Municipality of Grey Highlands
Memo Re: Planning Report PL.06.146
December 18th, 2006
Application Details:Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z35/2006
Location:Lot 6, Concession 6
(In the Former Township of Osprey)
Property Owner:Henry and Leah Martin
(Agent: Aaron Sherk)
Grey County Official Plan:Agricultural
Grey Highlands Official Plan:Agricultural
Zoning By-Law 2004-50:Agriculture (A1) and Restricted Agriculture (A2)
Purpose:To amend the Municipality of Grey Highlands Zoning By-law No. 2004-50 to permit the establishment of a small-scale commercial / industrial shop on the property.
Effect:To change the zone symbol within the Municipality of Grey Highlands Comprehensive
Zoning By-law No. 2004-50 on Schedule ‘A-9’ from Agriculture (A1) and Restricted
Agriculture (A2) to Agriculture (A1), Restricted Agriculture (A2) and Rural Commercial
(C4) as shown on Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
1.0Public Meeting (November 27th, 2006):
A favorable Planning Report was provided to the Planning Committee as part of the Public Meeting
on November 27th, 2006 supporting the passage of a By-law to permit a small-scale commercial /
industrial operation on the property. Only one (1) member of the public was present for the Public
Meeting on this file.
The subject lands are located on Lot 6, Concession 6, in the former Township of Osprey. The lands are
presently used for agricultural purposes. The Property Owner has requested permission to locate a small-
scale use on the property for the purposes of providing supplemental farm income.
3.0Planning Analysis:
A number of planning issues were reviewed as part of this application.
- Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement (March 2005)
- Consistency with the Intent and Policies of the Municipality of Grey Highlands Official Plan
- Permitted uses on the lands and land use compatibility.
- MDS I Formulae
4.0Comments Received (Summary):
The County of Grey Planning Department:
See attached.
The County of Grey Transportation and Public Safety Department:
The Grey County TAPS Department has reviewed the above noted Zoning Amendment and have the following comments:
We have no objection with the proposed change in use of the property provided the Applicant is aware of the following:
- A permit will be required if upgrades or changes to the entrance are necessary. Any changes must be completed prior to the establishment opening for business.
- The appropriate entrance design will be determined by the specific nature of the business.
The Grey Sauble Conservation Authority:
The GSCA has reviewed this application in accordance with our mandate and policies for Natural Hazards and the Memorandum of Agreement with this Municipality. We generally have no objection to the subject application based on it being a dry industrial use.
The property is located in a predominantly agricultural area with slightly rolling topography. There are wooded areas toward the rear of the property. The proposed shop is located in the vicinity of the existing buildings.
The subject property is not affected by the Conservation Authority’s Development, Interference with Wetlands, and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (Ontario Regulation 151/06, effective May 4, 2006).
There were no Natural Hazards identified on the property. There were no significant natural heritage issues identified in the area proposed for the shop.
The Municipality of Grey Highlands Septic Department:
Please be advised that the Septic Department of the Municipality of Grey Highlands have no objections to an application for Septic Approval as long as placement follows regulation guidelines.
That Council proceed with the passage of a Zoning By-law Amendment at this time.
Lorelie Spencer, Ba.U.R.Pl.
Municipal Planner
2006 / 12 / 18
Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z35/2006 – Henry Martin (Agent: Aaron Sherk)