Chartered CPD programme record card 2014/2015
Chartered CPD programme
CPD record card July 2014 – June 2015
Chartered CPD programme record card 2014/2015
Membership number:
Submission deadline: 31 July 2015
For office use only
File number:
Chartered CPD programme record card 2014/2015
Click here to find out how CPD works and what activity counts towards CPD hours.
Please complete this form and return it with the necessary evidence by 31 July 2015.
Call the CPD Team on +44 (0)1628 427120 or e-mail if you have any queries and we’ll be happy to help.
you developing? / What activity have you done to address this need?
Who provided the development? / Completion date / Category / Hours claimed
Digital media / Example: Advanced e-mail marketing course (1 day workshop).
The Chartered Institute of Marketing. / Example:
16 October 2014 / 2 / 7
In which area are
you developing? / What activity have you done to address this need?
Who provided the development? / Completion date / Category / Hours claimed
Total hours
Chartered CPD programme record card 2014/2015
What else do I need to know?
•All supporting evidence must state your name and the date that the activity took place.
•The total number of hours that can be claimed across categories 7, 8, 9 and 10 is 28 hours.
•You can claim up to 7 hours for one day and up to 3.5 hours for a half day.
•If you don’t submit supporting evidence for your activities, we’ll contact you and ask for details. This will delay your submission.
•Only send photocopies of any evidence you submit as we can’t send documents back to you. Make sure you keep a copy for
your records.
•You must fill in at least 35 hours, but extra hours do not count towards the following year’s CPD.
• If you’re a Chartered Marketer, please only submit your record card if you have been included in the CPD audit.
•If you’re currently studying and have completed an assessment within the CPD year, your 35hours are automatically added to
your record.
• The deadline for submitting your record of your year’s CPD is 31 July 2015.
What was the most important area of development that you addressed in 2014/15and why?Tell us briefly how your development activities have made an impact on your work, team or career.
Which areas of development do you plan to address in the next CPD year (July 2015 – June 2016)?
Signature: Date:
What to do next
•Check you have recorded at least 35 hours of CPD and filled in the ‘Reflection’ sections.
•Check you have filled in your name and membership number overleaf.
•Sign this record card and return it with the necessary evidence no later than 31 July 2015:
By post: Chartered CPD Programme, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Moor Hall, Cookham, Maidenhead,
Berkshire, SL6 9QH, UK.
By e-mail:
If you’re a Chartered Marketer and don’t want to be listed in the Chartered Marketer Directory,
contact the CPD Team on +44 (0)1628 427120 or by e-mail at