REGULAR (Clinical, Research, Tenure)


NAME: ______DEGREE: ______

DIVISION: ______TITLE: ______

TRACK: ______(if clinical or research, offer ltr # of yrs.____ Penultimate yr of review: ____

MENTOR: ______START DATE: ______

Task / Date Submitted / Date Completed
ReceivedOffer letter, OSUP Agreement, Schedule A, Ad, CV, malpractice pre-approval, checklist from DA
Enter faculty name onto the OAA web form K:\Faculty Appointments - SB
Forward the College checklist to Dr. Grever for signature
Send email to Dr. Bornstein for approval (Received faxed approval from COM/Provost (if Senior hire)
Email OSUP/Schedule A to Stacie Russell & Pat Tanner to approve
Submit offer letter & packet to Dr. Grever to sign
Enter candidate hire information on: K: Master Faculty List (by track)
IF SENIOR HIRE - Add faculty name to email groups, voting signini.e. IM Tenure Professors, IM Tenure Assoc Professors, IM Clinical Professors, IM Clinical Assoc Professors
ScanChair signed documentsto the K:\Faculty Appointments - SB\Division-specific offers, faculty file
CopyChair signed documents(i.e., offer letter, OSUP agreement, OSUP addendum,
Schedule A) Stamp COPY, place into manila file.
Ship hiring documents and benefits packet to candidate via UPS (Record UPS shipment in Blanket PO book) Include return ship label/UPS envelope
  • Place post it note with candidate last name on manila file
  • File into gray cabinet under PENDING UPS SHIPMENT

Email DA, Offer ltr shipped, cc: Stephanie Brooks, Lisa Dune
Receivedsigned hiring documents from candidate
  • Verify receipt of ALL signed hiring documents
  • Scanto the K:\Faculty Appointments - SB\Division-specific offers, faculty file, signed offer letter, OSUP Agreement, Schedule A, Hire Data Form and DMA form,
  • Make 2 copies of the signed offer letter, 1 copy of everything else, (excluding Hire Data Form)
  • Stamp COPYfor file. (1 copy of LOO to Lisa Dune)

CAMPUS mail a copy of the signed offer letter to: Dr. Mekhjian, Medical Staff
******* DO NOT SEND if a PhD candidate*********
CAMPUS mail originalOSUP Agreement and Schedule A to: Alisa Schueneman,
OSUP Human Resources
Email DA signed copy of the signed offer letter, OSUP Agreement, Schedule A, Hire Data Form and DMA form
cc: Stephanie Brooks, Lisa Dune, Heather Brod, Kim Steele,(Stacie Russell, LLC payroll – if pd by LLC)
Create a newhanging jacket - by track Clinical-Green Tenure-Orange
Paid Auxiliary-Yellow Research-Violet
  • Insert manila file folders

  • Completed Hiring documents into manila file folders (hiring info, P&T, Schedule A)
  • Remove any documents which were copied prior to receiving ALL signatures
  • Completed checklistinto checklist folder in faculty recruitment gray cabinet

K:\Faculty Checklists\Checklist - Regular Faculty Appts.doc Updated 10/16/2018