Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning
2009 Report to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL) met regularly (twice monthly in Fall 2008 and Spring 2009) to discuss issues related to the University’s Assessment Plan. Through the work of a 12-member committee several major goals were accomplished.
Below is an explanation of the achievement of CASL’s goals for this academic year and the committee membership.
CASL members: Rebecca Throneburg, Mary Herrington-Perry, Daniel Carter, Terri Fredrick, Carla Honselman, Debra Hopgood, Stacey Knight-Davis, Karla Sanders, Lisa Taylor, Jie Zou, Tim Taylor, Lucia Schroeder
1) Disseminate information to the campus community about the process associated with revised EWP.
a. The committee reviewed summary documents that explained the EWP revision process. The documents included a) History of Writing Assessment and the EWP at EIU, b) EWP Faculty Survey Executive Summary, and c) Updated Implementation Grid (revisions with rationale).
b. Brochures were distributed to all faculty (Information for faculty) and advisors during the first week of classes and to students (What You Need to Know) during debut.
c. A website was revised with brochures and "how-to" information for faculty and students
2) Collect, analyze and distribute data using the revised EWP.
a. A total of 1,922 students submitted 2,258 papers from 328 courses during the Fall 2008 semester.
b. Desired data/output/reports were discussed by CASL and then coded by Danny Harvey from CATs with input from CASA staff and CASL members
c. The following reports were generated from the revised EWP
i. EWP Submission Report. There were a total of 2,258 submissions. The report gave a breakdown of ethnicity, gender, submission rating, number of submissions, hours completed at time of submission, and by course levels.
ii. EWP At Risk Report. There were a total of 3% at-risk submissions for the semester submissions and a total of 73 for at-risk students with one student receiving two scores in this category.
iii. EWP Major and College Report was sent electronically to the chairs of departments and they can distribute it as they see fit according to FERPA guidelines.
d. Rebecca Throneburg and Karla Sanders attended Faculty Senate on February 17, the CAA Executive Meeting, and the full CAA session on April 23 to give information on information collected from faculty ratings of the revised EWP and completed EWP portfolio readings.
e. The Assessment Plan was revised in the fall 2008 to reflect changes in the EWP.
3) Define parameters for the Writing Improvement Portion of the revised EWP.
a. A subcommittee consisting of Rebecca Throneburg, Karla Sanders, Debra Hopgood, Dan Carter, Terri Fredrick, Stacey Knight-Davis, Tim Taylor, and ex-Officio Dana Ringuette was formed.
b. Options for timed-writing sample test including the Criterion, CAAP, and "in-house" tests were reviewed. On October 21, 2008 the CAAP was chosen for the timed writing assessment.
c. The subcommittee recommended the concept of a one hour lecture-lab course for each college taught by a college faculty member with the assistance of a college graduate assistant. The course concept was shared with the VPAA and received a favorable response. Further planning for the college courses was then placed on hold until "at-risk" data could be collected for a two-year period (through Spring 2010) to better define the needs for the writing improvement courses.
d. Interim procedures for "at-risk" students were developed and implemented. Fern Kory from the English department met with the subcommittee and suggested further involvement of the Student Success Center when students are identified "at-risk" from EWP ratings. Karla Sanders developed emails that were sent to the student and the student's advisor when a rating of 2 or less was received on an EWP submission. The email suggested that the student make an appointment with the student success center and discuss writing with their advisor. The email also informed the student of assistance available at the Writing Center and writing workshops being held by Tim Taylor (WAC/Writing Center). Two of seventy-three students who received the "at-risk" email made an appointment and visited the writing center. Mona Davenport requested and received a list of minority students rated as "at-risk".
The VSA is a web-based system that will give the public, parents, and students data regarding Eastern Illinois University compared to other institutions in the state and nation. Beginning Fall 2010, one hundred to two hundred freshman and senior students will be given assessments.
1) A VSA subcommittee was formed to look at what kind of questions and which tests should be administered. The following people volunteered: Terri Fredrick, Debra Hopgood, Carla Honselman, Karla Sanders, Rebecca Throneburg, and Jie Zou.
2) The committee investigated the CAAP, MAPP or CLA to measure writing and critical thinking skills.
The Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) was recommended. Karla Sanders reported that the ad hoc committee charged with selecting the student engagement measure had narrowed down the options to the CSEQ or the NSSE.
1) Lisa Taylor served as the CASL representative on the ad hoc Cultural Diversity Committee. The committee held an open forum on Oct 22, 2008 about cultural diversity requirements at EIU and it was recommended that guidelines for cultural diversity courses be revisited. The committee developed revised guidelines and discussed them at CAA on March 27 and April 23, 2009. The guidelines have not yet been approved in final form.
2) Karla Sanders and Rebecca Throneburg met with the CAA executive committee to discuss difficulty measuring components of the global citizenship goal.
3) CASL discussed current global citizenship data and reviewed a partial draft of a revised instrument. New measures of student engagement and integrated learning will be collected next year at the university. The Graduating Student Survey will likely be revised for Banner next year and may contain items regarding integrated learning or other information related information for this goal. The committee decided to hold on revisions to the measurement of global citizenship until new data from NSSE and other measures could be reviewed.
1) Measures of critical thinking, global citizenship and speaking are collected in Senior Seminars
2) Karla Sanders, Rebecca Throneburg and Mary Herrington-Perry had been members of past committee investigating senior seminar revision
3) A new CAA senior seminar was formed this year. Karla Sanders met with new subcommittee on February 17 to discuss assessment in Senior Seminar. CASL has not been part of other discussion of senior seminar revision and is uninformed of the possibilities the CAA committee is considering.
1) CASL reviewed data from 2008 program assessment reports
2) A CASL subcommittee (Debra Hopgood and Daniel Carter) reviewed 7 submissions for Provost Assessment Award in the fall 2008 using criteria developed by CASL. Recommendations were made to the provost.
3) College representatives on CASL gathered contact information of faculty members involved in assessment in programs in their colleges. An e-mail was developed encouraging adoption/measurement of university learning goals and data concerning number of goals measured by departments at the time of NCA visit as compared to last year. The email was sent at the end of the Spring 2009 term and a similar email will be sent near the beginning of the Fall 2009 term.
1) Assist in planning for CLA implementation.
2) Consider revising the Assessment Plan to incorporate VSA measures
3) Adapt assessment collection as necessary depending on Senior Seminar outcome
4) Investigate expanding/revising critical thinking measure utilizing critical thinking rubrics and data from CLA
5) Monitor plans for student engagement measure, senior survey and discuss applicable data for global citizenship goal.
6) Improve communication with departments/programs to increase measurement of university learning goals. Work with Danny Harvey and interested programs in a departmental application of an electronic portfolio
7) Discuss/Increase CASL's structured role in annual assessment data dissemination/feedback loop. Possibilities include:
- Develop/Utilize Executive Summary sheets containing annual data for each of the 4 learning goals
- CASL chair/CASA director share assessment data with deans, CAA, faculty senate
- College reps (and CASL chair) share data at a college curriculum committee meeting and possibly chairs meeting for each college
- College reps share data with faculty involved in assessment in their college through email and possible meeting.
- WAC chair (and CASL chair) will share writing data at a WAC meeting
- Continue posting information to the Web and disseminating information through the Assessment Newsletter in the fall and spring.
8) Discuss CASL membership. WAC member brings writing expertise, but no correlates for speaking, critical thinking, global citizenship. Consider subcommittees with invited members or formal change in CASL composition.