Dear Applicant,
Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a volunteer with Second Step.
If you decide you do want to apply then please complete the attached Volunteer Application Form and return it in the pre-paid envelope or email to
We would like to make our application process as accessible as possible. If you would like any support (due to dyslexia, learning disability or sight impairment, for example) please give us a call on 0117 909 6630 ext 225.
The volunteer recruitment process is as follows;
1)We process your application.
2)You attend an interview with our team.
3)Your DBS and reference are approved.
4)You will be required to undertake at least two days corporate induction training, with an additional days training if you are volunteering as a mentor.
5)Service Induction
We are required to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS); this is to ensure both your safety and the safety of the people that you may be working with. There is no cost involved for the volunteer. The process takes 2 – 6 weeks or longer. We will send you the details for online application if you are successful at interview. Having a criminal record will not automatically prevent you from becoming a volunteer.
We welcome applications from all potential volunteers including those with lived experience of relevant issues such as homelessness, mental health and drug / alcohol additions. Please note that you will need to have been clean and dry of substance misuse and living in stable accommodation for 6 months.
If you require any assistance in completing the form or have any queries please feel to contact us on 0117 9096630 ext 225 otherwise we look forward to receiving your application form.
Volunteer Services
Volunteer Application Form
We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds, including those with lived experience of mental
health issues, homelessness, previous alcohol/drug dependency.
Your Detailsplease complete in BLOCK CAPITALSFull name / Email
Address / Over 18? / Yes/No
(Volunteers must be over 18)
No / Home:
Postcode / Mobile:
Which is your preferred area for volunteering? / Bristol / North Somerset
Where did you hear about us? (if recommended by an organisation, please say which one):
Internet Search
Positive Step Website
Second Step Website
Bristol Mental Health
Word of Mouth
Job Centre / Advert in Big Issue
Advert in Metro
Volunteer Event
Please Specify……………………………
Please Specify…………………………….
Would you like to receive Second Step’s monthly volunteer newsletter? / By post / By email / No thank you
Volunteer Roles
Please choose your top three roles, marking your most preferred role with 1, then 2, then 3. For more information on roles please visit will do our best to match you with your preferred role and when this is not available this will be discussed with you after interview or training
Peer Mentor / Course Support
One to One Mentor / Service Feedback
(Telephone based)
Activities Facilitators
Your AvailabilityWhen are you generally available for volunteering?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
AM / / / / / / /
PM / / / / / / /
Eve / / / / / / /
How much time are you willing to give per week? / 4 hours
/ 1 day
Are you able to commit for a minimum of 12 months? Please circle / YES / NO
About YouPlease tell us more about yourself and why you are applying to volunteer at Second Step.
You may wish to write about:
-What interests you in volunteering for Second Step?
-What do you hope to gain from the experience?
-Any relevant work experience, life experience,volunteering experience or qualifications.
-Hobbies and Interests
Life Experience
We welcome applications from volunteers who have relevant personal experience of issues such as mental health issues, homelessness and previousdrug/alcohol dependency.
Have you had personal experience of drug or alcohol dependency?
If YES, have you been free from substance misuse for 6 months or more?
(If you’re on a script, please provide more details in the box below) / YES
Have you had personal experience of Mental Health issues? / YES / NO
Have you had personal experience of Homelessness? / YES / NO
If YES to any of the above, please provide more details:
Please use the space below to tell us how you look after your individual well being and how you plan to maintain your wellbeing whilst volunteering.
Support Needs
Letting us know your support needs will not necessarily stop you from volunteering but helps us to support you in your role and also match you with the volunteering opportunity that best suits you.
Do you have any particular support needs such as access or specific learning needs? / YES / NO
If YES, please specify, and detail how we can better support you to volunteer with us:
Are you currently receiving any support from services, including Second Step or are you living in supported accommodation? / YES / NO
If YES, please give details below:
Reference s
Please give the details of a person we can request a reference from who can comment on your suitability for this role. Your referee should be someone who has known you professionally, eg an employer, or support worker, who has known for at least 1 year.
If you cannot supply a referee who has known you both for 1 year and professionally, please supply two contacts. These can be people who know you well but not professionally.
Please contact us if you have any questions about references.
Name / Relationship to you
Address / Email
Job Title / How long has this person known you?
Name / Relationship to you
Address / Email
Phone Number
Job Title / How long has this person known you?
Certification and Consent
I certify that the details in this application are correct and agree that any enquiries may be made or documentation requested to substantiate all statements made by me. I give my consent to record this information confidentially, and for it to be used to identify suitable opportunities for me, and for statistical purposes.
Printed Name
Signature – Please type if completing electronically.
Shortlisting is done purely on the basis of this application form;please do not send CVs or other documentation. Please ensure that all relevant information is contained within this form.
Please complete the Equal Opportunities section on the next page.
Any information you give to Second Step on this form will be treated in the strictest confidence. We will only use this information in accordance with the Data Protection Act for the purposes of combating discrimination and encouraging diversity. This information may be stored on manual and computer files.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Any information you give to Second Step on this form will be treated in the strictest confidence. We will only use this information in accordance with the Data Protection Act for the purposes of combating
discriminationand encouraging diversity. This information may be stored on manual and computer files.
Do you consider yourself to be:
Gypsy/Romany/Irish traveller Please write in ______
Eastern European
Other White background Please write in______
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other Mixed background Please write in______
Asian or Asian British
Other Asian background Please write in______
Blackor Black British
African (Non Somali)
Other Black background Please write in______
Other ethnic group
Any Other Please write in______
Preferred not to state
Do you consider yourself to be:
Male / / Female / / Transgender / / Prefer not to state / CAGE
18-2425-34 35-44
45-54 55-64 65+
Prefer not to state
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Yes / / No / EIf Yes, how would you describe your disability?
Physical Impairment
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Deaf BSL User
Learning difficulties
Specific learning difficulties like dyslexia
Mental Health & emotional distress
Progressive disability/chronic illness
Autistic Spectrum Condition
Does not wish to disclose
Which sexuality do you identify as:
Gay / / Lesbian / Heterosexual / / Bisexual /
Prefer not to state /
GWhich Religion / belief do you most closely identify with?
OtherPlease write in______
Prefer not to state
Yes / / No / / Don’t know / / Prefer not to state / Date Form Completed