(15 Point, FC 2016)


(Room 1.1104, ext. 84512,

email: )

TIMES:Tuesday 11 am-12 pm 421W-301

Thursday10-12 PM 260-057

Computer Lab 111 am-12 pm, 10/3/16401.311

Computer Lab 2TBA In-class

Computer Lab 3TBA In-class


This 15 point paper covers the modelling ofchemical fate and transportin surface water bodies, such as lakes and rivers. Participants willgain an understanding of underlying principles and apply modelling tools tosimulate water quality processes of interest to engineers and policy makers.Specifically, the participants will gain an understanding of physical and chemical transformations, mathematicallyrepresenting these phenomena, developing computer models, and simulatingthe behaviour of aquatic systems for a variety of contamination scenarios. Atthe completion of this course, students should have an understanding of the regulatory framework for aquatic bodies, skills toanalytically solve for the behaviour of simple environmental system,andsimulate the response of complex environmentsusing, STELLA, QUAL2K, and WASP models.

COURSE ASSESSEMENT:Quizzes (Weeks 3, 7, 10)12%

Class participation (Piazza, attendance)3%

Project Presentation (Weeks6 & 12)15%


Mid-Term Test (Week 5)20%

End of Term Test (Week 11)30%

  • Tutorial sheets (and possible solutions) will reinforce notes. (Use of spreadsheets and/or computer package may be required for answering tutorial and project questions.)
  • Further reinforcement for notes and tutorials can be found in the recommended textbooks.


  • Familiarisation with National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management;
  • Develop and use of mass-balance models for water quality in lakes and rivers;
  • Analytically solving for steady state and dynamic responses of aquatic systems to point and distributed loadings;
  • Development of models incorporating various transformationand mass transfer processes occurring in aquatic bodies;
  • Skills to formulate models, perform simulation, and assess model validityusing STELLA, QUAL2K, and WASP.


The course covers the following topics:

  • Mass balance, steady state solutions for point and distributed loadings applied to lakes;
  • Unsteady state solutions for different loadings applied to lakes;
  • Steady state solutions for point and distributed loadings applied to rivers;
  • Waste load allocation, processes affection DO and carbonaceous/nitrogenous BOD;
  • Streeter Phelps Model for distributed loadings, nitrification and denitrification;
  • Nutrient dynamics and algal growth;
  • Modelling of toxic pollutants (organic contaminants and heavy metals); and
  • Projects using STELLA, QUAL2K, and WASP models.


Chapra, S.C. 1997. Surface Water-Quality Modeling. The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. New York. (Now published by Waveland Publishers. See details at


Thomann, R.V. and J.A. Mueller. 1987. Principles of surface water quality modeling and control. Harper and Row, New York.

Benedini M. andG. Tsakiris. 2013. Water Quality Modelling for Rivers and Streams.Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht. [Available online at


QUAL2k: A Model for River and Stream Water Quality [Free. Download from

Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) [Free. Download from