Date: July 9, 2009

Place: 3rd Floor Conference Room

500 North Calvert Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Present: Steven A. Arndt, P.E., Vice Chairman

Pastor Farinas, P.E., Secretary

Eugene C. Harvey, P.E.

Sandra J. Murphy

Others Present: Pamela Edwards, Assistant Executive Director

Milena Trust, AAG, Counsel to the Board

Harry Loleas, Deputy Commissioner

Shannon Davis, Outreach Coordinator

Dorothy Matricciani, Administrative Secretary

Absent: H. C. Harclerode, P.E., Chairman

Sallye E. Perrin, P.E.

Rosalind L. Yee


Vice Chairman Arndt called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


The minutes of the June 11, 2009 meeting were approved as submitted.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Farinas, and unanimously carried to approve 26 applications for reciprocity as follows:

Dan Austrian 37201 Mary E. Lewis 37744

Henry F. Brown 37197 William F. Livingston, Jr. 37745

John P. Certuse 37213 Warren K. McNeil 37746

Darrell R. Dean 37234 Kevin M. Milligan 37739

David L. Diefenthaler 37210 William D. Neider 37738

Kevin C. Durigon 37107 Bakht Quraish 37747

Jon W. Ebbert 37743 Lauren N. Ray 37171

Michael J. Ellis 37217 Stephen D. Ruble 37748

Richard B. Gordon 37741 Nandi R. Thakuria 37198

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Minutes – July 9, 2009

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Sean K. Hinze 37740 Charles M. Velzy 37750

Donald R. Hixson 37742 Timothy A. Warren 37749

Larry D. Jones 37156 Frank J. Weisensee 37212

George N. Khoury 37218 Charles J. Woodley 37219


Motion (II) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Ms. Murphy, and unanimously carried to go into Executive Session at 9:45 a.m., at 500 North Calvert Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. This session was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article, Title 10-508(a)(7). Upon completion of the session, the Board reconvened its public meeting at 10:40 a.m.


Mr. Farinas reported on the status of complaints and license reinstatement issues discussed by the Complaint Committee at its meeting on July 8, 2009.

05-PE-17: Under review by Assistant Attorney General’s office.

07-PE-07: Under review by Assistant Attorney General’s office.

07-PE-16: Cases under investigation.

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08-PE-04: Case under review.

08-PE-25: Investigation pending receipt of information on outcome of a civil suit.

09-PE-03: Investigation pending contact with complainant’s attorney.

09-PE-09: Consent Order signed; fine paid. Close case.

09-PE-10: Consent Order to be mailed July 9.

09-PE-11: Complaint form received from complainant. Case will be referred to


10-01-PE: Send 10-day response letter.

The Complaint Committee reviewed eight applications for reinstatement of license. The licenses were lapsed from two to seven renewal periods. The Committee recommends: reinstatement with a warning letter for two applicants; requesting additional information from five applicants; and requiring one applicant to either obtain one year of engineering work experience under a professional engineer, or obtain professional development units in Civil related matters, upon completion of which the Board will reconsider the applicant’s request for reinstatement.

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Minutes – July 9, 2009

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Motion (III) was made by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Ms. Murphy, and unanimously carried to accept the recommendations of the Complaint Committee.


·  Mr. Arndt said that he and Mr. Harclerode met with a legislative committee of the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) and discussed many of the same issues that the Board discussed regarding the two items of proposed legislation that were approved by the Board last month. Mr. Arndt said that the MSPE will have a very similar legislative agenda to the Board’s and he suspects that it will endorse the legislation proposed by the Board.


·  Ms. Trust provided, for the Board’s information, a revised draft of the 2010 proposed legislation based on the discussion at the June Board meeting. Ms. Trust said that she also sent the draft to the Secretary’s office. She will advise the Board if any issues arise.

·  At the Board’s request, Mr. Loleas reported on the status of the Special Fund. He said that the fund is somewhat spent down from last year. However, the combined Design Boards’ have experienced a 1,000 licensee growth, again, which has added additional revenue. At the Joint Chairs and Maryland Council of Design Professionals meetings there was discussion about the possibility of eliminating the application fees that are charged to new applicants. The IT initiative will continue to grow. Mr. Loleas said that the fund balance is healthy. He said that the existing appropriations are covered, and unless the Boards’ come back with expenditure initiatives beyond what they have right now, the funds should continue to be healthy. Mr. Loleas further said that another consideration would be if the engineering societies think it would be time to consider another fee reduction.

Mr. Arndt said that the need for additional staff to perform audits and other duties associated with the implementation of continuing education may also be a consideration that would impact the funds. Mr. Arndt asked Mr. Loleas to provide the Board with details concerning the budget for discussion at the August Board meeting.

·  Ms. Edwards said that the revision to the Request for Proposals (RFP) is moving along. Mr. Arndt is reviewing the scope of work section.

·  A majority of the Board members selected Annapolis for the location of the 2011 Zone Meeting. The Board discussed possible activities, one being, a tour of the Naval Yard, Marine Engineering Test facility.

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Minutes – July 9, 2009

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·  The Board reviewed a letter from Steven Matthews, Director of IT for NCEES, dated May 19, 2009, regarding the NCEES Candidate Management System which will go into effect for the October 2010 exam administration. The system will require all candidates that have been approved to take the exams to register with NCEES on their website, and will begin in July of 2010. The registration process will bring a significant enhancement to the NCEES scoring, registration, exam orders, processing and reporting systems, and will also improve overall exam security.

·  The Board reviewed a memorandum from Henn Rebane, P.E., President, NCEES, dated June 17, 2009 regarding two significant actions recently taken by the NCEES Board of Directors. They are 1) effective with the October 2010 exam administration, NCEES will not recognize proctored candidates with the exception of members of the U.S. military; and 2) beginning with the October 2010 examination, NCEES will charge, in jurisdictions where contracted, fees of $70 for each candidate taking a fundamentals examination, and $100 for each candidate taking a professional exam. The fees are exclusive of examination book and scoring fees.

·  The Board reviewed a memorandum from Garry Slatnick, Chief of General Accounting, DLLR, dated June 11, 2009, regarding personal mileage rate and meal allowances for expense reports for FY 2010.

·  The Board reviewed and discussed e-mail correspondence handed out by Ms. Edwards in response to articles in the “By-Design Newsletter.” Ms. Edwards will respond to the correspondents’ questions.


The following applications, supported by NCEES Model Law Engineer files, were administratively approved for licensure by the Acting Executive Director of the Board.

Stacy S. Barber 37207 Adam R. Kovach 37204

Wayne J. Bell 37208 Justin L. Majzel 37229

Nick S. Berte 37157 Andrew P. McConnell 37222

Preston E. Breeding 37199 Andrew W. Moore 37216

Robert L. Brungraber 37232 Kevin A. Parris 37169

Michael P. Bruns 37735 Stuart P. Patterson 37203

Derwin E. Cartmel 37205 Eric M. Rodriguez 37214

Anthony J. Castellone 37070 Christopher K. Scharff 37209

Johnny B. Dagenhart 37206 Joseph L. Stillman 37737

Randall L. Forney 37736 Jeffrey D. Trim 37231

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Minutes – July 9, 2009

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Jon D. Haack 37226 Ryan J. Teeter 37230

Jeremy D. Hollands 37227 Raymond D. Troyer 37224

Thomas D. Honer 37221 Edward O. Watts 37228

Joseph P. Huie 37733 Kevin J. Wisniewski 37225


Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Mr. Harvey, and unanimously carried to deny one application for licensure by reciprocity because the applicant did not meet the requirements for licensure in the State of Maryland.


The following applications were approved for the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination to be held October 23, 2009

Theresa Alexander Bradley J. Hartman

Yawo T. Ananga Harry H. Haywood, IV

Charles J. Angelilli Richard M. Heim

Mohammed A. Aziz Nicholas B. Kahl

Christopher H. Batzold William M. Kane

Christopher J. Bauernfeind Joseph E. Klapheke

Emre Biringen Jason M. Kranefeld

Douglas A. Blades Eric M. Kuba

Mary T. Blaschke Monte A. Lewis

Benjamin J. Bookhultz Joseph F. Lichon, Jr.

Jason R. Brunner Lesly A. McAnelly

Thomas J. Boyle Michelle S. Nelson

Angela R. Buford David T. O’Connor

Richard Butts David B. Panek

Andrew E. Cadmus Guillermo E. Perez

Kina R. Campbell Thomas Philips

Scott M. Christman Mary R. Powell

Michael G. Coughlin Adam T. Rickey

John A. Cutonilli Joshua M. Rodgers

Bryan J. Derr Jason M. Rogers

Vassil A. Draganov Colleen K. Ruhter

Lawrence J. Duffy Sunil L. Shinde

Lee E. Edgar Hamid Shirazi

Christopher J. Edwards Michael Sison

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Minutes – July 9, 2009

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Michael T. Farn Devin J. Slesicki

Jared A. Ferber Ronald J. Slutter, Jr.

Jason A. Ferner Joseph M. Smith

Michael S. Finke Andrea C. Spruch

Lee R. Fritz Michael A. Stroud

Jason A. Galli Leroy D. J. Sverduk

Robert D. Grice Blaine G. Weitzel


Motion (V) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Ms. Murphy, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

______With Corrections

____X____ Without Corrections

Signed by: Steven A. Arndt, P.E.

Vice Chairman