:16 PM. All ayes.

Amy A. Vogel, City Clerk