April 10, 2017

Nevis City Administration Building – Meeting Room 102


The April 10, 2017Regular Meeting of the Nevis City Council was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by MayorJarod Senger.

Pledge of Allegiance

Present: Mayor Jarod Senger, Council members: Kelly Poole, Rich Johnson, Jeanne Thompson, Sue Gray, Clerk/Treasurer: Dawn Veit, Liquor Store Manager: Kiley Weaver, Public Works Director: Don Umthun,

Motion: Rich Johnson, Second: Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passedto approve the Regular Agenda for the April 10, 2017, City Council Meeting.

Motion: Sue Gray, Second: Rich Johnson, All-Yes, Passed to approve the Consent Agenda.

l.Approval of the minutes of the meeting on March 13, 2017.

11.Approval of the March 2017 bills for payment.

111.Approval of the March 2017 financial report.

1V.Approval of the March 2017 Liquor report.



-Motion by: Kelly Poole, Second by Rich Johnson, All-Yes, Passed to approve Will Wicks and Gary Nicklason to continue their appointments on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

-Motion by: Jeanne Thompson, Second by Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed to establish a $25.00 fee for a fence permit application.

Motion by: Kelly Poole, Second by: Jarod Senger, All-Yes, Passed to approve Resolution No. 2017-04 Approving a Minor Subdivision and Boundary Line Realignment for Parcel 31.10.02600.

SANITATION DEPARTMENT – nothing at this time.



Public Works Director Don Umthun reports hydrant flushing will take place on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Ad will be placed in the paper.

Motion by Rich Johnson, Second by Kelly Poole, All-Yes, Passed to approve the Tower Logo submitted by Addison Lindow. Don will submit the photo to the company providing painting service.


Public Works Director Don Umthun reports that the street sweeping is complete.

CEMETERY – nothing at this time.


City Council member Sue Gray announced that the first Parks Improvement committee met to discuss the repairs that need to be done to the Muskie Park Playground equipment and also looking into purchasing a new set of equipment for the Halvorson Beach playground. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18th at 3:15 pm to be held down at Halvorson Beach.


Liquor Store Manager: Kiley Weaver reports that she has 2 bands booked for Friday night of Muskie Days weekend, still working on completing the rest. She reports that the 1st St. Patrick’s Day party went well. The Mimosa’s and Masterpieces Saturday’s held one time per month are a hit.

She also reports that she had Marchell Electric come out and give her a checklist of things that would need to be updated and also to let us know that we are up to code. Kiley will call several electricians to get some quotes on repairs to bring to the next council meeting. She also states that she is advertising for part-time help for the summer.


Motion by: Jarod Senger, Second by: Kelly Poole, All-yes, passed to approve removing Jermey Clemen, Colleen Finn and also Charles Nelson from the Nevis Fire Department.

Motion by: Kelly Poole, Second by: Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, passed to approve appointing Mike Marchell as the new Nevis Fire Department Chief to serve the remaining 2 year term per our Nevis City Ordinance #16.


Deputy Josh Oswald submitted his March report. He also wanted to say thank you to the Nevis First Responders for their quick response to a 911 call in the city.


Motion by: Jeanne Thompson, Second by: Rich Johnson, All-yes, passed to approve the City’s liability insurance through Illinois Casualty Company for the 2017-2018 policy period.

Reminder of the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting, April 25-28, from 8:30 – 4:30 pm held at the Hubbard County Courthouse.

Motion by: Rich Johnson, Second by: Kelly Poole, All-yes, approved to Approve Resolution No.2017-03 Authorizing Sponsorship of Trails Operated by Nevis Trailblazers Snowmobile club.


The next scheduled Liquor Store Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, April 25th at 6pm at the city hall.

ADJORNMENT- Motion: Kelly Poole, Second: Jeanne Thompson, All-Yes, Passed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by,

Dawn M. Veit


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