Caldecott Reading Stars
Calling all 2nd graders…
Lake Pointe Library is inviting all second graders to join our reading club called the Caldecott Reading Stars. To be successful, we need parents to help!
Participating is fun and easy. Here is all you need to do:
v Encourage your child to read Caldecott winning books (gold or silver medal winners from any year).
v After your child has read the book, have them complete a “Caldecott Reading Stars List” form. Forms are available in the library or on the Library webpage under “Reading Programs”
v When your child has read 10 Caldecott winning books, return the form to the library or to the teacher.
v When your child has read his/her first 10 books, he/she will get a star placed on the wall in the library.
v For every 10 books read after that, the student will earn another star.
v The last day to turn in forms is Friday, February 3rd. On Thursday, February 9th, your child will be presented with a certificate if he/she has read at least 10 books. More than 20 books earns the student a Level 1 award, and more than 30 also earns a Level 2 award.
You do not have to use our library books as long as the book has won a Caldecott Medal. If your child has read the book before, he/she needs to read it again to receive credit. A list of Caldecott winners can be found at
Thank you so much for your help!
Deborah Foster
Name: ______Teacher: ______
Caldecott Reading Stars List
I have read the following Caldecott Medal Books:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
Turn this list into your teacher or the library and get a star placed on the library bulletin board. If you want to read more, pick up a new list from the library and start all over again. Every 10 books earn you another star.
Deadline for all lists is Friday, February 3rd.
Parent signature ______